212 : Blood Demon Forest

Wu Qijie carefully cleaned up the blood mud stains on the runestones.

After she cleaned up the mud stains, everyone found that the rune on the runestone was quite clear, but the runestone used as the medium was not a smooth and flawless jade. It had a few more blood stains, as if it had been bloodied. The blood in the river is generally infested, giving people an extremely ominous feeling.

Wu Qijie frowned, "The color on this should be the original runestone?"

"I don't think it is. How can Master Fulu use jade stained with other colors to draw Fuluo?" Qiao Leshui interrupted.

Ning Yuzhou nodded: "Master Qiao is right, this color is not the original runestone. And this runestone is also used to suppress evil."

After listening, everyone was not surprised. Perhaps it was the first runestone encountered on the tree island in the lake. After knowing its existence and function, they had a hunch in their hearts, like this runestone for suppressing evil, the sky must be quite a lot.

Since it is a runestone used to suppress evil, how can it be dyed with other colors?

It was still Ning Yuzhou who interpreted the runes on the runestones.

Ning Yuzhou said: "It suppresses an evil spirit that has fallen into the realm of hungry ghosts. The evil spirits of the realm of hungry ghosts can never satisfy their appetite. These hungry ghosts in the river of blood are the power of the evil spirits suppressed in the river of blood which transmogrified."

Everyone turned their heads and looked at the blood river subconsciously. The hungry ghosts were still floating on the river, staring at them greedily. The protruding mouths and teeth were united as if they were chewing food, ugly and cripple.

Qiao Leshui swallowed secretly, and whispered, "Does the evil spirits suppressed in the blood river look like these hungry ghosts?"

That's too awkward.

Everyone looked at him, speechless.

Qiao Leshui looked at Su Wangling, who had the "smart eyes", and felt that Young Master Su seemed to know everything, unfathomable.

Su Wangling: "...I don't know either."

A person with a rhino body just allows him to see the "truth" that ordinary people can't see, but it doesn't mean that he can even see the appearance of evil spirits suppressed by runes. He hasn't been able to cultivate to the point of such a level.

As for the fact that he would know the existence of these demons and the like in the original, thanks to the rich background in Linglong Fort, before coming to the original, he had specifically learned about the original situation of the original in order to clarify their origins and source.

After knowing the function of this runestone, they looked at the few traces of blood on the runestone, and they had an ominous premonition in their hearts.

Su Wangling looked at Ning Yuzhou: "Young Master Ning, do you think the blood on this runestone is..."

Ning Yuzhou said: "If there is no accident, it should be the evil spirit suppressed in the blood river in order to break through the suppression of the runestones and intend to contaminate it. When the runestones are completely blood red, they lose their suppression effect. The evil spirits in the river will break out of the seal."

Qiao Leshui shivered, really reluctant to think about that scene.

Both Wu Qijie and Su Wangling's expressions were a bit bad. If, as Ning Yuzhou said, Tianzhiyuan didn't know what would become, and Feixing Continent was afraid of suffering.

"Young Master Ning, how long do you think this rune can be suppressed?" Su Wangling asked.

Ning Yuzhou stretched out his hand, slid his fingertips over the rune, felt the power remaining on the runestone, and said, "If there is no accident, it should be able to last for four to five hundred years."

Qiao Leshui and Wu Qijie secretly breathed a sigh of relief, four to five hundred years are much longer than one hundred years.

After reading the runes, they moved forward again.

The hungry ghosts in the river of blood stared at the back of their departure, and they didn't sink into the river of blood until a few of them disappeared.

Qiao Leshui and the others could feel the gazes on their backs, the sights of the countless hungry ghosts, as if they were chewing their flesh and blood into their stomachs, which was really uncomfortable.

After leaving the blood river, they flew forward for a while, finally leaving this dark red wilderness.

In front is a forest that can't be seen from the edge. After everyone entered the forest, they found that the forest was very quiet. That kind of quietness is not the quietness of Wan Lai's silence, but a kind of quietness with no vitality.

