
Taehyung just stared at the letter, crying.

He felt cold hands on his cheeks.

He looked in front of him, there's Amber.

Namjoon, Jin, Jungkook and Jimin didn't see her.

She smiled.


Taehyung saw two men in their mid thirties appeared beside Amber.

One was wearing an all-white suit, while the other one was wearing an all black suit.

"Get rid of her."

Says the man in white.

Amber pretended she didn't hear that, she just smiled bitterly at Taehyung as the creepy guy in black dragged her into the unknown.

Taehyung's eyes widened, and his whole body shook.

The guy in white looked at him.

"So you're the kid..."He says,"Don't worry, you'll have your time too. I'm just warning you. So as your other friends there."

And he disappeared.

Taehyung was scared.

He was sweating.

"What happened?"Jungkook asked, worried.

"I... I...."Taehyung stuttered.

He couldn't say what he has to say.

"Don't worry. Namjoon and I saw it."Jin said.

"What did you see?"Jimin asked curiously.

"Something horrible. Don't want to mention it."Namjoon said,"Now Taetae... Change your clothes.. You have your part time job..."

Taehyung nodded and started working.

Jin, Namjoon, Jungkook and Jimin sat on a table near the counter.

Yoongi and Hoseok entered the shop.

"HYUNG!"Hoseok said and hugged Jin.

Good thing there weren't any costumers that time because if they did, they might stare at them.

"Hyung. Nice to see you back."Yoongi said, sitting beside Jimin.

"So... You're back? What happened to the voice?"Hoseok asked.

"What voice?"Yoongi raised an eyebrow.

So Jin told them everything, except for Amber's disappearance.

Of course they were shocked at first... Who wouldn't?

But they got over it really fast.

Yoongi face palmed.

"I was about to ask where Jineul is...."He said,"Damn... Namjoon, you can have Jineul."

The two of them laughed.

"Where's Amber?"Hoseok asked.

"Shh, hyung."Jimin shushed, and looked at Taehyung who is making coffee for a costumer, pretending not to hear.

"What happened?"Hoseok asked in a hushed voice.

"Amber is A..."Seokjin said,"She disappeared... Her mission was already complete..."

".....oh."Yoongi said,"No wonder why she was transparent that day..."

"Yeah."Namjoon nodded.

"Everything that is happening around is really weird..."Jungkook pointed out.

"I know."Jimin sighed,"Too bad for Taetae..."

Jin and Namjoon looked at each other and thought about the same thing:

"What did the guy in white meant about them having their time and their time is near?"

They just shrugged it off...

Nothing bad happened to them after eight months.

Everything seemed to go well, Taehyung didn't forget about Amber, Namjoon and Seokjin were dating, and the rest are living their normal lives as single people.

Jin opened his eyes, and saw Namjoon in front of him, pecking his lips.

Namjoon smiled down at him.

Seokjin sat up, and rubbed his eyes.

"Good morning, princess..."Namjoon sat beside Seokjin.

Jin looked at Namjoon. He was topless and that drove Jin crazy but he managed to hide it.

"Good morning."Seokjin smiled,"Don't call me princess..."

"But you like me calling you that, don't you~"Namjoon said cutely and hugged Seokjin from behind.

Seokjin blushed.

"Nah, I don't like it..."He said, smiling.

"Oh really?"Namjoon asked,"Then what do you want me to call you? Sugar baby? So that you can call me daddy?"

Namjoon dragged his hands from Seokjin's waist lower than where they were earlier. Well.. You get my point.

"Hey. You're horny. Too horny."Seokjin said, and escaped Namjoon's grip on him.

Namjoon pouted.

"We're gonna do it next time."Jin said,"Let me get ready for work..."

"So can I come?"Namjoon asked.

Jin was confused,


"To shower with you."

"No."Jin said flatly, and entered the bathroom.

When he was finished taking a bath and changed his clothes, he went out of the bathroom and to the kitchen to cook breakfast.

He just made Korean pancakes and made coffee..

Namjoon and Jin ate together.

