
The four of us are silent.

Hana stood up.

"I.. I need to go."

She headed out, but Namjoon got her arm.

"No. We're gonna talk."Namjoon narrowed his eyes at Hana.

Namjoon was about to drag Hana out, but Yoongi stopped them.

"You two, are gonna talk here. In front of Jineul. I bet her mind is processing things now."Yoongi said.

Namjoon looked at Yoongi, and sighed.

He let go of Hana.

Hana sat on the couch on my right, and Namjoon sat across her.

Yoongi sat on the couch where Namjoon sat, but he's at the corner, away from Namjoon.

There was silence.

I cleared my throat.

"So... As adults... We should talk about this, without being immature.."I said,"Namjoon, what do you want to say to Hana earlier?"

"We'll talk to each other, but pretend that the two of you are not here."Namjoon said.

"Okay, if that's what you want. I'm an easy guy."Yoongi shrugged.

"We talked about this..."Namjoon looked at Hana,"I thought you're going to help me. But what did you do?"

What? Help him with what?

"I'm sorry.. I don't know what I'm doing.. "Hana said,"To be honest, I had feelings for Jineul since that day you brought me in that café of hers. I didn't mean to steal her away from you, but-"

"But what? I told you to help me with her. I told you to help me make her mine. So you agreed and told me your plan about it. I agreed that you'll pretend to be my girlfriend that broke up with me and I'll ask Jineul for help, so that Jineul and I will get closer to each other..."Namjoon said.

My eyes widened.

"Namjoon-"I said but was cut off by him.

"I told you to pretend that you're not here."Namjoon blurted out, and looked at Hana again.

Hana looked down.

Namjoon sighed,

"If you want to join the fight for Jineul, then come and join. The party is open."He laughed.

Yoongi snickered.

"Just let me leave. I need some air. You didn't remember much about what happened, do you?"Hana looked at Namjoon, her eyes watering.

"What do you mean?"Namjoon's face turned serious.

Hana forced a laugh, but it's obvious that she's hurt.

"Yeah, you didn't remember much."Hana laughed,"So let me leave.... Let me leave your lives and I will not bother you anymore... But.... Ah, I don't know what to say. I do not want to ruin your relationship."

Hana wiped her tears.

"Bye, and I think you and Jineul are close to each other now.. That's a good thing.. But good luck with Yoongi though.. This might turn out into a kdrama or something..."

She stood up, got her bag, and went out of my apartment.

"Well... That was something..."Yoongi commented,"What does she mean?"

"I don't even have an idea."Namjoon said.

"I'll go to the café... I'll check things there..."I said, tying my hair up in a messy bun.

I stood up,"You two... You guys could go home."

"Yes ma'am."Yoongi and Namjoon did a salute, and went out of my apartment.

I closed the door, and walked towards the café.

Namjoon and Yoongi followed me, but I don't really give a damn about it so I let them be.

I entered the shop.

"Unnie!"Amber greeted from the counter, which made some costumers stare at her, and soon they just shrugged it off and went on with their business.

"Hey.."I said,"Where's Taehyung?"

"Oh, he's still in school... We...uh... We're working on a school project.."Amber said.

"So are you finished with your project?"I asked.

"No. I'm working on it right now with Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook."Amber said,"It's a group project."

"But you said Taehyung is at school..."I said.

"Yeah."Amber nodded.

"And you said you're working on your project right now... As in, at this point, at this moment..."I said.

"Yep."Amber said.

But she's doing nothing.

I didn't see Jungkook or Jimin too.


Now I think that she's really A.

Amber stumbled, but got a hold of the counter to give her support so she didn't fall.

She looked pale.

"Are you okay? What's wrong?"I asked, worried.

"A-Ah, n-noting, unnie..."Amber forced a smile, and stood up straight.

I just looked at Amber.

Now I'm suspicious that she's A.

After I thought of that, Amber turned paler, if it's still possible.

