380 : Harvests

Wen Qiao and the others didn't stay in the house for a long time. After they went out, there was noisy outside. A group of cultivators took out the Illusory Sea God Flower that they had obtained in the Sea God Stele this time.

No matter it is the various forces in the inner sea, or the alchemy masters, they will bid to buy the magic sea god flower obtained by the cultivator.

In addition, the organizer of the Poseidon Festival will also send people to count the number of Poseidon Flowers that each person has received, and the one with the largest number will give them a certain reward. This is also to encourage the cultivators who enter the Sea God Stele to look for the Illusory Sea God Flower more.

Wen Qiao and the others just appeared, and the scene suddenly fell silent.

After a while, it seemed to return to normal, but no matter what the cultivator was busy with, his gaze looked towards this side as if there was nothing.

Min Mubei's expression was cold, as if he hadn't noticed.

Wen Qiao and Ning Yuzhou didn't even care. Looking at them like this, they had experienced a lot in Dongling back then, and there was no pressure on them.

Ning Jichen and a group of people rushed over, seeing Min Mubei and Wen Qiao and the others, they stopped talking.

Min Mubei was the cultivation base of the late Yuan Dynasty, and apart from his blood relationship with Wen Qiao, he was also considered a senior.

Before they could speak, Min Mubei's gaze fell on Ning Jichen, and he cordially said, "This is your in-laws, right?"

Ning Jichen: "..." Being called in-laws by a strong Yuan emperor is really stressful.

Min Mubei's gaze looked over, and Qin Hongdao and the others agreed, with a smile on his face, and said, "Aha has already told me about it. Thanks for taking care of her over the years."

Qin Hongdao and the others hurriedly said, "Senior Min is polite..."

A strong Yuanhuang realm treated them so politely, somewhat uncomfortable, but everyone present keenly noticed that Min Mubei's eye sockets still seemed to have traces left, and it seemed as if he had cried...to make a Yuan imperial realm cultivators couldn't control their emotions. It can be seen that their recognition of relatives just now may not be so pleasant.

At this moment, Min squeezed over, first called his grandfather to Min Mubei, and then looked at Wen Qiao baffledly.

Min Mubei's emotions have been controlled. It is not like the gaffe when he learned the truth before. Now he looks at Wen Qiao, affected by the nature of the blood, how he looks and loves, and he said lovingly: It's Sudi's daughter and my granddaughter."

Min Jishu was very happy and said happily: "So Aunt Sudi still has a daughter..."

After being happy, he suddenly glanced at Min Mubei. As a member of the Min clan, how did he not know that the taboo of "Min Sudi" in the hearts of Min Mubei and his wife was their only heartache. When he learned that Wen Qiao was Min Sudi's daughter earlier, he thought that Min Sudi was not dead, but they were still a step late...

Min Mubei looked towards Wen Qiao, and saw that her expression was dull, and his heart was sad.

He knew that Wen Qiao would not be so easy to accept the sudden emergence of relatives, and did not want to force her. He waved his hand at Min Jishu, indicating that Min Jishu would accompany his granddaughter. They were about the same age and might be able to talk together. .

Min Mubei returned to Gaotai with a lonely expression.

Min Sulin greeted him and called to him: "Father..."

Her voice was suddenly blocked, and she stared at Min Mubei's indifferent expression, and walked straight towards her, as if when she did not exist, the robes woven by the thousand-year-old sea silkworm slipped past her sight and then disappeared. There is no pause.

Her body trembled slightly.

The memories that I didn't want to recall when I was a child once again hit my heart. The mother who suddenly went mad, hated her father, and the grandmother who died tragically, his grandfather's cold and disgusting eyes...

At the age of ten, she was abandoned by the whole world, and everyone hated her...

She worked hard for so long, and finally let them reluctantly accept herself, but it seemed to be back then.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

Putting a hand on her shoulder, Min Sulin looked up stiffly and saw Di Yanbo's face.

The saint of Baifeng Island has always been loved by others. Because Baifeng Island and the Min clan are related by marriage, Min Sulin occasionally practices with Di Yanbo, and the relationship between the two is acceptable.

"I..." Min Sulin was about to speak.


A majestic voice sounded, and Di Yanbo respectfully saluted the island lord of Baifeng Island not far away: "Island lord."

The owner of Baifeng Island glanced at Min Sulin coldly, and said, "Come here, I have something to ask you."

Di Yanbo closed her eyebrows, then took another look at the stiff Min Sulin, and hurried forward.

When Min Mubei walked to Min Kuanglang's side, he suddenly became frustrated. He seemed to be exhausted and sat there paralyzed.

Min Kuanglang faintly glanced at Min Sulin, who was standing not far away, looking very pitiful, lonely from her back.

Only people who are not blind can see the scene just now, Min Mubei's vain indifference, not like the rumored way he treated his biological daughter? Could it be because Min Ji's "Min Sudi" was lost in his mouth earlier?

Today's matter, because the Min clan members did not want to deliberately conceal the reason, it swept across the Wushuang Island like a tornado, and it is estimated that after the Poseidon Festival, it will spread throughout the entire inner sea.

