384 : Min Clan

The sea is set off by stormy waves, the island is shaking, and the atmosphere of the seabed is rising to the sky, indicating that countless sea beasts gather from the deep sea.

At that moment, it was like a sea beast violent attack on the island, making all cultivators vigilant.

Whether it is the cultivator in front of the water mirror, the Huanhua fairy on the sea and the participating female nuns, their complexion changes drastically, they subconsciously sacrifice their weapons, their bodies are tight, and they enter the battle at any time.

The sea rolled, and there was a splash of water.

After a while, everyone saw that densely packed sea beasts appeared on the sea, and there were a lot of sea beasts, ranging from Tier 1 to Tier 9.

Everyone saw the scalp numb.

When Di Yanbo performed previously, she also communicated with the sea beasts from the first to the ninth level, but there was only one ninth-level sea beast, and the total number of sea beasts did not exceed one hundred.

But at this moment, there are three ninth-tier sea beasts alone, and there are hundreds of thousands of sea beasts of other levels. It is estimated that this batch of participating sea beasts and nearby sea beasts all ran over.

With such a quantity, it is possible to create a small-scale sea beast riot-chaos.

Just when everyone's hearts were tense, thinking that there would be a battle, one person jumped into the air, and then raised her hand.

The sea beasts looked at her together and did not attack.

The person in front of the water mirror also looked at the female cultivator hanging on the sea, and suddenly remembered that it seemed that it was the third part of the Sea Fairy campaign. With Wushuang Island's defense, it was impossible for the sea beasts to touch here without doing anything. What's more, there are still three Yuan Emperor Realm Venerables sitting on the island, even if there is a sea beast riot-chaos, it will be fine.

The hearts of the people quickly settled, and they continued to watch the situation in the water mirror.

The breeze blew in from a distance, setting off fine waves, stacked on the group of sea beasts pouring out of the sea.

There are so many types of sea beasts, so many cultivators in the inner waters are dazzled, and they find that the sea beasts they know and the ones they don't know seem to be here.

After the sea beasts appeared, they didn't do anything else, but floated quietly on the surface of the sea, as if waiting for something.

Everyone looked at the female cultivator standing on the sea, and the place under her feet was the countless sea beasts, and the sea beasts seemed to be following her orders.

At this time, Wen Qiao moved.

A stone-golden long whip appeared in her hand. The long whip shone with a dark golden luster. It was an earth-level high-grade spiritual weapon.

With a slap of the long whip, Wen Qiao raised her hand and said with a serious face: "Let's get started."

What to start?

Everyone looked at her with a confused expression, and then saw that the sea beasts below were automatically separated, divided into three parts, led by the three ninth-order sea beasts, and then the sea beasts began to fight.

The entire sea was surging again, and the power generated by the three ninth-tier sea beasts during the battle rushed to the Wushuang Island not far away. Wushuang Island was shaking, and the unknowing practitioners on the island were scared to attack by the sea beasts.

The movement caused by the battle of the ninth-order sea beast is enough to shake an island, which is why many cultivators are unwilling to let the ninth-order sea beast fight near the island where the cultivator inhabits.

Everyone watched this scene with a blank face.

If it weren't for the assurance that there were three Yuan Emperor Realm masters on the island, they all had the illusion that the sea beast would rush over to attack the island in the next moment.

This fight of the sea beasts almost lifted the entire sea.

Looking at Wen Qiao standing on the sea, she didn't stand there watching them fight, she actually acted as a commander, instructing the three sea beasts how to fight, and the sea beasts listened to her instructions and beat them so hard that the sea was turn when hit.

The sea was surging endlessly, and huge waves of hundreds of feet high rose up into the sky like a storm.

The Fairy Huanhua and the female nuns who were watching around were caught off guard, and were splashed with water on their faces.

Their expressions were dull, and they didn't know how to react.

The leaders of the various forces watching on the high platform were silent.

