399 : Red Bone River

After finding a place to live, Shi Wuming dragged Wen Tutu out to inquire about the news.

Later, when they came back, they brought back a lot of news.

"Sister, this Red Rock Forest is said to be the place of exile in the Red Forest Continent." Wen Tutu looked surprised. "They said that the cultivators in the Red Rock Forest are all guilty. The other side of the Red Rock Forest is in the normal practice world, there is no red rain influence..."

The Hongsen Continent is divided into two parts, one is the Red Rock Forest and the other is the Xisen Plateau.

Because of the red rain throughout the year in the Red Rock Forest, there is no spiritual plant on the entire surface. Even the living creatures need to hide in order to avoid being killed by the all-encompassing red rain.

On the contrary, Xisengao Principle is a normal spiritual land. There is no red rain here, and there are spiritual plants on the surface. The cultivators here do not need to hide, they can practice and live normally, which is a place many cultivators yearn for.

I heard that a long time ago, there was no red rain in the Hongsen Continent. The continent was very normal, with spiritual plants everywhere, and the continent was not divided into the Red Rock Forest and the Xisen Plateau.

Suddenly, the red rain began to fall on the other side of the mainland.

No one knew how the red rain came. After the practitioners in Hongsen Continent reacted, they found that the land covered by the red rain had disappeared, leaving only the light and sudden surface.

Because this place is eroded by red rain all the year round, the red rain invisibly transformed it into a land of red rocks, hence the name of the red rock forest.

After the local surface is transformed into a piece of red rock by red rain, those red rocks also have a certain defensive effect against red rain and can resist the corrosion of red rain. The monsters living in the red rock forest use red rocks to avoid the red rain in the sky. Just now gave this red rock forest more aura of life.

The resources of the Red Rock Forest are barren, and the environment is very difficult due to the erosion of red rain. Few practitioners are willing to stay in this place. Over time, this place becomes a place of exile, exiling those who are guilty.

Later, some desperate practitioners took the initiative to enter the Red Rock Forest, making the Red Rock Forest more and more practitioners. The practitioners established a training city here to provide a safe habitat for the exiled practitioners.

Perhaps because of the special environment in the Red Rock Forest, this place has also bred many dangerous existence, causing the Red Rock Forest to become a dangerous place in the Red Forest Continent.

In addition, the Red Forest Continent has another rule: Once a cultivator enters the Red Rock Forest, he must not leave for the rest of his life.

"Why can't you leave?" Ning Jichen asked suspiciously, "Did someone stop him, or is there a barrier between the Red Rock Forest and the Xisen Plateau."

Wen Tutu nodded: "There is indeed a barrier."

Shi Wuming followed and said: "It is said that this barrier was born naturally. It was born like a red rain. It was silently allowed to enter and not to exit. Once in, no one can leave the red rock forest, so it will be red. The people of the Mori Continent regard this as a place of exile and will never leave it for the rest of their lives.

"Nor for high-level cultivators?" Wen Qiao asked strangely.

"No." The teacher said affirmatively, "I have inquired, there are also Yuandi realms in the Red Rock Forest, and they can't even go out. As for the Yuansheng Realm, it is said that so far, no cultivator in the Red Rock Forest has succeeded. At the most advanced level, the Yuan Saint Realm can only reach the Yuan Emperor Realm."

Therefore, no one is sure whether the Yuansheng Realm can break through the barrier and leave.

Wen Qiao was stunned, and said to the teacher Wuming: "I can't blame the Bilin Shuttle Mirror for landing here. It must be the person who used it before was trapped in the Red Rock Forest. There is no other way, so I have to use it to leave the continent."

Master Wuming couldn't refute it, and thought it was really possible.

If they can't leave the Red Rock Forest, they will probably leave directly from the Red Rock Forest. Everyone is half a cat, and no one is qualified to laugh at anyone.

After talking about the situation in Hongsen Continent, I continued to talk about the meteor dragon.