I don't know if I'm dreaming, but I saw Amber's skin became transparent or a second, and then back to her unusual sickly pale, olive skin.

My eyes widened.

"What the..."Namjoon said beside me.

"You saw it too?"I asked.

Namjoon nodded.

We just looked at Amber while taking the orders of our costumers.

A told me not to think much about it or else she'll disappear completely... But when I thought about it, I cannot stop thinking about it.

Goddamn,I wish I haven't thought of it..

I'll try to stop.

"Helooo~"Taehyung greeted me from behind, and he looked at Amber.

"Oh, you're here already.."Taehyung said,"You're really fast..."

"Of course I am."Amber's voice was weak, but she maintained that strong tone in her voice.

"Are you sick?"Taehyung asked,"Your voice doesn't sound like this awhile ago.."

"Nah, I'm fine. Just start working."Amber shrugged.


"Wh-Whaa?"Taehyung reacted.

When the shop is closing, we told Taehyung and Amber what happened to us earlier, and they were shocked by the information.

"Miss Hana really did that.... Oh my God.. So.. Joonie and Miss Hana weren't even together in the first place..."Taehyung said.

"Yep. It's crazy."Yoongi said,"She's saying that Namjoon doesn't remember things that happened, blah blah blah.."

"What does she mean by that?"Amber asked, her voice hoarse.

"We don't even know..."Namjoon said.

"Okay, that's enough. You two are still kids, so don't ever think about adults' problems okay?"I said,"You two could go home now... You did a really good job for today, especially you, Amber."

Amber smiled.

"Gotta go..."Amber smiled weakly and went out of the café.

"Tae, bring her home..."I said,"It's obvious that she's sick."

Taehyung nodded and followed Amber out.

"Is she A?"I heard Namjoon mumble, and my eyes widened.

"You know A?"I asked.

Namjoon nodded.

"Who's that?"Yoongi asked.


We heard Taehyung's voice shout that word, so the three of us hurried out of the cafe and found Amber on the ground, while Taehyung clutching on her.

"What happened?"Yoongi asked, helping Amber.

"We need to bring her to the hospital.. She... She's bleeding.."Taehyung said, removed his hand on Amber's stomach, and there's blood.

My eyes widened.

"What happened?"I asked.

"I don't know.. Like.. Somebody shot her.."Taehyung said.

Amber coughed out blood.

"Let's go!"Namjoon ran to his car, and we followed.

Yoongi and Taehyung were carrying Amber's corpse-like body.

We entered the car.

Amber groaned.

"Amber, don't say anything."I said.

"But...I'm gonna die.."Amber said,getting up.

"Just calm down! You aren't gonna die!"Taehyung said.

"Let me out.."Amber croaked.

"No. We have to bring you to the hospital.."Yoongi held Amber down.

Amber mumbled something, maybe it's in her language or what.

"Namjoon look out!"I said, pointing at the wall in front of us.

Namjoon stopped the car, and we went forward a bit.

There was silence.

And the wall wasn't there anymore.

"What the hell..."I said.

"Where's Amber?"Yoongi asked.

I looked at Taehyung, his clothes were bloody just like before, but he's not clutching Amber anymore.

"Where is she?"Taehyung said worriedly,"Why did she disappear?"

"Guys! What are you doing here?"Amber knocked outside the car.

So we went out of the car, and we are back at the café.


Amber looks unharmed too.

Taehyung went to her.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah.. Just a lil' bit dizzy though.."Amber said,"Why are you in there?"

"You got shot!"Taehyung exclaimed, look at my clothes, your blood stained it!"

We looked at his clothes, and they were clean.

"What the-"Namjoon said.

"I closed the shop..."Amber smiled,"Bye!"

She left us, our mouths hung open.

"Tell me I'm just dreaming."Yoongi said.


So... You know who's A.. HAHAHA I lied. I guess you already knew it...lol.