Obviously it is a lush forest, but it still doesn't feel the slightest vitality.

They shuttled through the woods, looking at the surroundings, which was not unusual.

I don't know how long he has been in the woods, suddenly Wu Qijie moved his ears and said, "There is movement ahead, and there may be other cultivators."

Everyone lifted up their spirits and decided to look at the situation.

Wu Qijie carried Su Wangling on his back and swept forward first.

Qiao Leshui, Wen Qiao, and Ning Yuzhou followed close behind. Not long after, they heard a faint movement in front of them.

When they approached, they saw seven or eight cultivators fleeing in the woods, chased by a monster behind them.

The monster had the form of a human being, nearly one foot tall, with blue-faced fangs, white hair all over his body, and the bare skin that was exposed to the white hair was black.

The monster chased several cultivators closely, opened his mouth and let out a roar. Along with the roar, a burst of cyan gas gushed out. The cyan gas touched the cultivators, and their faces glowed with an abnormal cyan color.

Wu Qijie and several people were hiding behind a giant tree. Looking at this scene, they quickly recognized the signs on the clothes of the cultivators.

"Young Master, he is a disciple of Tianfuzong." Wu Qijie asked in a low voice, "Do you want to save them?"

Su Wangling looked at the disciples of the Tianfuzong, thought for a moment, and said, "Save it."

Wu Qijie immediately summoned his big sword, entrusted Su Wangling to Wen Qiao and the others, then jumped out of the hiding place and slew towards the monster chasing the disciple of Tianfuzong.

The disciples of Tianfuzong thought they were bound to die, but when they were desperate, they found that the monster behind them was stopped by someone.

Seeing Wu Qijie's knife, a disciple of Tianfuzong immediately exclaimed in surprise, "It's Senior Wu from Linglong Fort."

After knowing that the other party was from Linglong Fort, the disciples of Tianfuzong all had a saved expression and hurriedly fled the battlefield. Then they felt relieved and slumped directly on the ground. They had no strength to escape.

Wu Qijie was a cultivator in the Yuanhuang Realm, and it didn't take much time to deal with the monster, and he would solve it quickly.

He put away the big sword and walked over to the disciple of Tianfuzong.

"Are you all right?" Wu Qijie asked, his eyes fell on a few of the Tianfuzong disciples, and found that their complexions were cyanish, and their complexions were somewhat similar to the complexions of the monsters he had killed.

The disciples of Tianfuzong thanked him gratefully, and then said bitterly, "We may not be very good."

After seeing the end of the battle, Wen Qiao and the others also came out of their hiding place.

When they walked to the group of Tianfuzong disciples, they also saw the abnormal skin color on their faces, which looked like they were poisoned.

"Are you poisoned?" Qiao Leshui asked.

The disciples of the Tianfuzong nodded, and one of the older disciples said: "Just now we accidentally inhaled the cyan gas emitted by the monster. We didn't expect that the cyan gas was poisonous, and the ordinary detoxification pills are not effective for this poison."

Speaking of this, the other disciples of Tianfuzong couldn't help crying, and suddenly felt that even if they were saved now, it was just the difference between dying early and dying late.

Su Wangling stepped forward, checked the disciples of the Tianfuzong, and said, "It should be corpse poison."

"Corpse?" Qiao Leshui leaned over and took a look, "Could it be that the monster is a kind of zombie?"

If it is corpse poison, it is not surprising that the ordinary detoxification pills have no effect. What the detoxification pills can solve is only some common toxicities, not against corpse poison.

The disciple of the Tianfuzong looked at Su Wangling. He didn't expect that he could judge the poison they were in. It was also very knowledgeable, so he couldn't help asking: "I wonder if this fellow Taoist is..."

"Linglong Fort Su Wangling."

The disciple of Tianfuzong showed a look of surprise on his face, and then with joy on his face, he hurriedly asked: "I wonder if Young Master Su has a way to detoxify us?"

