328 : Maze

After passing the big turntable, a few people came to an intersection.

There was a half-human unicorn statue squatting at the intersection. The unicorn statue slightly raised its head, as if staring at everyone who entered the maze.

Even if the teacher who owed his hand was dead, he didn't dare to touch it again at this moment, and quickly kept a safe distance from it, so as not to pay attention, the unicorn stone statue attacked him again.

Every path in the maze is square and square, three feet high and three feet wide. For practitioners, this space is very spacious, but for Qilin statues, this space is rather cramped.

Shi Wuming secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If there are still the unicorn statues on the big turntable, according to the space of this passage, it is estimated that they will not be able to appear here.

As for the other smaller unicorn statues, their combat effectiveness should not be as strong as the larger ones.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly discovered that there were kylin reliefs on the walls on both sides of the maze.

Every some distance, there will be a unicorn relief. Although it is not very dense, it always gives the illusion that all of them are being watched.

"This stuff is too much..." Shi Wuming whispered.

"It's good to know, why bother to say it?" Pei Qiyu gave him a shut-up look.

Shi Wuming had to shut his mouth. He was also worried about what he had said wrong and attracted something from the underground palace. What if he only attacked him again?

After walking in the maze for a while, suddenly Ning Yuzhou had a stop.

Wen Qiao turned her head to look at him, and asked in doubt: "Husband, what's the matter?"

When the other people heard the sound, they looked over, and at the same time became alert, thinking that Ning Yuzhou had found something unusual.

Ning Yuzhou said: "The formation of the underground palace has been opened, and the people above should find out soon."

"What?" Shi Wuming was shocked immediately, "How could it be opened? Haven't it been opened before?" Otherwise, there would not be so many cultivators who don't know the secrets hidden in Chiri Villa.

Ning Yuzhou still said unhurriedly: "It should have been so, but after we came in, we touched the formation of the underground palace, and at the same time alarmed the owner of the underground palace, which caused the large formation of the underground palace to start, which naturally affected the outside."

Everyone was a little stunned.

Suddenly Pei Qiyu thought of something and asked: "The time you mentioned earlier has not arrived, does it mean..."

Ning Yuzhou no longer concealed it from them: "When I was in Chiri Villa, I observed that Chiri Villa clearly had a recovery formation, but could not find the traces of its existence. At that time, I knew that there must be some power to control the hidden formation. At that time, I couldn't be sure that this underground palace would exist in Chiri Mountain Villa, and it could only be revealed when it needed a specific time."

This particular timing turned out not to be in the Chiri Villa, but in the lake of the Villa.

As soon as they pushed open the heavy stone gate under the water, they alarmed an existence in the underground palace, causing the formation that enveloped Chiri Villa to open.

Although he hadn't seen the situation outside, he speculated slightly and knew that there must be a formation in Chiri Villa, which attracted many cultivators.

After listening to Ning Yuzhou's analysis, everyone knew that the abnormal movement outside Chiri Villa would definitely attract the attention of the practitioners in the secret realm, especially the two Zuoyizhai who were squatting in the Chiri Villa.

I'm afraid that when the two people discovered the hidden formation of Chiri Mountain Villa, they had already entered this underground palace.

Shi Wuming suddenly became a little unhappy, feeling that they had come here so hard, but they were making wedding clothes for others, creating opportunities for them to come in and explore the secrets of Chiri Villa.

Wen Qiao comforted him: "It's okay. We came in earlier than those people, and we all walked here. We have nothing to do with us. Right?"

This "yes" doesn't know who she said to.

Su Molan and Pei Qiyu kept silent wisely, feeling inexplicably that only Wen Qiao dared to say this for granted-although they didn't know why that thing treated Wen Qiao so graciously, and the teacher had no life to touch it. he.

Ning Yuzhou agreed and said: "Aha is right, we have more advantages than them, and there are a lot of traps in this underground palace. It's not easy to make it all the way smoothly."

Even if those people can destroy institutions and remove obstacles, I am afraid that time is not enough.

The opening time of the secret realm of Chiri Villa is one month, and it is only ten days before the secret realm is closed. They don't have that much time to consume.

These words also made the three of Shi Wuming breathe a sigh of relief, and immediately decided to speed up, first through the maze before speaking.

As they accelerated their speed through the maze and searched for a way out, they suddenly heard something unusual.

Wen Qiao and several people hurriedly put their eyes and ears on the wall, and found that the sound seemed to be approaching where they were.

"Go!" Pei Qiyu shouted, pulling Su Molan's hand and ran away.

Wen Qiao also dragged Ning Yuzhou away and ran away, the Master Wuming Palace was at the end.

Just when they started to run, the sound of friction from the bones was already approaching here.

Not long after, a round stone ball was seen rolling all the way from the passage behind them. The volume of this stone ball just fills the entire passage. If you don't want to be crushed into fleshy by it, you'd better run quickly and don't be overtaken by it.

Wen Qiao glanced back and said, "The material of this stone is the same as the stone gate we came in."

Thinking of the stone gate that was too heavy to be pushed open, everyone's heart sank, and they understood that if they were caught up by this stone ball, they would really be crushed into flesh.

