I heard the trumpet of the elephants.

I had seen this animal in one of the painting done by my teacher, he told that his chief commander was an expert in taming elephants and he had a great interest in using it for war. And my teacher had taught everything about this animal. I know to control this animal and I also know to kill that wicked king who was sitting on the chief elephant.

I saw Cyrus and I knew the thoughts in his mind at that instant and I also knew that he cannot defeat the elephants with his strategies. 

I sensed the trumpet of the elephants and I concluded that it was advancing only towards our direction and the Menidian warriors at the other directions were safe.

I don't want to rush to Cyrus because he was standing next to me.

I went to him and told the way to defeat the elephants and I lit up my torch and put up a fire on the dry leaves of the trees.

I knew that he heard my voice but as I'm sure that he would have forgotten me.But even if he does remember me, I don't want to care about it, since I'm excited on fulfilling my promise to my teacher and I would be leaving Cyrus as soon as he enter the palace and celebrate his victory with our warriors.

Our Menidian warriors started to advance and they started to wound the elephants.As I expected the elephants started to kill their own soldiers.

On seeing that wicked king, the words of my teacher echoed in my mind, my teacher had told me that the king was an expert in Ambush (hide attack) and I have to be swift in my attack. I rushed towards the king and I saw him on the chief elephant which was standing under a tree with number of bee hives above his head.

It seemed that he was unaware of those beehives, since he was shocked by the unexpected counter attack of Menidia and also his concentration was completely on Cyrus.

I shot my arrows on the beehives above his head, his chief elephant collapsed and it trampled on its own mahout.

The wicked king fell on the ground escaping the trample of his elephant. But I saw him raising up and rushing towards Cyrus and I also noticed Cyrus who was rushing in his horse to swipe the head of that wicked king with his sword.

But I know the way to fulfill the wish of my teacher. I mean, I wanted to kill that wicked king by myself. But I know that if I kill him in front of our warriors, I would be found out.

My teacher had taught me to do things within a blink of an eye, so I shot my arrow to enter that wicked king's throat just before the sword of Cyrus swiped his head to the ground. For the world, the Yudushian king died in the hands of Cyrus. But the truth was, it was me who killed the Yudushian king. I realized that nobody had noticed my arrow since I did it exactly in an eye blink moment.

My arrow overtook Cyrus's sword within a fraction of second and killed him. I never wanted the credit of killing that wicked tyrant. I did just for my teacher and Cyrus. Actually I'm grateful to Cyrus and Artunis for giving me this opportunity to fulfill the promise to my teacher.

But I know that my duty was not finished yet. I looked at Cyrus and found him in the middle of celebrating warriors. I joined the warriors and entered the kingdom and then the palace.

In the palace I joined the soldiers who were escorting Cyrus. I took a shield and covered my black cloth covered face, since I was the odd one out. But I noticed a dagger rushing towards Cyrus. I pushed Cyrus away and it entered my shoulders.

When I looked at Cyrus to ensure his safety, he was already looking at me, "what can I do with those eyes of him which was penetrating me more than the dagger in my shoulder."

His glance at me weakened my hands and I was unable to remove that dagger from my shoulder.

But I noticed Cyrus looking at me without blinking his eyes. I just wanted to get away from his glance and I ran to hide myself behind a pillar.

I saw the warriors taking him to the balcony and he started to celebrate his victory.

As I knew that the Yudushian people disliked their tyrant king and they would be happy on knowing that they were safe in the hands of Menidia. I was confident that Cyrus would be safe thereafter.

I did my duty and I fulfilled the promise which I made to my teacher and Artunis. I rushed to Pirus as I wanted to go to Pairidaeza, to tell this happy news to make my brother happy. But it was bleeding  heavily in my left shoulder.

I saw Pirus standing next to Arsama, I pat on Arsama's head and climbed on my Pirus.

Nobody was watching me as they were celebrating the victory of Cyrus.

I rushed towards the North West direction. On the way I took out the dagger from my shoulder and my blood flooded from my wound.

And after some time I asked Pirus to slow down since I felt dizziness and I realized that I'm losing my conscious.

I don't know what happened then, but now I can feel that I'm lying in a bed.

Suddenly Amitis got her conscious, and opened her eyes (as her mind thinks) "lying on a bed? I'm lying on a bed? How was it possible? I was not in my armor suit. Who took me here? I'm sure that I was caught in some unwanted place? I know what to do. When I opened my eyes, I noticed a balcony on my right side, now I will get up and run away to my Pairidaeza."

Saying I managed to tolerate my pain and I got up swiftly facing the direction of the balcony which I had noticed to escape and I started to run with all my energy. I never looked around the room and I don't want to notice people in that room. But now I wanted to escape.

I stood still when I heard the voice of Cyrus whom I had not noticed, "Amitis where are you going?"

I know that this moment would be the most awkward moment in my life. I understood that I was caught by Cyrus.

I turned back to look at Cyrus; And I saw him standing beside the bed looking at me with those penetrating eyes. 
