Chapter 9 Full Reunion and First Day Introductions

Izuku's point of view

I was walking out of UA with Sis and Kat after the exams and after I completely destroyed the 0 pointer, I could tell Sis and Kat wanted to asked about my Balance Breaker but they will have to wait until we are home

When we got back to the House I just looked at it because I haven't been here for 7 years and I am remembering all the good time, I was cut off from my Thoughts when Uncle showed up

Aizawa: Problem Child stop daydreaming and head in so you can explain everything to them

I nodded and walked in with the girls and Uncle and Aunty Emi along with a bear, Rat, Dog looking creature or person, Mom and Aunty Mitsuki saw me and rushed me and hugged me while crying so I hugged back

Izuku: Mom, Aunty Mitsuki stop crying I'm back also lets go to the living room so I can explain everything

Everyone nodded and we went to the living room and sat down

Izuku: Ok before I start I know everyone else but you ahhhhh

Nezu: Nezu I am the principal of UA but you can call me Uncle Nezu

Izuku: Uncle Nezu

Nezu: Yes After you left Aizawa told me and I helped hide the fact you were gone when we took Izumi and Katsumi out of school and Home Schooled them like you asked in your letter

Izuku: Wow I didn't think you guys will take the Home School serious but thank Uncle Nezu, anyway I will like to show you all my new Power

I summoned both Boosted Gear and Divine Dividing and everything besides Uncle Shota and Aunty Emi looked in Awe

Izumi: Onii-cham you also have wings

Katsumi: Yea how come you didn't use them in the exam

Mitsuki: Izu-kun why does your power give off a Dangerous and Heavenly aura

Izuku: Well to explain that Ddraig, Albion make yourselves know

The Group besides Uncle Shota and Aunty Emi looked in confusion until Ddraig and Albion spoke up

Ddraig: Hello

Albion: Hello indeed

The group started to look around to see where the voices were coming from and Me and Uncle and Aunty Emi started to chuckle

Inko: Izuku sweetie, what was that

Izumi: Onii-chan tell us please

Izuku: Ok the voices are Ddraig aka my Red gauntlet or The proper name Boosted Gear

Ddraig: Hello it is a pleasure to meet Izuku's family

Izuku: And the other voice is Albion aka my White with Blue Crystal wings or the proper name Divine Dividing

Albion: Like Ddraig said It is a pleasure to met you

Izuku: They are my Sacred Gears from the 13 original pieces of Longinus and together we are


everyone beides Uncle Shota and Aunty Emi looked in awe the didn't know what to think It was silent until Nezu spoke

Nezu: Sacred Gears I have never heard of those

Ddraig: Well let me and Albion explain

After Ddraig and Albion explain about their Original world, the battle they had, the Holy war, Sacred Gears, Issei's last ditch effort, why they chose me, everything, I could tell they understood but was mostly in awe oh such Power

Katsumi: Ichan but what about the Giant Wolf you called Fenrir

Izuku: Oh that is the Real Fenrir, He is my familiar

Izumi: Wait so You literally have The Father Of Wolves as a pet

Izuku: Yea, Vali gifted me him

Katsumi: Is their anything else

Izuku: Yea I have other Sacred Gears from when I traveled to the Original world of Ddraig and Ablion

Aizawa: I didn't know that

Izumi: I knew you found Onii-cham Uncle

Aizawa: Yea I did any explain Problem Child

I explain the other Sacred Gears to them and it was confusing them at first until Ddraig and Albion made it more clear

Izuku: So year those are The Sacred Gears I have and I will like to give one to Sis and Uncle Shota

Izumi: Onii-chan really

Aizawa: Why

Izuku: Because The Sacred like I said can be gifted or they Choose the next Wielders and Two I picked for you well they also chose you, when I show you two the Sacred Gears wanted to got to you

Izumi: Onii-chan will this help me become a Hero with you

Izuku: Yup also It will help you with Your dry eyes Uncle and make your work as a Underground Hero easier

Aizawa: Really lets here what they are

Izuku: Ok first Mirror Alice, this Sacred Gear is a Shield that can block any attack but it can also take the Attack and send it back with Double the power so it is a even more powerful attack, this one is for Izumi

I walk up to Izumi and place my right hand on her head and gifted her Mirror Alice

