She turned back with fear and she sighed when she saw Cyrus coming towards her.

She ran to him and hugged him.

Cyrus embraced her in his arms and lifted her such that her feet were above the ground.

They kissed each other and they stayed hugging silently for some more time.

Later he dropped her and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Amitis replied innocently, "A maid said that you are waiting at the top of the tower to meet me that's why I came here."

Cyrus in his heart, rewound the moments which happened just before.

Cyrus who had been told by a soldier that he was called by Arses who was in charge of the protection on the left side of the Royal audience, left his seat and went to meet him, but met him on his way and he realized that something dangerous was in progress when Arses replied that he haven't called him.

But to avoid the ruin of the peace in the celebration Cyrus managed Arses by telling something and left to his place.

When he returned he noticed Amitis who was not at her place at once he rushed to the corridor behind the Royal women audience and he noticed Amitis who has been walking fast in the corridor and disappearing in to the steps to the down stairs.

Cyrus ran behind her and he was unable to call out her name since she has been walking too far in front of him.

He was confused when he noticed her entering in to the tower.

He ran in to the tower and found her standing with fearful eyes at the top most balcony of the tower.

Any how he sensed her tensed heart and frozen body because of fear and continued to hug her to bring her to normal state.

Her reply to his question made him to realize that Amitis had undergone a trap and he was unable to guess the person behind the trap. But he didn't want to make her realize that something was going wrong.

So Cyrus brought out his naughty smile saying, "Yes I did so just to make you realize how much I missed you today."

She rested her head on his chest saying, "I too missed you a lot."

He embraced her in his arms and he stood quietly with her and they returned to the palace later.

While returning Cyrus asked Amitis, "Amitis I wish to see that maid who conveyed my message to you. I just wanted to give her a gift."

Amitis pursed her lips saying, "I can't remember her clearly but if I find her I will bring her to you." saying she smiled like a kid.

Cyrus pats her head with a smile but he felt sad thinking that Amitis was in danger. He wanted her to advise her to have her sword with her always from then but he feared that it might frighten her and he decided to convey that advice on the next day.

Finally the celebrations got over after midnight and after that the King and the Queen called Amitis to them and they gave their blessings to her along with lots and lots of royal gifts on their behalf.

Amitis left the Royal palace in a chariot followed by loads of gifts from the King and the Queen.

Cyrus who has been standing at the steps of the palace kept looking at Amitis with a heavy heart thinking that if he haven't found her at the right time, she would had faced the trap which might had made to kill her.

His mind kept on roaming to get a hint of a person who was behind the trap and his eyes kept on searching the soldier who told him that Arses was in need of him.

Cyrus was unable to sleep that night since he wanted to inform his father about the happenings that night and he decided to inform the matter to the king as well as to deal with the matter so seriously.

The next day when he woke up he realized that he was too late to meet the king (his father) regarding the happenings of the last night.

He got ready and rushed to the royal court.

When he entered the corridor which led to the Royal court, his friends joined him.

And they informed him that the king had called them to the royal court then.

While they entered the court they sensed that the king has been discussing with Datis, the chief commander of the king's army.

They went to the king and bowed to show their respect.

The King nodded and the king started to talk, "There was an emergency in the South east coastal boundary of our empire. We have got information that there were pirates who have been looting merchant ships. Because of those pirates the life of people who were living along the coastal areas was at risk. I had discussed everything with Datis and we had decided to send you all with our Navy to solve the problem there. Your armies have to start from Perspolis today." Saying the King got up from the throne.

Cyrus felt broken inside since he was unable to convey the most important message about the happenings of the last night to the king and also he was aware that it was not the right time for him to convey it thought there was an emergency.

Cyrus stood quiet looking at the floor. The only image in his eyes was Amitis.

And before leaving the king went to Cyrus and he tapped his shoulders, Cyrus looked at the king and he smiled at him, "Cyrus I promise that the day when you return to Perspolis would be your wedding day." Saying he went away and Datis followed the King.

