
~Four Human Years Later~

"Mission complete, Jin."Amber grinned at Seokjin,"Well done..."

Seokjin smiled,

"That was pretty easy..."

Amber raised an eyebrow at him.

She got a scroll out of thin air.

"For your new mission..."

She opened it, and her eyes widened.

".....oh my god."

Seokjin was curious,

"What's wrong?"

Amber shrugged and smiled.

"Nothing... Just sign this up and go back to earth for your mission....again.."

She handed the scroll to Seokjin.

Seokjin read it.

"Kim Seokjin:

You have to fetch a human called Kim Namjoon. He's a dark child. Bring Jeon Jungkook, Kim Taehyung, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Min Yoongi and Ariyah Mizushima on the way."

"Kim Namjoon...."Seokjin repeated,"I remember that name ringing in my head four years ago..."

Amber nodded.

"But why should I bring the rest of you?"Seokjin asked.

Amber bit her lip worriedly.

I messed up really, really bad..., Amber thought.

She shrugged.

"Let's go... Call the others.."


The seven of them were transported into a place in earth called Seoul, South Korea.

"Ah, I remember this place... It was all hazy, though..."Yoongi said.

Jimin nodded, and pointed at a school.

"I remember going to that school..."

"Okay, let's just assist Seokjin to complete his mission, and we're done. We're going back ."Amber said and started walking.

"Why is she acting cold?"Jungkook asked.

Hoseok shrugged.

"Maybe she's on her period or something...."Taehyung said.

Jin laughed.

Of course, Amber heard all of it, she just rolled her eyes and kept on walking.

They strolled around town, and stopped at a nearby coffee shop.

They entered the Café, and Amber just realized that she made a really big mistake.

"No!"She suddenly shouted.

Everyone eyed her.

"What's wrong?"Hoseok asked.

"We need to get out of here..."She said.

"What? Why?"Jimin asked.

"Good morning!"

A small girl about four years of age greeted them.

"Oh hello there, little one..."Jungkook smiled.

"That kid looks familiar..."Yoongi commented.

Seokjin kneeled down at the kid.

"Hello... Do you work here? You look really cute in that uniform..."Seokjin smiled.

"Yeah!"The kid said proudly,"Appa and Eomma are handling the shop... But I'm just helping..."

"Cute...."Jin sighed,"What's your name?"

"Kim Jineul."

The kid replied.

Seokjin found that name very familiar.

Amber was in a panic mode.

Taehyung took a tight grip of Amber's hand.

"I know. Calm down. Let's just face the reality that they are meant to be together."Taehyung mumbled, only Amber can hear.


"Shh."Taehyung shushed her.

"What's your order, si-"Namjoon asked at the counter, and looked at the people in front of them.

His eyes widened.


Seokjin looked at him.

Then, everything flashed in all of their heads.

They remembered everything.

Namjoon cannot believe his eyes.

He don't know if he'll pass out because all of the people in front of him were already dead, or to be happy again.

"It's been a long time... You managed the café well..."Jin said,"Is this your daughter?"

Namjoon nodded,

"He survived and made it out to this world because you saved Hana..."

Jin smiled.

"Byebye!"Jineul waved and went to their house, which is just beside the café.

Namjoon and the others sat at a nearby table, because there are no new costumers yet.

Seokjin and Namjoon don't know what to do or say to each other.

"How are you here? What are you doing here? Are you ghosts or something?"Namjoon asked.

"It's a long story. But yeah.. We're ghosts... Kinda.."Yoongi said,"To make all that long story short, we became angels like Amber... And we have a mission here.."

"...oh.."Namjoon said,"Then good luck with that mission of yours..."

"Appa!"Jineul went at Namjoon.

"What is it?"Namjoon asked his daughter sweetly.

"A man entered our house.... He.. He hit Eomma..."Jineul said.

Namjoon's eyes widened and ran out of the café without any hesitation.

The angels just looked at each other and knew what was gonna happen.

"Jin... Follow him... Do your mission..."Amber said.

Seokjin nodded, stood up, and took a deep breath.

He went out of the coffee shop.

Seokjin silently entered Namjoon's house.




Seokjin peeked at a small opening at the door.

There was a buff, muscular guy, pointing a gun at Namjoon.

The dude must've been in drugs or something...., Seokjin thought.

Hana was on the floor, begging at the guy to stop.


"No, sweetie..."The dude said,"I'm gonna kill them and make you all mine..."


The dude shot Namjoon on the chest.

Hana cried.

Jineul was crying too.

The guy was about to shoot the little girl, but Namjoon dragged himself to his daughter, hugged her, and he got shot on the back many times.

Seokjin still has feelings for Namjoon, despite of him being a dark child.

And he should get used on seeing these kind of things, but he couldn't bear it because it was Namjoon.

Seokjin snapped his fingers, and the dude was knocked out.

"Wake up, dark child."Seokjin said in a hushed voice.

He saw the soul of Namjoon left his body.

Seokjin smiled.

"I'm done."


"So.... This will be your story, Ms. Ariya Mizushima?"

The man raised his eyebrow at the girl, and Ariya just nodded.

The man sighed,

"Okay. It's a good thing that you passed your project in the right time. You may go now, Mizushima."

Ariya bowed, and then went out of her teacher's room.

She felt good about the project that she made.

Ariya went out of the school, and decided to have a walk on the park.

As she was walking, she heard something.

"Watch where you're going!"

A voice of a boy said that.

Ariya turned to look for the owner of that voice, and found a brown haired, broaded shoulder guy, and a tall, silver haired guy.

They seemed to bump against each other.

Ariya examined the two from afar, and a smirk formed across her lips.

"Kim Namjoon and Kim Seokjin..."

She said, and sighed,

"Wherever I go, you guys are such a couple. Well, you're not in my mission anymore.... You're in a different dimension now, so.. I'm outta here."

And she dissappeared, leaving Namjoon and Seokjin, not even aware of her.

"The first person that I met in this town is a complete asshole..."

Seokjin grumbled to himself as he walked away frim Namjoon.

<<End of Story>>




So.. To let you know, I changed the ending of this story into this. 😂

Anddd, if you noticed, the ending of this story was the beginning of my "I'm not Straight" fanfic. If you read that, you get what I mean.


So I hope that you enjoyed reading this story (even though it's not really good but thanks for reading this klunk story tho 😂)

Aaaaaand, ILYSM! MWAH. ( ˘ ³˘)❤

