382 : Competition

The first link will soon end, and then the second link will be entered.

Just like rushing to the market, the female cultivators on the Lingzhou did not have the opportunity to check their rankings at the Sea God Monument, but were taken away by the Lingzhou, all the way to a sea area outside Wushuang Island.

The second session is held here.

Under the azure sky, the sea water set off fine waves, sparkling, and the clear sound of seabirds in the distance came, peaceful and quiet.

The sisters standing on the spirit boat looked towards the sea subconsciously, knowing that the second link was related to the sea.

Although the items of each sea fairy campaign are different, it is nothing more than a few points: show beauty, show strength, show affinity with the ocean-the so-called sea fairy represents the fairy close to the ocean, and affinity is absolutely indispensable.

In view of the fact that the cultivation bases of the female nuns participating in the Sea Fairy campaign are high or low, there will never be a brutal and the link between the female nuns and the security is absolutely guaranteed. After all, many cultivators did not want to fight and kill again after experiencing the intense and exciting battle of the Sea God's Order, they would rather watch something that makes people feel happy.

The Sea Fairy campaign also emerged spontaneously.

This is like a large-scale beauty pageant, where the female nuns only need to show their beauty to the world.

Just as the female nuns were looking at the sea, a female nun of Yuanhuang realm appeared.

When they saw this female cultivator in the Yuanhuang realm, the female cultivators on the spirit boat were very excited. They had recognized that this was the sea fairy who was elected three hundred years ago. Everyone who presided over the sea fairy election will be a female cultivator who was once selected as a sea fairy and cultivated to the Yuan Dynasty to preside.

This can be regarded as an inspiration to all female cultivators, letting them know that even though female cultivators are a disadvantaged group in the cultivation world, there are also strong ones. Every female cultivator who becomes a sea fairy can achieve the Yuanhuang state in the future, and will not be more powerful than a man difference.

This is also the reason why the sisters are actively participating in the Sea Fairy campaign.

Liu Zizi pulled Wen Qiao excitedly and nervously, and said excitedly: "Sister A Qiao, this is Huanhua Fairy from Huanhua Pavilion. I didn’t expect her to host this time. I’m so lucky. I’m very lucky. I like her."

Wen Qiao: "...oh."

It's not that she is indifferent, but that she has just arrived and doesn't know much about the various forces in the inner sea, and she doesn't know how sacred this Huanhua Pavilion is.

However, it is really not easy for a woman to cultivate to the Yuanhuang Realm, and Wen Qiao has some admiration for the Huanhua Fairy.

Huanhua Fairy is as beautiful as a flower, smiling slightly, as if frost flowers are flying in the sky.

She said to the group of female nuns: "Everyone, I will explain to you the content of the second link! Please look at the sea below. There are sea beasts from 1 to 9 in the sea-please rest assured, even if it is a ninth level. The sea beasts have also signed a contract with us. They will never take the initiative to attack and wound people, and your task is to obtain their consent from the sea beasts and take away the water droplets carried by the sea beasts."

When everyone heard this, they knew that Huanhua Pavilion was involved in this second link.

Huanshueizhu is a special product of Huanhuage. It is a kind of holy product that can make female nurses beautify their skin.

Huanhuage put the water bead on the sea beast, and asked the female sisters to take the water bead from the sea beast by means, and ranked according to the number of water bead.

"There are a total of 10,000 sea beasts carrying the water bead. No matter which fairy gets the water bead, they don't have to hand it in, as a reward from our Huanhua Pavilion."

Hearing this, the female nuns were very excited, especially those female nuns who had no wealth and couldn't afford to buy water drops, secretly clenched their fists.

Even if you didn't get the name of the sea fairy, it would be a lot of wealth to get more water drops, and there are 10,000 water drops here, how can you get a few?

Fairy Huanhua glanced over the female cultivators present with a pair of peach blossom eyes, and was secretly satisfied when they saw that their emotions had been mobilized.

But there are also female sisters who are very calm and unmoved.

Fairy Huanhua glanced over the few female sisters who were in a dull mood, and recognized their identities. Naturally, she knew that Huan Shui Zhu still couldn't make them move. It was probably just a task. Among them are the blood of the saint of Baifeng Island, the little princess of the Liu family, and the min family...

Fairy Huanhua paused on Wen Qiao's body, and quickly passed by.

When Fairy Huanhua announced the start of the second session, all the female cultivators jumped off the flying boat and fell into the sea lightly, looking for the sea beasts carrying the water bead like a mermaid in the sea.

In Wushuang Island, a huge water mirror appeared in front of the Sea God Stele.

Everyone's eyes fell on the water mirror, which clearly showed the situation of all the female nuns in the sea. Their postures in the water were different, and they were very beautiful against the blue water.

The sea area selected as the arena is equipped with special phantom beads to record the female cultivator’s situation in the sea. One is for watching so that the cultivators can see the competition process of the female cultivator clearly, and the other is for preventing the nuns from being in danger.

After listening to the content of the second session, Wen Tutu said happily: "My sister will definitely win!"