"I just inquired about the meteor dragon. It is said that it is a dragon that has fallen. The place where the bones are buried is the red bone river. Do you remember the red river seen from the sky when the red eagle sent us over ?"

Ning Jichen guessed: "Is that river the Red Bone River?"

"No." Wen Tutu raised his hand and said, "It is just a branch of the Red Bone River, and the Red Bone River is going forward, not far from Hongqiu City. If there was a meteor dragon in the previous river, How dare monsters like the red eagle inhabit the buried place of the dragon clan?"

Hearing this, Wen Qiao and Ning Jichen were very puzzled, "Since they are the fallen dragon clan, why do they say that the meteor dragon was born again?"

How did the lost dragon be born?

Shi Wuming couldn't help laughing, "I heard that the dragon is one of the four spirits, and it is a sacred beast. After it fell in the lower realm, it died, but its soul is immortal, and because of the peculiar environment of the red rock forest, it has become an evil dragon has not only lost its divine nature, but has even fallen into an evil thing, only to be called the meteor dragon."

"Then every once in a while, the meteorite dragon will climb up from the buried river of red bones and wreak havoc everywhere, attracting many cultivators to pass."

"Those people are going to kill the dragon?" Wen Qiao asked curiously.

Although it is a fallen meteor dragon, it is a dragon, and the dragon bones are very temptation for cultivators.

"How can it be." Wen Tutu said with his lips curled, "Even if it is just a meteor dragon, it is not something the practitioners of the lower realm can handle. Those people want to enter the Red Bone River to search for the treasure of the meteor dragon."

Dragons are a group of people who like to hide treasures. It is said that every dragon is a local tyrant with rich wealth. The place where the dragons bury their bones naturally also has treasures collected by the dragons. As long as one or two can be retrieved, it is considered advanced for the cultivator.

"Can this happen?" Ning Jichen was an eye-opener.

Listening to Shi Wuming and Wen Tutu, you and I explain each other, Wen Qiao and the others have a basic understanding of the meteor dragon.

Wen Qiao turned her head to look at Ning Yuzhou, and suddenly found that he was sitting there thinking about something. Since just now, he has rarely spoken and asked, "Husband, what are you thinking?"

Ning Yuzhou returned to his senses, seeing everyone looking at him, and said: "It seems that we will be staying in the Red Rock Forest in a short time. Why don't we go and see the meteor dragon?"

"Of course I want to go!" Wen Tutu was the first to agree, "That's the Dragon Clan."

Master Wuming touched his chin and said, "I don't know how this dragon is so unlucky that it actually fell here."

"What's wrong with this, there's still bad luck." Wen Tutu pointed out, there was a phoenix egg in Brother Ning's space, and there was a unicorn with only the primordial spirit and a puppet shell.

Speaking of this, Wen Tutu suddenly discovered that these four spirits seemed to be very pitiful, and none of them had a good end.

After Shi Wuming, Wen Mianmian and Ning Jichen went to rest in the next room, Wen Qiao and Ning Yuzhou also murmured about these sacred beasts.

"The phoenix in the corpse lake, the unicorn in the secret realm of Chiri Mountain Villa, and the meteor dragon in the red rock forest... You see, husband, among the four spirits, the three spirits we meet are all unlucky, isn't it because they shouldn't appear in the lower realm?"

Wen Qiao smashed her fingers as the four spirits, summing up.

Ning Yuzhou laughed, "Maybe, the aura of the lower realm can't breed a divine beast. If the divine beast goes to the lower realm, it won't end well."

Wen Qiao nodded, "Now only Xuanwu is left. I hope Xuanwu will not be so unlucky and appear in the lower realm."

Ning Yuzhou touched her head, and after setting up a formation around her, he pulled her into the space.

When he entered the space, Wen Qiao looked around and found that the little unicorn was lying beside the Yin Yang Spring, staring at the Phoenix egg.