In the past, Min's behavior was too low-key. Most of the people's knowledge of Min's was on the surface. Now that they see this scene, their established impression of Min's needs to change.

"How is it?" Min Kuanglang asked.

Min Mubei closed his eyes and said for a while, "She is Sudi's daughter. That woman lied to us back then and made us think that the baby's body is Sudi..."

Having said this, he once again covered his face, covering his face with a bitter hatred like crying and laughing.

Min Kuanglang was not surprised. After learning about Wen Qiao's identity from Min Jishu earlier, he understood that there was something wrong with things back then.

"You don't have to blame yourself too much." Min Kuanglang comforted in vain, "Di Ying is a saint carefully nurtured by Baifeng Island. Her blood is powerful. Her methods are more than we thought. She wants to blur our blood. It's very easy to perceive, and we didn't expect her to do this kind of thing..."

At this point, Min Kuanglang also sighed.

Di Ying is the most outstanding saint in the history of Baisheng Island, and her bloodline is even stronger. If it were not so, she would not have been selected as a saint instead of Di Xun. During the two hundred years when she served as the saint of Baifeng Island, she practiced the best techniques and obtained the best resources on Baifeng Island. She practiced at a rapid pace, and geniuses of the same age were dulled by her.

Di Ying has the means and force, and has a ruthless heart. Even the mother who gave birth to and raised her can kill her with her own hands.

So when she betrayed Baifeng Island, she not only caught Baifeng Island by surprise, even the traitors she buried in Baifeng Island also defected with her, causing countless murders, and brought life to hurt the Min Mubei couple.

Min Mubei pulled the corner of his mouth weakly, and his eyes fell on Wen Qiao, who was surrounded by the crowd not far away, and Min Sulin, who had left alone.

He said softly, "Second uncle, I thought I could hold it. After all, Su Lin is innocent. She is also a poor child, and her birth mother can't tolerate her. Baifeng Island regards her as a shame, and her mother-in-law also knows that this child is not easy to be born. Before the end of life, trust us to raise her, if we don't even raise her, she will really die..."

At that time, the wife of the island owner of Baifeng Island was badly injured by her biological daughter. The time is not long. Before she died, she held the hands of their husband and wife tightly so that they would raise Min Sulin no matter what, and treat her as Min's child.

At that time they agreed.

However, before agreeing, Di Ying led people to attack Baifeng Island, wounded his Taoist companion, and killed his daughter.

Over the years, he has been controlling his emotions, telling himself not to irritate the innocent child, after all, this is also a poor child. He kept admonishing himself so that he didn't dare to ask Min Sulin's adopted daughter in front of his wife, and he rarely even allowed Min Sulin to set foot on the island.

"But when I learned about Sudi and Aha's experience over the years, I still couldn't help but anger her..."

He is also a hypocritical person, unable to complete his mother-in-law's deathbed entrustment, and sorry for the daughter who died in vain, and the granddaughter who suffered by them.

Min Kuanglang didn't know how to comfort him. After all, this didn't happen to him. He didn't know the pain of losing his flesh and blood, and outsiders had no right to be beaked.

"Do you want to tell Big Brother about this?" Min Kuanglang asked.

The Min family has three direct descendants, Min Kuangyun, Min Kuanglang, and Min Kuangxing. They are the brothers of the direct relatives, and their relationship has always been very good. Therefore, when they established the Min family, they directly regarded the descendants of the three brothers as direct descendants. Regardless of status, they are treated equally.

Among the three brothers, the highest cultivation base is Min Kuangyun, and the weakest offspring is also Min Kuangyun. He has only one child, Min Mubei, and Min Mubei and his wife only have Min Sulin, and then Wen Qiao's granddaughter suddenly appeared.

Min Mu said: "Father is in retreat, don't bother his old man with these things. What's more..." He smiled bitterly, "When Aha arrives on the island through the cloud and mist, my father will perceive it."

This is the only blood of theirs, even if the father is in retreat, as long as people step into Min's territory, they will be able to perceive it.

Min Kuanglang stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder, and said softly, "It will be fine."

Min Mubei remained silent, closing his eyes gently.

They have been desperate and sad for too long, and for them, it has no meaning.


Min Jishu handed her the Sea God Ling and the rewards Wushuang Island awarded to the Sea God Ling winner, and smiled at her very openly and gently, "Sister Aha, these are yours."

Wen Qiao glanced at him and put these things away.

She checked and found that the rewards were very generous, and even a heavenly weapon was considered generous.

Then, she handed the Sea God's order to Zong Zhao, "Brother Zong, to foster father."

Zong Zhao was a little confused.

Not only Zong Zhao was stunned, but the people around him were also stunned, especially Min Jishu. He didn't expect that his sister would be so generous, and she would give the Sea God Order to others casually. The cultivators in the inner waters who are paying attention to them are heartbroken. If they don't want it, they can take it for auction. There are still many people who are willing to pool the spirit stone to buy it.