Immediately they ran faster, as if racing against the stone ball rolling over behind them.


When Wen Qiao's group of people broke through the maze, changes did happen outside Chiri Villa.

A bright light suddenly appeared, covering the entire Chiri Villa.

This aura soared into the sky, and all cultivators in the secret realm could see the flashing aura for the first time, and immediately no matter where they were, they rushed towards the Chiri Villa for the first time.

At the same time, Zuoyizhai, Wei Qianli and others who had been searching in the Chiri Mountain Villa also faced the abnormal changes in the Chiri Mountain Villa with surprises on their faces.

The original open door of the mountain villa suddenly appeared fluctuations in the formation, as if to show the world that the quiet mountain villa was resurrected.

The fluctuations of the formation radiated from the center of the villa to the surroundings, turning into eye-catching auras, which soared into the sky, which was unusually bright.

Until the aura disappeared, Zuo Yizhai and Wei Qianli didn't say a word, and their figures instantly swept toward the highest mountain in the villa, where they could overlook the entire landscape of the villa, which was also the center of the villa.

When they arrived, they found a teleportation formation there.

Without saying anything, everyone jumped into the teleportation array, a flash of inspiration flashed, and a group of people disappeared in it.

When they opened their eyes again, they were already in the dark underground palace.

The darkness has little effect on the cultivator, and everyone can see the surrounding environment clearly.

This is a huge palace. The palace is empty, but all around it is painted with reliefs of unicorns, and the stone pillars supporting the palace are also wrapped with reliefs of unicorns. Their shapes are different and lifelike, which makes people produce a kind of This relief is actually made by a unicorn.

This is of course an illusion, even if it is really transformed by unicorns, there are not so many unicorns in this world that have turned into so many reliefs.

Wei Qianli was surprised: "How come there are so many unicorns?"

Zuo Yizhai held a white jade fan with exquisite workmanship in his hand. This was his magic weapon. It seemed exquisite, but it was a heavenly weapon with hidden secrets. Many people have suffered from it.

"It should have something to do with Chiri Villa." Zuo Yizhai examined it for a moment, "Do you remember the two unicorn statues at the entrance of the Villa?"

How Wei Qianli can't remember is really impressive.

Although many people don't understand why Chiri Villa wants to put two unicorn statues on the square where they enter the gate, they don't take it to heart. They use it as a display of the Chiri Villa's admiration for the beast of the unicorn. .

But I didn't think, it turns out that Chiri Villa is inextricably related to Qilin, otherwise this underground palace would not be like this.

Suddenly, Wei Qianli thought of the disciples of the Seven Soul Sect who had also come in, and asked Zuo Yizhai: "During this period, have you found the whereabouts of the disciple of the Seven Soul Sect in the Palace of Souls?"

Zuo Yizhai is also a keen mind. Hearing this, he understands what he means.

His face changed slightly, and he hesitated: "After he left Chiri Villa, he went to the depths of the secret realm, and he has never seen him come back."

"I'm afraid he will come back long ago, otherwise, how could Chiri Villa have this kind of change?" Wei Qianli said lightly, already understand, I'm afraid that the change of Chiri Villa is probably related to the disciple of Fate Soul Palace.

The Fate Soul Palace of the Seven Soul Sect was really hidden, and even this let them figure it out.

Zuo Yizhai's thoughts turn around, and he has a bit of guesswork.

Immediately they stopped hesitating and rushed towards the only door of the palace.

As soon as he rushed over, he was stopped by the formation on the gate.

"Young Master, there is a formation here." A formation mage from Shifang Trading Company said, "Young Master wait a minute, and wait for me to break the formation."

Zuo Yizhai glanced at Wei Qianli unexpectedly. He didn't expect that this person would bring the Mage in. After thinking about it, he realized that Shifang Trading Company received no less information than himself, otherwise they would not send their young master over.

However, Zuo Yizhai was more willing to destroy directly and violently than letting the formation master break the formation.

"Why is it so troublesome? Get out of here!"

Zuo Yizhai was able to cultivate to the Yuan Dynasty realm under a woman in power, and he was not a simple character. His personality was a little more arrogant and unruly. Without waiting for Wei Qianli's reaction, he opened the white jade fan with a scream, and the white jade fan quickly zoomed in and turned into a half-human giant fan. Zuo Yizhai held the giant fan and moved down the door.

The violent wind rolled up, and the wind was wrapped in fierce murderous intent, taking the formation on the door straight.

The sound of bang bang bang sounded, and the formation on the door fluctuated greatly.

"Uncle Zuo is so amazing!"

"Uncle Zuo is extremely powerful!"

"Uncle Zuo continue!"

The disciple of Bi Nu Pavilion who was accompanying Jiao shouted, cheering for Zuo Yizhai.

The practitioners of Shifang Trading Company were surprised by Zuo Yizhai's attack. When they saw this scene, they couldn't express their emotions. The female disciples of Bi Nv Pavilion are beautiful and charming, and they are especially fond of male cultivators, but sometimes, it is really nothing to say.

