Amitis asked the reason behind Artuni's sadness.

Artunis replied, "Cyrus was going to invade Yudush kingdom. The kingdom of Yudush was a mystery. It's landforms, forests almost everything. It was surrounded by valleys and forests. Its mystery was its strength with which it has been prevailing as an unconquerable kingdom since from its rise. Failure was the result for every kingdom which tried to conquer it. The details which we had collected were not enough, and we haven't got an exact hint about their secret success technique in the battle. It was the passion for our army under Cyrus to conquer Yudush and as per our plan already, our army returned to the capital after conquering Archosia to get better plan and strength to conquer Yudush. 

More than that, our plan was to wait for the mid of summer at Yudush. Since more than half of the battle area would be covering those dense forests and also as per our guess that forest was their success secret. It would be favorable for our army to advance making the use of the climate which could help us to view that dense forest somewhat clearly.

Cyrus told that he had made plans so that our army could withstand at any difficult situation. But this was the first time Cyrus was going to a battle without me. Without any doubt, Cyrus was a successful warrior. He cares for everyone in our army but he never cared for himself, his safety. He knew that showing kindness in the battle field was against our rules but many times his kind heart fails to follow it and most of the times that kindness had driven him towards many dangerous traps. And he refused my request to accompany him to the battle field. I was like a warrior without hands. I was afraid of failing on my duty and the promise which our family had with the king's family to safeguard them at every situation." Saying his eyes filled with tears.

It was the very first time for Amitis to see tears in his brother's eyes, more than that she was worried to see tears in the eyes of a brave warrior.

She could understand the love and responsibility of her brother on Cyrus as well as on the king and the kingdom.

Amitis said, "Brother, for every problem there will be a solution. Don't worry", other than this she found no other words to console him.

Artunis refused to eat.

Amitis convinced him to eat saying," Brother, please eat to get well soon then only you could join with the Royal prince to conquer the world happily."

Anyhow Artunis was convinced by her words and he had the dinner as well as the medicines.

Amitis left to her room but her eyes and mind refused to sleep since it was ruminating about Cyrus and the invasion against Yudush.

Cyrus returned to Perspolis.

The memories of Amitis went in to his subconscious mind as he was busy with  the war preparations.

But he felt  some vacant place in his heart and he was unable to be happy even though he was surrounded with each and every sources of happiness. He was unable to sort the reason behind the happenings inside him.

One night as he was suffering without sleep he came out of his room and roamed around his balcony. The cool breeze caressed his face and his eyes noticed the full moon at the sky.  At once his lips started to smile and his heart began to jump in joy as his mind had found out the reason behind the feelings which he was confused about and it was 'Amitis'.

He understood that the vacant space inside him was the place of his heart, which he had already left with Amitis. 

After that night, he used to rush to his balcony soon after the rise of the full moon as he felt like seeing Amitis in it.

But one day he noticed the waning moon on the sky, he wanted it to be as a full moon forever. 

He smiled at himself thinking about his craziness on Amitis, which had driven him to make a wish to change the nature.

And finally the war preparations got over and Cyrus with his armies and commanders started from Perspolis to invade Yudush with their infantry, archery and cavalry.

After some days, the army reached the border of the Yudush kingdom.

As expected most of the battle field area was covered with the threatening and dense forests  and the remaining were grasslands.

The Menidian army camped at a distance from the battle field.

As the Yudush Empire informed that they were ready for the battle and they camped against the Menidian army.

As the Yudush army was near the forest, more than half of their army was inside the Forest.

Cyrus was on Arsama in his black Armor suite with spear and swords. His commanders and warriors were ready for the Battle. The Yudush army was led by it's chief commander, who was in a chariot.The Battle started and the infantry of the Yudush army rushed towards the Menidian army with Axes, swords and spears followed by their cavalry. The Menidian archers showered arrow rains on the Yudushian army. And the Menidian infantry  and cavalry smashed the Yudushian cavalry as well as their infantry.

As the battle proceeds by, the Arrows of Cassander and Smerdis crushed the Yudushian Cheif commander and the Yudhishian army started to flee inside the forests and the Menidian cavalry started to chase them.

The fact was that the fleeing away of the Yudushian army was a strategy to trap the Menidian army.

The Menidian cavalry advanced in to the forests, the mystery of Yudush in three directions.

The cavalry towards south east was led by Cassander and the cavalry towards northeast was led by Smerdis.

Cyrus with Arses advanced towards east. At the very instant of his entry inside the forest, Cyrus saw one of his cavalry man falling down from his horse as he tried to escape from a spear thrown by the enemy. Cyrus rushed towards the warrior and helped him to climb on his horse simultaneously killing the enemy who tried to kill him with his sword. Arses advanced inside the forest thinking that Cyrus was advancing behind him. But the fact was they were separated inside the forest. Cyrus was in a place where the concentration of the enemies was high.

At a point, when Cyrus was furiously fighting with the Yudush cavalry men. The Yudush warriors were silently killing menidian warriors who were at the back of Cyrus in order to attack him from behind. By the time, a Yudush warrior rushed behind Cyrus with a spear pointing towards him.

When the warrior was about to stab Cyrus, a Menidian warrior defended Cyrus by stabbing a spear in to the Yudush warrior's throat.

Cyrus turned back hearing the defending sound of swords behind him and he saw a warrior cutting off the heads of two cavalry men at one shot.

He realized that there was a trap behind him and within a fraction of second the warrior turned to face him. The warrior was wearing the same armor suite of the Menidian army, but the face of the warrior was covered with a black cloth which was not in practice.

Cyrus looked at the warrior's eyes which were burning like a fire as it was the only thing visible under the helmet.

His mind alarmed him saying that it had seen the same eyes before.

As he was looking at the warrior, the warrior crossed Cyrus and started to chase and smash the enemy cavalry men.

Cyrus rushed behind the warrior started to fight along with the warrior.

At every possible instant he tried to look at the warrior's eyes but it seemed the warrior avoided his eye contact.

It seemed like they were defending each other. But the warrior tried to maintain distance from him. It also seemed like a competition between them on killing enemies as they were swift like a wind in smashing the enemies. By the time, they had killed almost all cavalry men of that enemy cavalry concentrated spot. In the midst of the heavy battle the heart of Cyrus was racing to see the face of the warrior since those eyes seemed familiar to him.

At an instant, Cyrus trapped the warrior near a tree. But All of a sudden they heard the sound of Elephants trumpet, the mystery of the Yudush was revealed and it was their powerful Elephantry.

The Yudush king was on the Chief elephant and it seemed that it had already smashed the warriors who had advanced inside the forest before.

The war elephants came in to the spot and it was the very first time for the Menidians to face war elephants.