Because they were speechless, they had seen so many Sea Fairy campaigns, and they saw this for the first time. People who didn't know thought she was going to command the sea beasts to attack the island.

Suddenly, Min Mubei thought of something, his face changed drastically, and he suddenly turned his head to look at the island owner of Baifeng Island, only to see him staring at the water mirror without blinking. No one can see through what from those deep eyes.

Min Mubei's hands were cold, and he was obviously a cultivator in the Yuan Dynasty, and he was shocked in a cold sweat.

Min Kuanglang, who was next to him, found his breath unstable and couldn't help turning his head to look at him, "Mu Bei?"

Min Mubei finally retracted his gaze and shook his head towards Min Kuanglang, without saying anything.

Min Kuanglang stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder, and he didn't mention anything more tacitly, just to calm him down.

After the shock, the host of Zhanhailou couldn't figure out his head, and couldn't help but turn his head and said to Min Kuanglang: "Brother Min, this little girl in your family is really powerful. The momentum created by this, unknowingly thought she was summoning the sea beast to assault the island."

The word "summon" was used quite subtle, and the island owner of Baifeng Island glanced at him.

The host of Zhanhailou suddenly gloated, "Friend Bai Daoist, it seems that your little baby is going to lose."

Although his granddaughter also lost, but because Wen Qiao and granddaughter have a good relationship, the host of Zhanhailou is still in a good mood. Zhan Hailou and Baifeng Island often show off signs of each other, and have nothing to do with the low-key Min family, and it would be acceptable to lose to the Min family.

The owner of Baifeng Island ignored him, still staring at the female nun in the water mirror, with extremely bright eyes.

This performance lasted half an hour.

Half an hour later, the sea beasts stopped their hands, and then under the auspices of Wen Qiao, they left the field one after another, and the sea returned to calm again.

Wen Qiao stepped on the spirit weapon under her feet, hanging in the air, and said to the sluggish fairy Huanhua: "My performance is over."

Fairy Huanhua: "...Thank you, please start your performance next."

Fairy Huanhua shouted for a long time before a female sister started to perform with a pale face.

However, she called for a long time, but she didn't see the sea beast on the stage, and she suddenly became embarrassed.

Needless to think about it, the aura of the sea beasts fighting just now was too terrifying. It either scared the other sea beasts away, or was entrained in the sea beasts that had left the field and was taken away together.

This is embarrassing.

Even more embarrassing, all the female cultivators behind could not summon the sea beasts. No matter how hard they tried, the scene was calm.

Even the audience in front of the water mirror was embarrassed for them.

Moreover, seeing the huge momentum like a sea beast violent attacking an island before, made these cultivators feel a little unsatisfied, and even Di Yanbo's performance left them aside.

Compared with Di Yanbo's beautiful performance, that kind of brutal fighting hits people's hearts directly, making people's hearts and lungs burst, and it's hard to stop watching. Although I was taken aback at first, many people later saw it with gusto, which also reflected the pursuit of a strong character in the cultivator's bones.

Upon seeing this, Huanhua Fairy could only sigh and announce the end of the Sea Fairy campaign.

Even if the sea beasts weren't scared away, it is estimated that the female cultivator at the back would not be able to perform such a shocking performance as Wen Qiao, which is beyond the reach of ordinary power.

Returning to Wushuang Island, I saw the Seagod Stele with Wen Qiao's name at the highest point, showing its existence in a domineering manner.

The second is Di Yanbo, and the third is Liu Zizi.

Di Yanbo was calm when she saw this ranking, but couldn't help but look at Wen Qiao more, the look in her eyes was unclear.

Liu Zizi happily held Wen Qiao, "Great, you are the sea fairy this time!"

The ranking on the Poseidon Monument was also selected by everyone. In the first and third links, cultivators can choose the sea fairy in their hearts. There is no doubt that Wen Qiao's popularity is the highest.