Accompanied by the tender voice of the Bi Nuge disciples, the formation on the door was attacked several times in succession, and the spirit was condensed, and finally was destroyed by violence.

Zuo Yizhai turned his hand, and the giant white jade fan quickly returned to its normal size and was caught in his hand.

"Friend Dao Wei, the formation has been broken, and you can go in." Zuo Yizhai Chaowei Qianli smiled freely, and made a please gesture.

Wei Qianli also replied politely, "Since it is Daoist Zuo who breaks the formation, it is the Daoist Zuo who goes first."

Regardless of their polite appearance, in fact, they are both Yuanhuang realm cultivators, standing at the same height, and dealing with a lot, no one is convinced, and they are wary of each other in their hearts.

Zuo Yizhai raised his eyebrows slightly, no longer being polite, and struck the door with an aura, pushed it alive, and walked out.

When the others saw this, they quickly followed him.

When they walked out, the door was closed behind them, and at the same time a murderous intent floated in the air, rushing towards the group of people.

Zuo Yizhai and Wei Qianli reacted extremely quickly, blocking the attack.

When they saw the situation clearly, they couldn't help being surprised, and it turned out to be a group of stone statues that attacked them.

No, it should be said that they are puppets that look like they are refined from stone, but they are flexible and attack fierce, just like real people.

Zuo Yizhai and Wei Qianli shot at the same time to stop these stone puppets.

After a few fights, their hearts sank at the same time, and they had already discovered the power of these stone puppets.

Not only are they extremely heavy, but they are also hard in texture. They cannot be destroyed by ordinary spirit instruments. Coupled with that flexible attack, they seem to have no weaknesses. What's more frightening is that there are so many stone puppets. Looking around, they are densely blocked, leaving them nowhere to escape.

Even if they were allowed to come in, naturally they couldn't be trapped here.

Immediately Zuo Yizhai and Wei Qianli looked at each other, and the two decided to join forces to tide over the difficulties here before talking.


Not only were the Zuoyizhai and Wei Qianli groups in trouble, other cultivators who entered the underground palace from the teleportation array also encountered various traps from the underground palace and struggled through the barriers.

At this time, Wen Qiao, who came in earlier than this group, were still competing with the rolling stone ball.

"It's not a way to run like this, first solve this stone." Pei Qiyu pulled the exhausted Su Molan tightly, his expression tense.

Wen Qiao also took Ning Yuzhou and said to him, "What can we do?"

Shi Wuming ran out of breath: "Hurry up, think of a way, or we will really be crushed to death by it."

When I heard what he said, Ning Yuzhou had been quietly acting as a pendant, letting Wen Qiao pull and run Ning Yuzhou and kicked towards him again.

The teacher screamed lifelessly, and hurled at the rolling stone.

The stone finally stopped, and the teacher lay down on the ground lifelessly, his lower body stuck under the stone, and at the same time it became an obstacle preventing the stone from rolling.

Without the life-threatening stone crushing, everyone stopped.

The teacher said in grief and angrily: "Are you still human? You actually used me to block the stone!"

Ning Yuzhou walked over, flicked a spirit pill into his mouth, and said mildly: "Only you can stop it, so you should work harder for those who can."

The teacher has no life: "..."

Pei Qiyu and Su Molan shifted their gazes, and finally decided that they hadn't seen anything.

They took a break and wiped the sweat off their faces before discussing how to leave the maze.

The stone ball appeared, letting them know that there must be a lot of traps in this maze, and because they were chased all the way by the stone ball, they ran for a long time, and they didn't know where they went to the maze.

"...I'm still stuck in the stone, please discuss it quickly." Shi Wuming shouted at them.

Wen Qiao said: "This stone is a kind of strange stone, very hard, it is not easy to destroy it."

Ning Yuzhou said, "It seems that in this underground palace, there are a lot of different stones like this. The previous statues were all made of different stones of this material."

"There is also the wall of the maze, which is also made of different stones." Pei Qiyu patted the wall.

Su Molan looked at the small iron-eating beast on Wen Qiao's shoulder that was gnawing on the spirit pill, "Isn't Wen Gungun an Earth Monster Beast? I wonder if it can be resolved."

Wen Qiao really didn't know this, so she turned her head and asked, "Wen Gungun, can you destroy it?"

Wen Gungun looked at her innocently with a pair of dark eyes, slowly moved his butt, and then looked at the teacher who was under the stone lifeless, obviously not wanting to move.

The teacher hurriedly said: "Wen Gungun, if you can solve it, I will give you the best spiritual bamboo when you go back. There are several golden beard and cloud imperial bamboo planted in the Palace of Life and Soul, and I will give you one."

Wen Gungun suddenly came to the spirit, climbed down Wen Qiao's shoulder, and came to Shi Wuming.

Shi Wuming looked serious: "I really have golden beard, cloud and emperor bamboo. That is a good thing for refining Qiankun Dongfu. I won't lie to you."

Wen Gungun stretched out his claws towards him, that's a deal.

Shi Wuming used a golden beard, cloud and emperor bamboo to reach a deal with Wen Gungun.