Qin Hongdao teased him, "Wen Tutu, tell me, did you secretly let the monster beast take the initiative to give the water bead to the little junior sister?"

Wen Tutu's eyes turned slightly, and he pretended to be surprised and said: "Master sister actually guessed it, that's it."

There are not many people who know that Wen Qiao carries the blood of the emperor, and that his blood is attractive to beasts. Ning Jichen, Ning Yuzhou, and Wen Tutu are the others. Although Qin Hongdao and Yi Xuan are worthy of trust, This kind of rare and mysterious bloodline, less known to people, is also a kind of protection for them, so Ning Yuzhou did not disclose it to them.

But Wen Qiao's physique that attracts monsters likes, as long as anyone who knows her knows a little bit, it doesn't make people think too much about Wen Tutu as cover.

In the water mirror, the female nuns are looking for sea beasts carrying water beads in the sea, and they use their own skills and methods frequently.

Among the female cultivators in this group, the highest level of cultivation is the Saint Di Yanbo of Baifeng Island. She has a strong sense of spirit and is the easiest to spot sea beasts with water beads.

After Di Yanbo entered the sea, she swam straight towards the bottom of the sea, but after a while, she found a sea beast carrying a water bead.

A Tier 8 tabby fish.

Where the Tier 8 tabby fish was the opponent of the Yuanzong realm female cultivator, before she could react, the opponent took away the water droplets hidden under the pelvic fins.

Di Yanbo is like a mermaid, unimpeded in the sea, wherever she passes, all the sea beasts carrying the water bead are easily taken away by her.

The cultivators who watched the water mirror sighed after seeing this.

"Fairy Di's cultivation base is the highest among the female nuns. Unless a Tier 9 sea beast, where can other sea beasts stop her?"

"Exactly, this is unfair to other fairies."

"But Sea Fairy's campaign is not limited to cultivation base, and there is no way it is unfair."

"It looks like Fairy Di is the one who prevailed in this link."


The audience talked a lot, and the various forces on the high platform couldn't help but look at the owner of Baifeng Island.

The host of Zhanhailou was not angry, and said in a weird manner: "Friend Di Daoist, you are not a special thing. You even let your saints participate. Isn't this bullying other female dolls."

He almost bullied his granddaughter.

The owner of Baifeng Island looked arrogant, as if he didn't put him in his eyes, "Strength is also a kind of campaign."

The host of Zhanhailou almost lost his breath and cocked his mouth and hated him inwardly: "Indeed, Zizi is still too young to compare to those who are several times older than her. She is still a child..."

Isn't this a satire that Di Yanbo is so old and has the face to participate in the Sea Fairy campaign?

The two Yuan Emperor Realm cultivators were sarcasm with each other. Where did the people around dared to interject, Min Kuanglang, the only one who could speak, didn’t care about everything. He looked at Wen Qiao in the water mirror as intently as Min Mubei, not letting her go of any move.

Since entering the water, Wen Qiao appeared to be sluggish. She and Liu Zizi did not separate. The two were like good sisters. They wandered around here and swam over there. When they encountered coral reefs in the sea, they stopped and looked for a while.

Compared with the female cultivators who are busy looking for carrying water drops, these two people are also a little more laid-back, and they don't seem to be participating in a competition at all.

Suddenly, someone gave a cry.

"Look, don't the sea beasts rush in one direction?"

"It seems so, what are they going to do?"

"Oh, they seem to have stopped..."


In the exclamation of a group of cultivators, the sea beasts all rushed to a coral reef and surrounded the small piece of coral reef.

Then, a ninth-order Overlord Zhang appeared with its teeth and claws, and drove the sea beasts forward again.

When seeing the ninth-order Overlord's Seal, Qin Hongdao and others were silent.

Under the eyes of everyone, the Ninth-Order Overlord Zhang came to the two female cultivators in the coral reef, waved its sturdy tentacles, pushed the sea beasts, and then asked the two female cultivators to take all the water beads carried by the sea beasts. go.

One, two, three, four...

The water droplets, which resembled azure silver light, seemed to be delivered to the door automatically, allowing the two sisters to get hundreds of them in an instant.

A group of people looked stunned and couldn't help but exclaimed: "That's OK?"

"Where did this Overlord Chapter come from? Isn't it the cultivation of those two women?"

"Is this mixed in?"

As soon as these words fell, I saw the Bawangzhang dig out of him, took out a bead of water and pushed it to the two of them, and on one of the wrists of the Bawangzhang, there was also the contract sign of the participating sea beasts. The contract established by Shangzhou Island and the sea beasts with the contract scroll proves that it is the identity of the beast carried by Huan Haizhu, rather than the wild sea beast that came in to make trouble.

The cultivator who said it was mixed in blushed.

When showing Wen Qiao the contract sign on her wrist, Ba Wang Zhang was very interested.

It was clever. When it came in, it knew that there was a female cultivator in Huanhua Pavilion who was looking for a sea beast to help, so it rushed over and offered to help. People dare to say that it is not in compliance.