Coupled with the number of water drops obtained by Wen Qiao in the second session, it deserves the first place.

When Fairy Huanhua put the sea fairy's corolla on Wen Qiao's head, she couldn't help asking: "Miss Wen, how did you make those sea beasts obedient?"

These hundreds of thousands of sea beasts, among them there are three ninth-tier sea beasts, it is impossible to make them obedient on their own.

In an instant, everyone on the scene looked over and raised their eyes and ears.

Everyone was also very curious about this issue, and they all wanted to know how Wen Qiao did it.

Wen Qiao said: "I use spirit pills to trade with them."

As she said, she pulled out a bottle of spirit pills and poured it out. Under the bright sunshine, the jade-white flawless spirit pills exuded the pure fragrance of the pills, which caused the spiritual energy of the nearby cultivators to tremble faintly.

"The best spirit pill!" Fairy Huanhua exclaimed.

Wen Qiao took it back with a sigh, and said solemnly: "I have an appointment with the three Tier 9 monsters, and each will give them a bottle of the best spirit pill as a reward."

The cultivators who heard this felt a sense of suffocation.

It's not only the best elixir, but also a bottle...no, it's three bottles!

In an instant, everyone on the scene understood that Wen Qiao's body must have a lot of best spirit pills, otherwise she would not sprinkle three bottles so generously, just to let the sea beasts cooperate with her to perform.

They never knew that they could still use the best spirit pill to lure sea beasts to help perform.

It's not that no one has thought of doing this, but where are they willing to use the best elixirs and sea beasts-trading?

There are many sea beasts in the inner waters, and there are many sea beasts with intelligence. Many cultivators will choose to trade with them with the spirit pills needed by the sea beasts, and trade some spirit grasses from the endless sea. This kind of thing is not uncommon, but cultivators use low-grade and middle-grade spirit pills in exchange, and even the top-grade ones are scarce, let alone the top-grade ones.

So there is no complaint that the three ninth-tier sea beasts will cooperate in this way, as long as they cooperate to fight a game, you can get a bottle of the best spirit pill.

Thinking of this, many cultivators were so distressed that they could not breathe.

In this way, the cultivators in the inner seas understand that the bloodline of the Min family living outside is not a poor relative who came to take advantage of it. People are probably not inferior to the Min family. It is lucky that the Min family can recognize her.

Qin Hongdao's group heard the whispers of people around them, and couldn't help but look at Ning Yuzhou.

"Junior Brother Ning, did you ask Junior Sister to do this?" Qin Hongdao was a little skeptical.

Ning Yuzhou smiled slightly, "Anyway, the Min clan is a relative of Aha's mother clan. Aha is just not used to it now, but after getting along more, there will always be feelings. I can't let the world think, Aha came to recognize relatives of their own accord."

His family is so good, how can the world be misunderstood?

People who have nothing to take the initiative to recognize relatives will make people feel that the other person is climbing the dragon and the phoenix; but if someone who has the ability to recognize relatives, it will only make people think that she has good intentions and values ​​the blood relatives.

A group of people finally understood why Wen Qiao was so high-profile.

Min Jishu didn't hear the words behind him, Ning Yuzhou's phrase "I will get along a lot in the future, there will always be feelings", which made him excited. Ning Yuzhou's attitude somewhat meant Wen Qiao, which showed that Wen Qiao still recognized them, but was not used to them for a while, so she was rather indifferent.

The end of the Sea Fairy campaign also heralded the end of the Sea God Festival.

However, there are still many practitioners who are not in a hurry to leave. They rarely come to Shangzhou Island. Wushuang Island and nearby islands and sea areas are also open to the public for a month because of the Sea God Festival, which attracts many practitioners who stayed.

However, there are many people eager to leave, and Min is one of them.

Min Mubei is anxious to bring Wen Qiao back to the Min family, wanting his wife to see Wen Qiao.