"You're really a good cook... I'll have no regrets that I'll marry you..."Namjoon said, stuffing his mouth with food.

Jin blushed again,

"You always tell me that..."

"So that you'll not forget that you're the only one that I'll love..."Namjoon winked.

"Oh god..."Jin laughed.

So they finished eating, Namjoon brought Seokjin to the café and because it's Sunday, Namjoon helped with the shop.

Many hours had passed, they closed their shop for the day, Seokjin was accounting all their expenses, liabilities, and stuff, Taehyung was at the counter, Namjoon was wiping the tables, a familiar girl entered the shop.

Taehyung was the one who noticed her first. His eyes widened.

"Joonie..."Taehyung said,"Seokjin-hyung..."

That caught the two's attention.

The three of them were shocked, looking at a pregnant woman in front of them.

"Hana..."Seokjin said,"Long time no see..."

"Oh, you're Jineul's brother, right?"Hana asked, referring to Seokjin.

Seokjin nodded.

"What are you doing here?"Namjoon asked politely,"And congratulations! Who's the father of that child? I didn't know that you'll fall in love with a boy..."

Hana bit her lip.


They were silent.

"But-"Namjoon said, but was cut off.

"Taehyung, go home."Seokjin told Taehyung.

Taehyung nodded, got his bags, and left.

So the three of them sat on the table nearby.

"How did this happen?"Seokjin asked, not even angry.

"It was the day when I brought Namjoon to his condo when he was really drunk."Hana said,"I wasn't able to do anything, and I'm scared to approach you guys...The baby is girl.. I heard the two of you are a thing now, and I don't want to ruin your relationship... Actually, I don't have any feelings for Namjoon."

We were silent.

"So I'm just here to let Namjoon know that he'll be a dad after a week or two.. It'll be my due date..."Hana said,"I don't request anything from him to me, it's just.. He'll stand up for his child."

"So you're just letting your kid to grow up without a dad?"Jin asked.

"I don't want to, but I don't want to ruin your relationship too."Hana said.

"I'm not the one who'll decide it, but Namjoon."Jin looked at Namjoon, who is thinking really hard,"You don't want to leave your lil' girl with her mommy alone, right?"

Namjoon looked at Jin,

"So you're telling me to break up with you?"

Jin's eyes were watery.


Hana felt really bad.

"No, don't!"She said.

"Then that child in your womb will grow up without a complete family..The kid will not be happy with it..And plus, she's Namjoon's daughter too."Jin said,"He has the responsibility."

Hana cried.

Then she started to breathe heavily.

"What's wrong?"Jin asked, concerned.

Hana wailed in pain.

Then, liquid rolled down from Hana's legs.

"Her waters broke."Namjoon said.

The two didn't say anything.

Namjoon carried Hana to his car, Seokjin closed the shop  and they drove to the hospital with a really fast speed.

"Hold on, Hana..."Seokjin said, letting Hana lean on him.

The streets were surprisingly empty.

Then, three teenagers crossed the street.

"NAMJOON!"Seokjin shouted.

Namjoon made the car turn sideways to avoid hitting the kids, and unfortunately, it hit the teenagers, hit another guy walking in the sidewalk, and they crashed into a wall, Namjoon, Seokjin and Hana went forward, but Seokjin embraced Hana before they'll hit the glass in front.

All of their visions turned dark.

The ambulance came fast, then brought the people involved in the accident to the hospital.

"Dr. Min! There's an emergency!"A nurse called Yoongi.

Yoongi ran fast to the ambulances outside.

When Yoongi opened the doors, his eyes widened on what he saw inside those ambulances.

Bloodied Namjoon, Seokjin, Hana, Taehyung, Jimin, Jungkook, and Hoseok.

"Get them to the emergency room! Now!"Yoongi ordered.


Dun dun dun dunnnnnnnn~

Spoiler alert:

____ _i__ __l _____. :)

Sorry for the typos. 😂

On a happy note, the next chapter will be the last.:) or on a sad note? Dunno... :)))