The Bawangzhang drove all the low-level sea beasts carrying the Huan Water Beads in such a fair manner, and let Wen Qiao and Liu Zizi take the Huan Water Beads. Previously, it remembered which sea beast had water droplets on its body, and it was easy to find them.

"Thank you for your hard work." Wen Qiao said to Bawang Zhang, giving it a bottle of spirit pill.

Ba Wang Zhang became more and more happy, and no longer hid it, telling Wen Qiao the anomaly it had just discovered. Before the start of the game, it discovered that someone was secretly feeding strange things to a few Tier 8 and 9 sea beasts. The smell made the sea beasts very uncomfortable.

Wen Qiao's heart tightened, and she knew that someone wanted to destroy the Poseidon Festival.

The first thing she thought of was the man in black who had entered the Seagod Stele before, followed by Di Ying who had been hiding in the dark.

Although Di Ying never showed up, she has always sent people to monitor Tanglin, and she must have known that she will participate in the Poseidon Festival, so she should do something.

At this time, Ba Wang Zhang proudly told her that it had already suppressed the sea beasts that had been fed with strange things, and that they would not appear for the time being, so turn around to clean them up.

Wen Qiao's face was slightly loose, and when she looked at this fierce Overlord's badge, she suddenly found that it was quite cute.

So she worked out some honey and fed it.

The Overlord Zhang who has eaten honey understands that Wen Qiao is happy. It is also a chicken thief. He knows how to preemptively. If he does something good, he naturally has to come over and ask for credit. This is also what Wen Tutu told him before, as long as there is something wrong in the sea, just come to them to inform them, and it will not lose its benefits.


The cultivator in front of the water mirror didn’t know the pride of this Overlord Medal. He saw that Wen Qiao and Liu Zizi were getting more and more water drops, while other female cultivators were still struggling with the sea beasts to get the money from it. Huan Shuzhu, no matter how you look at it, it's pitiful.

It's really unfair.

Hearing someone questioning unfairness, the host of Zhanhailou immediately yelled, "Why is it unfair? This is their ability to let the sea beasts come here. Doesn't it prove their affinity? It is also a skill to make the sea beasts like it, and it's totally fine. ."

Seeing that his granddaughter was about to win, Zhanhailou's original poster was unprincipled in favor of his granddaughter.

After blocking the surrounding people speechless, the host of Zhanhailou looked at the host of Baifeng Island triumphantly.

The owner of Baifeng Island calmly looked at Wen Qiao in the water mirror, and no one could see his current thoughts.

The 10,000 water droplets were originally quite a lot, and it took some time to take them all away, but there was a Bawang badge cheating. Within three hours, all the water droplets were taken away.

When Fairy Huanhua announced the end of the second session, the female nuns who hadn't found a bead of Huanhua looked blank.

Although 10,000 water droplets are not too much, but there are sea beasts of ranks one to ninth, it is impossible for people to take all the water droplets within three hours, at least a day or so, but this is not yet three hours.

Moreover, letting the low-level monster beasts carry the water bead is equivalent to giving it to the contestants for nothing, but many female cultivators have not even obtained one, which is unreasonable.

Fairy Huanhua also knew that it was unreasonable. Her gaze passed Wen Qiao and Liu Zizi, really helpless.

No way, the host of Zhanhailou and Min at one breath agreed that it was reasonable, what could she do? She can only calmly announce the end of the second session and personally count the water drops collected by everyone.

When Wen Qiao and Liu Zizi poured out thousands of water droplets, the female sisters present stared out.

Even Di Yanbo looked surprised. With her strength, she had obtained more than 700 in less than three hours. She thought she was already too many. How can I know that she has almost all of them, making her more than 700 huan water beads are very shabby.

What is even more shabby is that some people have only one, two or more than a dozen, or not even one.

Everyone's eyes fell on Wen Qiao and Liu Zizi.

Wen Qiao had a calm face, Liu Zizi smiled like a flower, with her face up, her smile was playful and cute, which made people unbearable.

Finally, Wen Qiao and Liu Zizi got the same number of water drops, a total of 3,580, both ranked first;

The second is Di Yanbo, seven hundred fifty-two;

The third place is more shabby, with only 89 stars. Compared with the first place, only a fraction of others.

The practitioners in front of the water mirror were all stunned by this wave of operations.

This is the link with the most accidents and the least time in the previous sea fairy elections, right?

Only the owner of Zhanhailou laughed from ear to ear, and said to the people around him again and again: "Oh, my Zizi has been liked by sea beasts since childhood. Sea beasts are willing to make friends with her. The white shark king raised in Zhanhailou has always been very kind to her, it like her very much..."

Hearing this shameless boast, everyone present had an urge to confuse his face.

The owner of Baifeng Island slowly turned the finger in his hand, resisting the urge to slap it with a palm. No matter how well-mannered people are, there is no way to remain calm in front of the Zhanhailou poster.

He stared at Wen Qiao in the water mirror, and a pair of bottomless eyes passed the strange glow.

The second link is over, and the third link starts again.

The third link is simpler. The sisters are free to choose the sea beasts and perform shows with the sea beasts. The better the cooperation with the sea beasts, the higher the score.