Izuku: There also the knowledge of the Sacred Gear and How to use it should show up tomorrow

Izumi: Thank you Onii-chan

Izuku: Your Welcome Sis, Now Uncle Shota, yours is call Forbidden Balor View, This Sacred Gear can stop time on the whole world or just one person, it also makes your eyes better, like you can see better, and you won't get dry eyes, It will also help with your quirk to where you can erase multiple people's quirks at the same time

Aizawa: Wow Problem Child that is a lot

Izuku: Yea Sacred Gears are far more powerful then Quirks, All Might wouldn't even be able to take one on when it hits Balance Breaker in his Prime

When I said that Sis and Kat froze a little and Uncle Nezu looked like he was Impressed but I will find out why later, anyway we talked more and Uncle Nezu told me and the girls we passed, Sis got 214 which was 167 villain points and 47 Rescue points, Kat got 210 which was 165 villain points and 45 Rescue points, I got 500 villain ponits and 98 Rescue points to make my score 598, damn just 2 points away from 600 oh well

After Uncle Shota, Aunty Emi and Uncle Nezu left me and the girls were tired so we decided to go to sleep, But

Izuku: Ahhhh Sis, Kat why are you sleeping in my bed

Izumi: Because Onii-chan we missed you and

Katsumi: We are not leaving your side unless we have to so get in bed and cuddle with us

Izuku: Ahhhh

Just then Ddraig and Albion started to talk in the green and blue orbs in my hands

Ddraig: Izuku remember

Albion: You have no Blood with Izumi anymore with us so it is ok to mate with her


Ddraig: We know just a little reminder

Ddraig and Albion stop talking and I look at Izumi who was a Blushing mess and Kat was giving a evil Smirk

Izumi: It that true Onii-chan that your blood is now different and we can mate

Izuku: haha yea it is

Izumi: Sweet, but lets wait until later to have fun

Katsumi: Yea lets wait for a bit now come lay down Ichan

I just Shrugged my shoulders and got into bed and fell asleep with Sis and Kat between my arms

Narrator's point of view

It is the first day of UA and Izuku, Izumi and Kat are getting dressed in their School uniforms, over the 2 weeks wait for school Izuku learn that Mitsuki got Divorced to her husband and that why she was living with his family before he left, and that they changed their last names to Mutou, Izuku and the Girls also started to date because Since Izuku has no Blood to connect Izumi as his sister they started to date, thanks to Recovery Girl doing a DNA test to make sure, and with that Izumi carries the paper that proves she is not related to Izuku just incase people ask

The Trio has breakfast and then head to UA when They get their the are looking for 1-A and when they get to the door they hear a Voice they didn't want to hear, Izuku opens the Door to see Bakugou yelling and the Blue hair kid from the exam that told The Trio to leave, When said Blue kid saw the he rushed up to them

Iida: Hello I'm Tenya Iida fro-

Izuku: Yea Don't care

Iida: I'm sorry but It is rude to not let me fi-

Izuku: Oh that is rude and Not letting Mic finish talking about the exam before you started yelling saying It was shameful to have something on the pamphlet that he was about to talk about on the Pamphlet

Iida: I-I-I

Izuku: Or Telling me and my friends to leave and give up on our dreams to be Heros because we were Whispering about the exams and apparently not paying attention meanwhile You were 6 rolls away and the people next to us couldn't even hear us

Iida: I sor-

Izuku: Oh and stopping me from helping someone who was Nervous and would have failed the exam if I didn't give her the confidence to pass, and look she is right there looking at us Hello Jiro

Iida looks at Jiro as she waves to Izuku, Iida looks back at Izuku

Izuku: So if its alright for you to do the stuff you yell at people for then I am sorry for interrupting you

Iida just looked down and walked to his seat, izuku and the girls was about to take there seats when a Angry PomPom and Candy Cane Dick Head came up

Bakugou: Deku what are you doing here

Todoroki: Yea you weak piece of shit

Izuku just walked away with the girls and took their seat, Izuku sat next to a Girl that looked Like Todoroki but without a Scar on her Face, He was about to ask when Aizawa came in

Aizawa: Hello Brats now shut up, My name is Shota Aizawa I am your Homeroom teacher now before we start 2 things, You have another Homeroom Teacher