Su Wangling was about to speak, suddenly covering his mouth and coughing violently.

The disciple of Tianfuzong watched with a dazed look at Wu Qijie sitting aside Young Master Su, who looked very weak, and poured out a blood pill to feed him. He couldn't believe that this person was the Young Master of Linglong Fort.

Although the young master of Linglong Castle is well-known, not many people have actually seen him. The disciples of this group of Tianfuzong have never seen him, only heard of his deeds.

However, they had never heard that the young master of Linglong Fort was a patient!

The man in front of him with a sickly face and a thin body looked like a sickly patient, different from the energetic young master Su they imagined.

Looking at Wu Qijie's actions, they confirmed that Young Master Su was indeed genuine, and should not have been pretended to be by others.

The disciples of Tianfuzong waited patiently for a while, and saw that Su Wangling finally took a sigh of relief, but his ailing appearance was so different from the rumors that it made them hesitate a bit, and they were embarrassed to ask him to help to detoxify.

Su Wangling said: "Sorry, I didn't bring a detoxification pill that can detoxify the corpse."

The disciple of Tianfuzong looked disappointed, and after disappointment, he was desperate.

Wu Qijie sympathized with them, and suggested: "You should leave the heavens as soon as possible, maybe there will be salvation."

The older disciple in the lead smiled bitterly: "I'm afraid we can't make it!"

Before they came to the Plains of Heaven, they had not heard of such monsters carrying corpse poison in the Plains of Heaven. Where would they prepare those detoxification pills that can detoxify the corpses? This place is very far away from the exit of the heavens. If you want to leave and turn back along the way, the danger encountered is not small. With their current physical condition, if no one is escorted, they will not be able to leave safely.

Wu Qijie naturally understood this reason, and if there were Yuanhuang realm cultivators escorting this group of Tianfuzong disciples, they might be able to go back in time.

The disciples of Tianfuzong squatted there with weeping faces, all looking like waiting to die, looking very pitiful.

Even the two hair balls on Wen Qiao's shoulder couldn't help but look at them more.

Qiao Leshui glanced at the disciples of Tianfuzong, leaned close to Ning Yuzhou and asked in a low voice, "Young Master Ning, can you save them?"

There were all cultivators with ears and eyes, no matter how small his voice was, he could still hear him clearly.

The disciples of Tianfuzong looked up. When they saw Ning Yuzhou, Qiao Leshui, and Wen Qiao, they found three strange faces, but they came with the young master of Linglong Fort, it was the people of the Linglong fort?

Su Wangling and Wu Qijie also looked at Ning Yuzhou.

Wu Qijie asked with a surprised look: "Is it possible that Young Master Ning has a detoxification pill that can detoxify the corpse?"

"No." Ning Yuzhou said.

The disciple of the Tianfuzong who had been looking forward to it was suddenly stunned, showing a frustrated face again, squatting there waiting for death.

Ning Yuzhou said: "I have a detoxification pill, but I am not sure whether it can detoxify the corpse, you can try it."

With that said, he flipped his hand and took out a pill bottle and handed it to the disciple of Tianfuzong.

After the Tianfuzong disciple took it, he said to him: "Thank you for your kindness! Anyway, we are already like this, so let's give it a try. If there is no other way, it is my life."

With that said, he opened the pill bottle, and when he saw the spirit pill in the pill bottle, he was surprised: "The best pill?"

Other disciples of Pill Fuzong hurriedly came over, "Brother Wang, what is the best pill?"

The brother Wang poured out the detoxification pills in the pill bottle, and everyone looked at them and exclaimed, it is really the best detoxification pills!

A group of people suddenly looked at Ning Yuzhou's gaze. No matter whether this detoxification pill could detoxify the corpse poison on them, it was enough to make people excited just as an earth-level top-grade pill.