Wen Qiao and the others went over and observed the phoenix egg, and found that the gray on the egg shell had disappeared almost, leaving only the size of a baby's fist. It is estimated that all vitality should be restored in some time, and the shell should be broken by then. ?

After returning to Chixiao Sect, Wen Qiao and the others practiced in Lingyunfeng in retreat, and Ning Yuzhou was also refining the Universe Cave Mansion at Tianqifeng. They had not entered the space for a long time, and they did not take care of the space. They completely gave the space to the puppet A Qing will take care of it.

Without Wen Qiao delivering auras to the spiritual plants in the space, they will grow at a normal rate, but the auras in the space are sufficient, and their condition is much better than that of the spiritual plants in the outside world.

The same applies to the Jingling water lotus in the pond. In ten years, only one leaf has grown, and it looks like a short man.

Little Qilin was very happy to find Wen Qiao and the others coming in.

"Sister Wen, Brother Ning, you are here."

Little Qilin strode on Wen Qiao with four short legs, Wen Qiao hugged it firmly, and did not fall over because the puppet's shell was too heavy. If it is someone else, it is estimated that it will not be able to withstand such a pounce.

Ning Yuzhou asked: "Why does this phoenix egg recover so quickly? You wouldn't feed it  with Yin and Yang Spring, would you?"

Upon hearing this, Xiao Qilin subconsciously shrank himself in Wen Qiao's arms.

Seeing this scene, the two suddenly understood that it might be exactly what Ning Yuzhou said.

Unable to withstand the sight of the two of them, Little Qilin weakly recruited, "I, I saw that you haven't come in for a long time, and the Jingling water lotus doesn't know when it will bloom, so just..."

The more you say it, it shrinks itself even smaller, for fear of being blamed.

This space belonged to Ning Yuzhou, and the things in the space belonged to Ning Yuzhou and Wen Qiao. It was used without permission from Ning's brother.

But it couldn't watch the little phoenix in that phoenix egg be lifeless, not knowing when it would recover, so it would secretly drop a few drops of Yin and Yang spring on it every once in a while.

The yin and yang spring is worthy of being a treasure that can nurture vitality, and it is also useful for repairing phoenix eggs.

After Ning Yuzhou inspected the Yin-Yang Spring, he did not blame it.

At the beginning, he took most of the yin and yang springs in the space of the endless sea, and he still had a lot of weight. What's more, after getting the Yin Yang Spring, he wanted to use it to restore the extinct or extinct things in the cultivation world, which was originally used.

Wen Qiao squatted down to educate the little Qilin, "In the future, you have to ask Brother Ning about what you want to use. You can't make the decision without authorization, you know? Brother Ning said it can be use."

Little Qilin admitted his mistake obediently: "Sister Wen, don't worry, I know, I won't touch the phoenix egg when it comes back to life."

Wen Qiao touched its head and felt that this little unicorn was still a cub and had to be taught carefully.

Then Wen Qiao and Xiao Qilin talked about the meteor dragon, and as expected, he saw it jump up.

"There are also dragons in the lower realm, and they have fallen? What's the matter?" Little Qilin turned around in a hurry, then lay there in frustration, sighing and saying, "Sister, how is the meteor dragon now?"

"I don't know, we haven't seen it yet." Wen Qiao patted its head, "Don't worry, we will let you see it then."

The little unicorn nodded vigorously. The unicorn was the head of the four spirits and had friendship with the other three races. Naturally, he didn't want to see them end up like this. It would make it feel hurt.

After talking to Little Qilin for a while, they left the space after Wen Qiao.

The next day, they continued to inquire about news in Hongqiu City.

When I went out, it happened to rain again, and the red rain dripped on the street. The cultivators tried their best to walk to the canopies on both sides to avoid being dropped by the red rain on their bodies and causing injuries.