Zong Zhao hurriedly waved his hand, "You grabbed this, it's yours, what do you do for us? You keep it yourself."

Wen Qiao showed a cute and cute smile, "We were able to come to Shangzhou Island smoothly because of the care of our adoptive father. It is not a big deal to give the Sea God order to the adoptive father."

Ning Yuzhou said, "Aha is right, it should be handed over to Senior Zong."

Master Wuming glanced at him and muttered secretly, I was afraid that sister Aqiao threw Seashen Ling as trash, he would also say okay?

He understood this. Ning Yuzhou clearly raised a child bride and wife. On the one hand, he calmly guided her to grow up, on the other hand, he loved infinitely, almost without principle.

Zong Zhao looked at Qin Hongdao and Yi Xuan again, and found that the two of them seemed indifferent to Wen Qiao's decision, and suddenly he didn't know how to evaluate these people from the Central Continent.

Or is it because the disciples of the Chixiao Sect are broad-minded and unmoved by foreign objects?

Unable to hear Wen Qiao, Zong Zhao finally threw this thing to him.

The grandfather almost didn't kill him, "Do you dare to take my daughter's things? See if I won't kill you!"

Zong Xu was also stunned. How many people wanted to get the Sea God's Token and comprehend the divine consciousness cultivation in it, but they didn't expect that they would eventually fall into the hands of their Zong family.

Zong Zhao said: "If I take it, I will be menopausal! This is for you from my sister. I really don't know what kind of luck you've had to make my sister treat you so well!"

The grandfather immediately smiled and went to find Wen Qiao with the Poseidon Ling.

Wen Qiao said: "Foster father, Poseidon ordered you to keep it. This thing is of little use to me. It is given to you because you are my foster father."

Others treat her sincerely, and she still treats her sincerely.

From the beginning of stepping out of Tanglin and changing her own destiny, Wen Qiao had encountered too many people and too many things, and she remembered everyone who treated her well and put it in her heart. She has also seen a lot of treasures, even the sacred tree that the world's demons want to rob, how can she put a small part of the Sea God's order in her eyes?

Therefore, it is very generous.

It was her generosity that was recognized by Ning Yuzhou and others.

The grandfather was coaxed by her so happily that he couldn't even see his teeth. He assumed that this was the daughter of his filial piety. He decided to return to the family's family to pick up all the treasures of the family's family for her to pick.

The grandfather happily ran to find those old friends to show off, his daughters were filial and capable, and inherited the mantle of their clan. There is no better daughter than this.

The people in Zhongzhou 13xing didn't know that his grandfather's daughters were clearly recognized by him halfway, and they were still of the Min family's blood. It can only be said that the grandfather was really out of dog-shit luck, and people were so envious and jealous that they wanted to kill him . Before, they actually believed the grandfather's nonsense, thinking that Wen Qiao was the daughter of the grandfather and his wife secretly.

"Don't be too happy!" Someone poured cold water, "Min's blood is not something you can be a daughter if you want to be a daughter."

Everyone can see the previous events clearly, and they also understand what there should be internal information in this, Wen Qiao is undoubtedly the descendant of the Patriarch of the Min family. As for Min Sulin, the number one beauty in the inner sea, who is held by the world, her identity is also very suspicious.

If it wasn't for the Min family that she was a high-profile and famous, who would pay attention to her?

But compared to her, everyone paid more attention to Min Kuangyun, who was the most powerful in the Min family.

The cultivation world pays attention to strength and benefits, and reputation is nothing more than an icing on the cake. Those who are in power in various forces just laugh at the so-called number one beauty in the inner sea.

The grandfather smiled and said: "No matter who she is, our family recognizes this girl anyway."


There were a lot of people around Wen Qiao, besides Qin Hongdao and them, there were also many practitioners in the inner sea, among them the group of little brothers.

Wen Qiao called the little brothers over.

The salted fish male Xiu secretly swallowed his saliva. If at first they were controlled by Wen Qiao with a poison pill and wanted to retaliate, then they lost the idea in Wen Qiao's all the way. Until now, I knew she might after it was Min's blood, he didn't even want to do anything, even the idea of ​​holding his thigh was gone.

Min's thighs were not something they could hug casually.

Wen Qiao said: "The poison pill on your body has been solved, don't worry."

The little brothers had a hunch for a long time, and it was not surprising to hear this, but he felt a little bit in his heart, it turned out that she really didn't want to kill them...

"I'll give you these things." Wen Qiao took out a storage bag and handed it to the salted fish male repairman. "You share the contents, which is your hard work."

The little brothers are flattered, so they are still rewarded for their coolies?

The salted fish male Xiu who was trusted by Wen Qiao straightened his chest immediately, and very obediently divided the things Wen Qiao had given him into thirteen parts and distributed them.

The things inside were spirit pills, spirit grass, and phantom sea god flowers, and the number of phantom sea god flowers was quite large, more than those obtained by cultivators who were arching everywhere by themselves.

A group of people were moved: "Boss, do you still accept the younger brother? We are willing to follow you to the end of the world!"