Su Wangling and Wu Qijie stared at the best detoxification pill, and they couldn't help thinking that when they were crossing the lake, they had seen Wen Qiao feed the two monsters on her shoulders with the best pill, and they had a vague feeling at that time. At this moment, it was not too surprising to see that Ning Yuzhou shot a bottle of the best detoxification pills.

These top-grade spirit pills, if they hadn't cultivated them themselves, someone from their forces could cultivate the best-grade pills.

Therefore, the best pill is nothing to them, just a bottle of it.

Su Wangling couldn't help but guess again about the identities of Ning Yuzhou's two people, but after guessing and guessing, they couldn't confirm which faction was able to cultivate such an outstanding disciple.

"Even if I can't detoxify and can taste the best pill, I will die without regret."

"Woo, you die, if you can eat the best pill before you die, I can look down."

"Brother Wang, quickly divide me."


Senior Brother Wang looked at Ning Yuzhou awkwardly, and couldn't help but scold these juniors, "What's the hurry? I haven't given this young man Lingshi yet."

If it was other detoxification pills, they swallowed it, but this is the best spirit pill...

Brother Wang trembled a little, swallowed his saliva, and said politely to Ning Yuzhou, "This son, I don't know how to sell this bottle of detoxification pills?"

Ning Yuzhou Wen said: "Senior, let's see if we can solve it first."

Wu Qijie was very speechless, his life was gone, and what did he care about so much?

This group of Tianfuzong disciples, as expected, are a group of idiots, as rumored.

Wen Qiao and Ning Yuzhou have adapted well, and there are many people like Tianfuzong disciples in the Saint Martial Continent, such as Fei Yubai, Nie Shenxuan... those cultivators who specialize in minor skills will always have a bit of infatuation.

There were a total of eight disciples of Tianfuzong present. They took the best detoxification pills and then meditated to exercise their spiritual power.

After a while, the cyan on the face of the Tianfuzong disciple gradually faded, returning to his normal complexion.

"Huh, can you really solve it?" Wu Qijie looked surprised.

Qiao Leshui said naturally: "That's natural."

Even Ning Yuzhou can cure such a thorny injury on his body, not to mention the mere corpse poison.

I don't know when it started, Qiao Leshui had a blind trust in Ning Yuzhou, and felt that there was nothing he couldn't do in this world.

After the disciples of Tianfuzong discovered that the corpses on their bodies had been detoxified, their faces showed ecstasy, and they all stepped forward to thank Ning Yuzhou for his life of salvation.

"The Lord's life-saving grace is remembered by Tianfuzong!"

Ning Yuzhou said politely: "However, the detoxification pills are just a little bit too much."

The Tianfuzong disciple said gratefully: "Don't say anything seriously, the son saved our life, and we will repay it!"

Knowing that he would not use it to death, the Tianfuzong disciple was very happy.

They exchanged names with Ning Yuzhou, and when they heard Qiao Leshui's name, they were surprised and said: "This son of Qiao is the brother of Fellow Qiao Leshan from Feixian Island?"

Qiao Leshui hurriedly said, "Exactly! Fellow Daoists, have you seen him since you entered the heavens?"

Senior Brother Wang said: "This is not true, but two days ago, we heard from other cultivators that the disciples from Feixian Island went in the direction of the Blood Demon Forest, and they should be there."

Qiao Leshui was overjoyed and hurriedly asked, "I don't know where the Blood Demon Forest is? Can some of you take us there?"

Senior Brother Wang did not answer him, but asked Ning Yuzhou: "Young Master Ning also wants to find Fellow Qiao on Feixian Island?"

Qiao Leshui looked at Ning Yuzhou with expectation.

Ning Yuzhou said indifferently: "We are here with Master Qiao. If we can help him find Senior Qiao, it would be great."

"Okay, then go to the Blood Demon Forest." Senior Brother Wang decided immediately.

The other Pill Fuzong disciples also had no objection, and said one after another: "Since Young Master Ning is going, then I will accompany you later!"

Qiao Leshui: "..." His feelings are just incidental?