After Liu Zizi, Zong Zhao and others knew that Wen Qiao would go through Yunwuyudao with Min, they came over to say goodbye to her.

Zong Zhao said: "Sister, when you return to Shangzhou Island, remember to go to Banting Island to find us. My mother has never seen you."

The Min clan people present couldn't help but look over, especially Min Jishu, somewhat envy and jealousy in his heart. Not only did the grandfather show off outside that he had recognized a girl, it seemed that something really happened. However, after knowing that Wen Qiao and the others were able to come to Shangzhou Island smoothly, because of the Zong family's reasons, they were a little grateful to the Zong family.

Liu Zizi also said, "Sister Aqiao, when you are free, you have to go to Liu's house to find me."

Wen Qiao naturally agreed one by one.

There are also the little brothers Wen Qiao collected in the Battle of Sea God's Order. After being screened by Ning Yuzhou, three of them remained.

One is a salted fish male cultivator, and the two are brothers who drove the sea snake to attack. They are both casual cultivators. They have no foundation in the inner sea and it doesn't matter where they go. After learning that Wen Qiao and the others were from the Central Continent, he did not hesitate to choose to follow them.

So Wen Qiao asked them to accompany the Zong family to Zhongzhou Island to wait for them.

When they left Wushuang Island with Min's people, the wise brothers from Ning Yuzhou came to see them off.

The scene where hundreds of cultivators gathered to say goodbye was very eye-catching and attracted the attention of many cultivators.

The Min family couldn’t help but stare at Ning Yuzhou. They knew that this was Wen Qiao’s Taoist couple. Although they felt that Wen Qiao got married a bit early, they finally found such a bloodline, knowing that she could grow up so big is not easy, as long as she is well. Yes, I am not demanding on everything, and naturally I will not say much.

But seeing this scene still made them feel that this man's methods and abilities are more powerful than they thought.

After saying goodbye to these people, Wen Qiao and others boarded the ship with Min's people.

Min came by boat. This ship was not inferior to the king-class battleship of Zhongzhou Thirteenth Line. It was also a warship, but it was not as large as Zhongzhou Thirteenth Line, but its combat and defensive power was not bad at all.

When the boat was about to set off, Min Sulin finally appeared and left with the boat.

Min Sulin appeared silently, and did not attract many people's attention, because at this time, everyone's eyes were focused on Wen Qiao.

Min Sulin saw this scene with an astringent color on her face.

Only Min Jishu was attentive, looked at her figure, and walked towards her.

"Aunt Sulin, where have you been? Why don't you participate in the Sea Fairy campaign?" Min Jishu asked.

Min Sulin glanced at him, and said in disappointment: "I don't want to participate, so as not to make people laugh."

In the past, she wanted to prove that she was a member of the Min family, and wanted to prove to the world that she was not bad, so she did a lot of things and became the person with the strongest reputation in the Min family, the title of a beauty.

But after Wen Qiao appeared, when the world's eyes focused on her, she was like a thief who had stolen a life that did not belong to her, and finally revealed her true form, no matter what she did was wrong.

This made her very painful, but she didn't know who to blame.

So she prefers to hide, so she doesn't have to face her father's indifference, and she doesn't have to face the eyes of the world.

After hearing this, Min Jishu didn't say anything, but said, "Then you want to go back to Yunwuyudao with us?"

Min Sulin was startled and shook her head and said: "No, if my mother sees me, she will be angry again..." She thought of something and took out a pill bottle from her storage bag. "When I came out, I heard that my mother was vomiting blood again. This is the Heavenly Level Yunxin Pill that I finally found. You can bring it back to my mother..."

Her voice was a little low, knowing that Min might not accept it.

Min Jishu didn't say anything, and reached out to take it.

Min Sulin was finally happy, turned her head and glanced at Wen Qiao who was surrounded by the crowd, her expression dimmed, and she hid silently in the cabin.
