
I still can't get over the the fact that Namjoon knows A.

Damn it. We knew who A is.

I'll not think about it, and keep my mouth shut or else I'll disappear alongside with A.

So I just shrugged it off and went to sleep.

I was about to sleep, when my phone rang.

"What?"I asked.

"Hey."I heard Namjoon's voice.

"What?"I said again.

"Today is such a weird day."Namjoon said.

"I know, right?"I said,"Why did you call?"

"Well... With all these weird things that happened to us, maybe we could hang out a bit?"Namjoon said,"Just the two of us.."

"Oh.... Wait.. are you.. ARE YOU ASKING ME OUT ON A DATE?"I freaked out.

"Yep, that's it."Namjoon said, I can imagine him grinning.

"I have work."I said,"And you do too."

"Well tomorrow is Saturday. I do not have work. And I'll call Taehyung that he'll manage the shop tomorrow. He'll call Jungkook and Jimin over."Namjoon said.

I sighed.


I smiled.

"Hey. Get up. You have a visitor."My brother threw me a pillow.

I groaned,

"Who is it?"

"Kim Namjoon. He seems to be a good guy."My brother said.

My mind processed what he said and I immediately jumped out of my bed to the bathroom to take a bath and ready myself.

I dried my hair and let it loose, and I wore the white shirt, jeans, and the red Converse that Namjoon gave me.

I looked at myself in the mirror.

I applied BB cream, lip gloss, and a little amount of eyeliner.

I really need the help of A now.

What to do next?


After I thought of that, I felt bad.

I breathed deeply,

"She is not gonna disappear. We're helping her complete her mission."

And I went out of my room.

"Ooh, that took you.... Uh.. Thirty minutes.. You're fast.."Namjoon said,

"Most girls that I hung out with took three hours."He whispered at me.

I rolled my eyes.

I got my sling bag.

"Oppa, we're going."I said.

"I didn't agree with it...yet.."My brother said.

"What? I'm not a kid anymore."I said.

"Nah, you're still our little princess."My brother said,"I talked to this guy, and he didn't ask me for permission."

"Uh, can I take your sister out, hyung?"Namjoon said.

My brother raised an eyebrow at Namjoon.
"Well at least bring me something from your date..."My brother said.

Namjoon nodded.

"Yes sir."

"You're horrible."I mumbled, referring to my brother.

"Okay, you have my permission now, but don't stay out too late with your boyfriend,princess.."My brother winked.

Namjoon chuckled, and I just stood there, feeling angry.

"Aww.. She's blushing~"My brother teased.

"No I'm not.."I said,"Let's go."

I dragged Namjoon out of my apartment and into his car.

"Your brother is cool..."Namjoon said.

"Psh."I rolled my eyes, Namjoon just laughed and started driving.

We were silent through the whole ride.

Namjoon parked his car in a hill.

This place is familiar.

Namjoon went out of the car, and opened the door for me.

"Thanks,"I said, going out of the car,"This place is familiar."

"Well.. This is where I brought you when you had that period of yours..."Namjoon said,"Anyways, I brought you some food.."

"Oh..."I said,"That's... A lot.."

"Well you eat a lot..."Namjoon said,"And eat more than that when you're on your period."

I laughed.

Namjoon lay a cloth on the grass.

"Picnic?"I asked.

"Seems like that..."Namjoon said,"We'll buy souvenirs for your brother after this."

I sat across Namjoon, and ate a burger.

Namjoon did the same too.

We ate in silence.

The view is breathtaking here, so maybe Namjoon was so into the view he didn't say anything.

"So.. Did you ask Taehyung how was Amber?"I asked, interrupting the silence.

"Uh..Yeah. He said she's fine, but she's a little bit sick, though... She worked with Taehyung at the café even he told her not to..."Namjoon answered.

I think we both know what's inside our heads now.

"She's A."

But we didn't dare mention her.

"Is she a transferee there in your school?"I asked.

Namjoon nodded.

"She has something, though..."He said,and shook his head,"Let's change the topic.Maybe Amber became really sick because we're talking about her."

