
The whole car ride was silent.

“Where are we going?”I asked.

“Somewhere...”Namjoon replied.

“You said that many times already..”I pouted.

“Well you asked that many times already.”Namjoon gave me a glance, and then back at the road.

“Seriously? I have to wake up early tomorrow... ”I said.

“Me too. So shut up.”Namjoon said.

“Fine. Just give me back my phone.”I said.

“No. You might call someone.”Namjoon said,“And worse, you might call your brother.”

“I promise I won't do that.”I said.

“No.”Namjoon said.

I sighed,“Aah, you're being bossy.”

After a few minutes, I dozed off...

“Hey wake up.”

Someone shook me.

I opened my eyes.

“Where are we?”I asked.

“At a place I always go when I think.”Namjoon said,“Get out of the car.”

So I did.

We are on top of a hill, and the view is really nice.

“Whoa...”I said.

I heard a camera click behind me.

I turned back, and it's Namjoon holding  a camera.

“What? I just took a picture of the view...”Namjoon said.

“...oh.”I cooed,“So.. What's the point of bringing me here?”

“I apologize for being mad at you earlier, but..  Can you still help me?”Namjoon asked.

“Namjoon.... I.. Can't... You hurt her so much.”I said.

“But there's a chance. You're close with her now, and you're the only one who can make Hana and I talk to each other. Please? I'll do anything. She's not talking to me.”Namjoon said.

I can hear the sincerity in his voice.

He's really desperate to bring Hana back..

“What happened to Yooreum?”I asked.

Namjoon's eyes widened a bit.

“Why talk about your brother's ex girlfriend?”He asked.

“I just wondered what happened to her when you stole her away from my brother.”I said.

“She... She left me too...”Namjoon said,“But she's not important. I want Hana back.”

“Imagine you're in a cold place. You found Yooreum and Hana at the same time without a jacket. While you, you're being to comfortable in your jacket. As a man, to whom will you give your jacket?” I asked.

“Why ask that kind of question?”Namjoon asked.

“To make up my mind.”

“Of course I'll give my jacket to Hana.... Obviously.”He said.

“And you’ll leave Yooreum alone in the cold?”I asked.

“She will find her way.”Namjoon said,“I will call your brother so that he can comfort Yooreum. Even though he hides it, I know that your brother still loves her.”

I sighed.

“I think I can help you....”I said.

Namjoon's eyes brightened.


“But... I'll only help you if you'll finish the three tasks that I'll give you... Are you okay with that?”I asked.

“Of course I am. I would do anything.”Namjoon said.

“Good... The tasks wouldn't be that easy though....”I said.

“No problem.”Namjoon said,“So.. What's the first task?”

“You'll find out tomorrow... ”I smiled, and patted his back.

“Bring me back home.”I said,“I'm sleepy.”

“Why are you wearing an apron from behind?”Namjoon asked.

“Uhhh...”My face heated up.

Namjoon chuckled.

“Let's go. I'll buy you clothes. And did you already ate all of those food I brought you last night?”Namjoon asked.

“Yep.”I nodded, and then suddenly I felt like I was punched in the gut by Saitama... Like the fist that hit me in the gut has spikes...moving spikes..

“Are you okay?”Namjoon asked me worriedly.

“Obviously... No. My stomach hurts...”I said,“At the lower part of my stomach..”

“It's dysmenorrhea... We'll just buy sour fruits.. Get in the car..”Namjoon said, and I entered the car.

He drove to the nearest market, and bought a plastic bag full of raw mangoes.

“Eat up. It will lessen the pain.. I'll just buy extra clothes.... There must be some open clothing store here... Be right back..”Namjoon said.

So I ate raw mangoes.

And it did lessen the pain in my stomach.

“Namjoon treats you like a princess..”

“Agree. But I know that he treats every girl a princess... Except for one... It's Hana.. He treats her like a queen.”I said while chewing on the mango.

That looks delicious...”A said.

“Want some? Just show yourself and I'll give you some.. I can't eat all of these...”I said.

“I can't, sadly...”

“Aw, that's sad.”I said,“Mmmmm.. It's so delicious..”

A groaned.

I just laughed.

Then, Namjoon tapped on the window in my side.

I rolled the window down, and he handed me a pair of leggings and a white shirt.

“Just change inside the car..”Namjoon said,“Don't worry, the windows are tinted.”

“Thanks..”I rolled the window up and started changing.

When I was done, Namjoon entered the car and drove to my house.

“Here we are...”I said as the car stopped in front of my apartment building.

“Just tell me what the first task is...”Namjoon said.

I thought about it.

“No. Be patient. I'll tell you tomorrow.”I said,“Goodnight, be safe, thanks a lot, and bye.”

I went out of his car and went inside my apartment.

As I opened the door, my eyes widened on what I saw inside.

It's hyung...

“H-Hyung...”I said.

“Who are you?”My brother asked.

A. Help. I'm in major crisis right now.


“Tell him who you really are...”

“Hyung, let's talk for a moment.”I closed the door and sat on the couch.

My brother did too.

“Why are you calling me 'Hyung' when you're a girl? And.. Why are you inside Seokjin's house?”My brother asked,“Are you his girlfriend?”

“Hyung, don't freak out.. I know this is impossible to happen, I don't even know why this happened to me but I'm Seokjin. I.. I was turned into a girl by this mysterious voice in my head for 1 year.”I said.

“That's impossible.”He said.

“Yes, hyung..”I said,“I can prove go you that I'm Seokjin.... Your full name is Kim Woojin, our dad is Kim Daejang, and our mom is Kim Ahyeon..”

(Quick A/N: IDK his family's names so I made this all up...)

“Maybe you just knew it... You're not Seokjin..”My brother said.

“Remember the day that you stole the money that dad gave me when I was thirteen? We fought over it for five days and after that you stole 1,000 won from me again. Only Seokjin and you knows that.. and I know that, so I'm Seokjin.”I said.

“But.... How?”My brother asked.

“I don't even know, hyung.”I said.

“That's why you were not answering my calls... You got a new phone..”My brother said.

“Yeah.. ”I said,“I saved your number here...”

“Does your friends know about this sorcery? ”He asked.

I shook my head,“No.”

(Random A/N: When I typed "No", the music that I'm listening to sung "NO"... Lol.. Just sharin'.. Nothing important...)

“Why didn't you tell them?”My brother asked.

“A told me.”I said.

“Who's A?”My brother asked.

“The voice in my head.”I said.

“So you have a voice inside your head now? Ah, this is so weird.”My brother said.

“So.. How long are you staying here?”I asked.  

“Dunno... Mom and dad said I'll stay here until they tell me to go back...”My brother said.

“That's nice.”I said, standing up.

“Very nice.”My brother nodded.