Walking on the road, Wen Qiao and the others could still see some cultivators with injuries, especially their bald scalp, which looked ugly. Then they complained that the growth rate of the hair growth pills was too slow. It's unavoidable to look a little weird.

Wen Tutu held her pretty little face and mumbled: "I must not be bald, it's too ugly."

If his head is bald and becomes its original shape, wouldn't it be a bald rabbit? My sister must not like such an ugly tutu.

Wen Gungun hugged the bamboo and nodded. As a monster beast who is good at selling cute with its furry appearance, if it is bald in the rain, can it still be seen? The Red Rock Forest is really unfriendly to the furry.

Wen Qiao laughed at them.

Then the teacher had no life to give the two beasts a bad idea: "You can ask Brother Ning to make some wigs for you to wear. The hair can be fake, no one will find it wrong, it's completely fine."

Wen Tutu really considers the possibility of wearing a wig if he is accidentally bald.

Wen Gungun asked Brother Ning, can he make fake hair of the same color as the hair on his body? It also wants.

Ning Yuzhou: "..."

Picked a lively wine shop to enter, and they sat down in a relatively partial corner of the lobby.

On one wall of the lobby of the wine shop, many black signs were hung with the name and price of the spirit wine.

Wen Qiao looked over and found that the price of this wine was very expensive, but it was normal after thinking about it. There are very few spiritual plants in the Red Rock Forest and the resources are scarce. Naturally, there is no way to make more spiritual wine, which makes the price of this spiritual wine very expensive. .

So she only ordered a pot of spirit wine very stingly, planning to taste it first.

However, this taste almost didn't come out.

This wine is also terrible, it is the most terrible taste of the spirit wine she drank.

Seeing her face wrinkled, Ning Yuzhou couldn't help but laugh, and said, "The spiritual plants in the Red Rock Forest are hard to find. There are not many types of spiritual wines that can be brewed. Naturally, this taste can't be improved. Don't embarrass yourself."

Wen Qiao had no choice but to put it down, not wanting to wrong herself, and at the same time fortunately only ordered a pot, otherwise it would be too wasteful.

The wine shop was very lively, and the people around were talking loudly and talking about things related to the meteor dragon.

There are still ten days left until the meteor dragon comes ashore. Because Hongqiu City is the closest to the Hong Bone River, many cultivators are coming to Hongqiu City one after another. They plan to wait for the meteor dragon to come ashore and start from here to reduce the number of the crisis of sleeping in the wild.

So recently, many cultivators rushed to Hongqiu City from various places in the Red Rock Forest, which caused the housing in Hongqiu City to be tight and expensive.

In addition to those cultivators who came for the Dragon Clan’s treasures, there were also many wandering cultivators who were unkind and stared at these foreign cultivators. As long as they are targeted by these people, very few cultivators can escape safely.

When Wen Qiao and the others went to stay in the hotel, those who looked fierce and stared at people were the wandering cultivators.

The scarcity of resources in the Red Rock Forest has caused most of the cultivators here to be fierce and unusual, and there are very few people who are soft-hearted and soft-hearted, and cannot survive in this place.

This is forced by the environment, and it is also the norm in the Red Rock Forest.

In contrast, the monster beasts that inhabit the Red Rock Forest have not changed much, and they are pure enough to be traded and bought with spirit pills.

After some inquiries on the street, Wen Qiao and the others went to the shops in Hongqiu City to learn about the situation here.

Looking at it this way, she found that the pill talisman formation and other things were also very scarce, and an earth-level spirit pill could be sold at a sky-high price, so Wen Qiao suddenly had the urge to throw out a few bottles of earth-level spirit pill and sell it.

But thinking about the situation in the Red Rock Forest, stop this idea.

No matter where the money is, it applies.

Feeling that there was nothing to see, Wen Qiao and the others went back to the inn, planning to stay in the inn for a few days, and then set off to the Hong Bone River with the cultivators.

[Only 200 parts can be uploaded  ➡️➡️➡️ part 3 next].....