"I know, right. Maybe she gets really sick if she found out that we know about... I mean...We know that she's kinda cool."I laughed.

Namjoon nodded.

Again, there was silence.

"So... About what Hana said... Do you really... Like me?"I asked,"I mean, we just met for like... Three weeks."

"Then so what? I like you because that's that's what my heart told me so."Namjoon said.

"Actually, It's the hypothalamus."I said.

"Psh. Whatever. This isn't Science."Namjoon said.

"Oh, by the way.. What subject do you teach?"I asked.

"Grade 9 Science and Grade 10 Math."Namjoon said.

"Well damn, how can you do that? I'm amazed."I said,"You really are smart."

Namjoon laughed.

"But I'm dumb when it comes to love."Namjoon said.

"Hmm.. There you go, drama boy."I said, putting some fries in his mouth,"Eat up. You're not you when you're hungry."

"But it's true.."Namjoon chewed and swallowed the fries, and then looked at me.

We just stared at each other.

He's leaning in closer to me.

No, don't tell me like this will be like those lovey dovey scenes in dramas.

Anyway, my face heated up.

He's not stopping.

Oh my God.

He was about to close the gap between us when I dodged my head, and he kissed the air instead.

"Oh, there's a hamburger left."I said and ate the burger.

It's just too awkward....kissing a boy... When you were a boy....

Namjoon sighed,

"Let's go."

He smiled.

I nodded and cleaned the place, placed the trash in the nearest trash bin, and entered Namjoon's car.

We drove to the mall.

"What is your brother's shoe size?"Namjoon asked.

I just realized that we're in front of some Yeezy Boost shoes..

"Oh... I don't know... Maybe he's the same as yours.. You're about the same height..."I said.

Namjoon nodded.

After I said that I realized how expensive the shoes are.

My eyes widened, and I shook my head.

"Ah, no thanks! Just don't buy-"I said, and saw Namjoon at the counter, paying for it.

"What the... He's fast..."I said.

Namjoon just winked at me and I blushed.

"So... How's your date going?"

I turned back, and saw Yoongi.

"Y-Yoongi..."I said,"Uhh.. we're not... We're not-"

"Yes, we are."Namjoon said, putting his arm around my shoulders.

Yoongi just looked at us, and sighed.

"Whatever. The girl denied it."Yoongi grinned and left.

"Let's go."Namjoon dragged me into the carpark, into his car, and drove towards a ship port or something.

We sat at the edge, and looked at the sea.

Time flies so fast.

We were just silent, enjoying the view.

No one said a thing.

"So... About Yoongi-hyung..."Namjoon said, but was cut off by the heavy rain.

"Well... Damn."Namjoon said, removed his jacket, and put it on me.

"Let's bring you home. Damn this rain."Namjoon laughed.

"Let's play."I smiled.

"What? Lady, you're an adult already."Namjoon reminded.

"So what?"I said, and wear his jacket, I hit him playfully.

"You're it!"

I ran away.

"You little-"

Namjoon followed me.

We ran around, and laughed.


"So... Thanks for the day.."I said at Namjoon,"That was really fun..."

Namjoon smiled,"Same to you.. I enjoyed spending my time..."

We were silent.

I leaned to him, and pecked him on the cheek.

"Bye!"I smiled and went out of his car with the yeezy's..

He drove away. Maybe he's shocked. Well... I am shocked too... Why did I do that?

Oh my god.

I entered the apartment.

"Why the hell are you dripping wet?"My brother asked,"You took a bath in the rain with your boyfriend?"

"Kinda.."I smiled, and handed him the bag.

"That's your present."I said,"Namjoon is a good guy."

I went directly inside my bathroom and washed myself.

When I went out, I realized that I didn't give Namjoon's jacket back.

"I'll just give it back to him tomorrow..."I said.


Sorry for the late update and the crappy update. 😂 I honestly don't know what to write in this chapter, but I want to write something so I made this despite my hectic sched. at school. Sorry for some typos and grammar errors..

(but did u guys hear the debut song of blackpink omgomgomg..k. Byee😂)
