Jin's P.O.V.

"It's because I have a girlfriend, I should be loyal to her. Think of what romantic and cute thing that I'm saying to you is just a pure joke. Nothing personal.All's a joke. With no feelings."

That keeps on repeating on my mind.

Or maybe A is just saying it over and over.

"Hey, I don't. I'm forgetful, how could I remember what he said to you word by word?"

"Okay, just stop appearing like that. I'm having a heart attack."I said.

""That's impossible. Heart attack is an acute episode of heart disease marked by the death or damage of heart muscle due to insufficient blood supply to the heart usually as a result of a coronary thrombosis or a coronary occlusion and that is characterized especially by chest pain . You don't have a heart disease or some shit."

"When did you eat a dictionary?"I asked.

"Just now. I'm hungry."

My eyes widened.

"What the hell? Are you freaking serious?!"I freaked out.

"Yeah. Why, do I sound like I'm joking?"

"Gosh.. This kid.. You're not normal."I sighed.

"Yes, I'm not. If I'm normal, then I can't talk to you through your brain and know that you are thinking of what Namjoon told you and also, you're thinking about how  Yoongi's abs would look like."

"Stop."I blushed.

"Ayiiie~ You like it, don't you?"

I just rolled my eyes.

"I'll just sleep."

"Okay. Lemme sing you a song."

"Does your voice sound good?"


"Okay, then sing. I'll judge."

"Never mind. Hehe. Bye."


I shrugged and drifted off to sleep.


Someone jumped on me, and I immediately jolted up.

"What the hell, who the shizz are you?"I said, and squinted my eyes.

I opened my eyes, and no one's there.

I screamed.

What the hell.

What the hell..



I'm moving.

"Just get your butt off your bed and start working.now."

"Okay, okay, boss."I did a salute, left my bed, and readied myself for work.

As I was drying my hair, a text message popped up on my phone.

From: Namjoon t(- _-t):

Good morning, miss hot head! (。・ω・。)

Another message followed.

From: Hoseokie:


I didn't reply.

I was waiting for Yoongi to text me.

And unfortunately, he didn't.

I frowned.

So I replied "Morning. ._." At Namjoon and "Good Morning! :)" at Hoseok.

Hoseok:So.. Are you going to work now?

Me: Yeah. Hbu?

Hoseok: Same same. Sad thing I cannot bring you to work.. :(

Me: nah, that's fine. My brother didn't ask you to be my chauffeur or smth.

Hoseok: but still... :((((( ok, have a good day ahead, and don't talk to that Namjoon guy, your brother HATES him TO THE CORE.

Me: :)

He didn't reply back.

So I tied my hair up.

I searched some tutorials on how to do this on YouTube, so I can do braids now.

I feel so proud of myself.

I packed my things, and went out of my apartment.

Someone is waiting for me outside.

"What are you doing here?"I asked.

"To bring my girlfriend to work."Namjoon smirked.

"Oh, does Hana live somewhere here?"I looked around.

"Nah, I'm in front of your house. So who do you think I'm referring to?"Namjoon said.

"....oh."I said,"But you said you're loyal to your girlfriend. Loyal. You don't know what that means?"

"Of course I do."Namjoon said,"And do you know what 'joking' means? Gosh, Jineul. I'm just bringing you to work."

"Why? Am I your girlfriend?"I asked.

"....no..."I said,"...Hana and I broke up."

"What the.."I cut off what I said.

Namjoon nodded.

"Since when?"I asked.

"Last night. That's why I was out yesterday night."Namjoon said.

"....oh.. I'm sorry..."I said,"Do you still love her?"

"Of course. She's the only girl that I'm serious on."Namjoon said.

"So what's your plan?"I asked.

"Can you help me bring her back?"He requested.

I sighed.

"If you really love her, you need to let her go. Even though how painful it is, as long as she's happy that you're not in her life anymore, you'll be happy for that. Because if you love someone, your happiness is her happiness..."

I crossed my arms on my chest.

Namjoon frowned.

"But... Because you did many good things to me already, I do not have the right to be mad at you because my brother feels that to you..who cares what he thinks?"I said,"I'll help you get back with her. Maybe she still loves you deep inside that heart of hers."

Namjoon's eyes brightened.


I nodded.

After that, we walked to the coffee shop.

As we were walking, we talked for a bit.

"So... School's about to resume. How can we bring her back to you before it's too late because you know.. You'll be busy teaching your students."I asked.

"She's my co-teacher."Namjoon replied,"And I always notice that every after class, she goes to your café because it's just near the school...so... That is an advantage."

"....oh."I said,"I'll try to help as much as I can."

"Thanks.."Namjoon smiled,"Oh, we're here."

"Yeah. Thanks for accompanying me."I smiled and entered the café.

Namjoon waved at me and I smiled.

And walked away from the shop.

Taehyung gave me a grin.

"What's with that look?"I asked.

"I saw it.. So.. Are you two on now?"Taehyung asked.

"No, he just broke up with his girlfriend."I replied.

"What? He broke up with Miss Hana?"Taehyung's eyes widened.

I nodded.

"Just shush it and let's begin to work, okay?"


Sorry for the typos and grammar errors I didn't read this over.