On hearing the King's declaration about the wedding of Cyrus, Arses, Smerdis and Cassander celebrated it but Artunis sensed the disappointment in the face of Cyrus.

By the time Cyrus rushed Artunis, Arses, Smerdis and Cassander to plan the war strategies for the eradication of the Pirates.

After discussing about the plans Artunis took Cyrus for a walk and he inquired about the problem in his mind.

Cyrus opened up everything to Artunis and Artunis consoled him saying that Amitis was able to protect herself and they planned to increase the protection of Amitis before leaving Perspolis.

Artunis sensed that Cyrus didn't want to scare Amitis by warning her to be protected and he promised that he would be concealing the matter with him.

Cyrus went to meet Amitis at the palace of Artunis. He rushed to her room at the first floor of the palace.

When he entered her room, he saw her combing her hair standing in front of the Mirror at her room.

On seeing him she dropped the comb and ran to him.

He hugged her as if there was no tomorrow.

He kissed her like a mother who found her lost child.

Amitis kept giggling like a child. But her giggling sound kept on telling him that he was going to miss her.

After some time she tried to leave her hold saying, "My brother would be returning to the palace shortly."

But he replied, "No he was busy at the Royal palace." Saying he tightened his hold which made her to sense that he didn't want her to leave him.

After some time Cyrus lifted her in his arms and made her to lie on the bed.

At once when she saw his eyes she realized that he was in a sad mood.

She kept on looking at his eyes and he kept on looking at her beautiful face.

She cupped his face in her hands asking, "Are you alright?"

He buried his face on her shoulders which made her to realize that he something was terribly wrong.

Later Cyrus told her about the new duty for which he would be leaving that evening and about their wedding day which has been promised by the king.

Amitis hugged Cyrus in happiness when she heard about their wedding day but his face kept on showing sad expression.

She tried her best to console him more than that she told things to see smile in his lips but he kept on looking at her with his sad eyes.

He realized that she has been trying to make her happy.

He hugged her saying," Amitis, you are not supposed to leave this palace at any cost. You must keep your sword with you always."

She stopped him in the middle and looked at his face saying, "Why are you saying all these things?"

Cyrus replied, "I was worried thinking of you. As Artunis and myself was leaving Perspolis I was worried since I feel that there was nobody to take care of you"

But Cyrus in his mind (Amitis now I was unable to believe even my father the king, my situation has been making me to suspect even my mother and father as the persons who were trying to kill you. I don't know the way to make you at the safest side. But I wish you should be safe as always.)

Amitis tapped his shoulder," My sweet heart, don't worry. I was alone at my Pairidaeza palace. I don't need anyone to take care of me. But return to me as soon as possible. Don't make me to miss you so much. I love you Cyrus." Saying she kissed him.

On hearing his name in her silky voice he smiled at her at once. She smiled at him since she felt happy on seeing him smiling.

She rested her head on his chest and he kept on caressing her head.

Amitis said, "I think I'm going to sleep now."

Cyrus replied, "Okay I'll make my Queen to sleep with my stories." Saying he started to say some old love tales.

Amitis kept on responding to the story for some time and later she felt asleep in his arms.

He realized that it was time for him to leave.

He made her to lie on the bed and he kept on staring at her for a long time.

He left her after kissing her at the forehead. He felt that it was his last time with her. He tried to overcome that feeling which kept on killing him from inside but he failed every time when he tried to do so.

He left the palace after giving instructions to the additional soldiers whom he had arranged for the protection of Amitis.

He was not in a mind to move away from Amitis but his royal duty compelled him to leave Perspolis.

At evening Cyrus left Perspolis with his friends in the Naval Ships.

Within four days the Navy found the Pirates and within two days the Menidian Navy crushed entire the pirate band in to pieces.

At the night of victory Cyrus woke up from sleep after a horrible dream.