When Aizawa said that Ms. Joke walked in and stood infront of the class

Ms. Joke: Hello everyone I am Emi Aizawa also know as The Smile hero: Ms. Joke and I am Shota's wife

Aizawa: That's enough Emi, ok the second thing is all of you except 3 will call us Sensei or Mr. Or Mrs. Aizawa

Iida: Sensei why do 3 people not get to call you Sensei, That is disrespectful to yo-

Aizawa: Because it is weird hearing my nephew and nieces calling me and my wife Sensei isn't that right Problem Children

The Trio: Yup

Iida looked to see Izuku, Izumi and Katsumi nodding and agreeing and Iida shut up

Ms. Joke: Ok now everybody introduce yourself and your quirks and your dislikes and likes

(Skipping everyone except the new people and Izuku and the girls)

Xenovai: Hello my name Is Xenovai my quirk is call Ex-Durandal, this Quirk lets me summon six Holy Swords call Excalibur and only a chosen view can use them, I love to train and have fun with my friends, I hate feeling left out and bugs

Irina: Hey Hey my names Irina my quirk Angels Light this quirk gives me Angel wings that I can make appear ot disappear, and I can also use light weapons and Blast, I like getting to know new people and Helping others, I don't like Pervs or Snakes

Konoko: Sup names Konoko Toujou, My quirk is called Nekomata I have cat ear and a Tail and I can also use Neko Energy and I have Super Strength, I love snacks and naps, I hat Perv like Irina and if you try anything I beat to in the group

Ravel: The Names Ravel Phoenix my quirk is called Phoenix Flames, I can control Fire and heal from pretty much anything, I like movies and books and I hate people who use others

Asia: My name is Asia my quirk is Healing Blast, It is a Attack base and a Healing quirk, I can Attack with energy and I can also heal myself and Others with this Energy, I like helping at the Church and love hanging out with friends and I don't like Villains and people who hurt others

After those girls introduce themselves Izuku was talking to Ddraig and Albion inside his head and they did confirm these are Issei's friends Duple Gangers which made Izuku think small world

Shoka: Hello my Name is Shoka Sakamoto, My Quirk is Half Hot Half Cold, and Yes I am related to Shota Todoroki I am his Twin sister, But at a young my Mom divorced Todoroki's Father and took me and my other siblings with her only leaving Todoroki and yes my so called Father Is Endeawhore the former #2 Hero and new #10 because people found out about the Abuse he did

Everyone was shocked that Shoka just straight out told everyone the only people that was not shocked was Todoroki and Bakugou along with Izuku because He understood, their was 4 people left and that was Izuku, Izumi and Katsumi along with a girl with White hair

Nao: Hey the Names Nao Tomori my quirk is Light Bending, with this I can turn Invisible and use Light based attacks and I can bend light to make people or other things Invisible as well, I like music my favorite band is Zhiend, I hate Cheaters in school or relationship and stuck up people

Katsumi: Hello my name is Katsumi Mutou my quirk is Explosion, and Yes just like Sakamoto I have a twin brother aka Bakugou and our parents are divorced, I love my Boyfriend Ichan and I love my Sister Mi-chan, I hate my brother and Father and Shoto Todoroki

When Todoroki and Bakugou heard Katsumi call Izuku her Boyfriend their blood was boiling for Bakugou he didn't want his sister Dating a Loser like Izuku, Todoroki was cursing Izuku and wanted to kill him for taking Katsumi and blames him for making her hate him

Izumi: Hello my name is Izumi Midoriya and my quirks a Powerful telekinesis that is also a stockpile, I love my Onii-chan who is also my Boyfriend and before you all freak out we are not Blood related and I have the papers to prove it thanks to Granny aka Recovery Girl so it is legal, I hate Bakugou, Todoroki, Bullies and Pervs

Everyone was just shocked 1. They have 2 girls with similar backgrounds, 2. Katsumi and Izumi hate Bakugou and Todoroki and 3. Izumi is dating her brother who is not blood related but not it is Izuku's turn

Izuku: Wow ok that was something, Hello everyone my name is Izuku Midoriya and I am Quirkless


Nao: If you are quirkless have are you in UA ahhh No offense

Izuku: None Taken, I don't have a quirk but I have somethings called Sacred Gears that give me power way stronger then any quirk, except 15 quirks for all over the world those are equal to my Sacred Gears Power

Everyone looked Dumbfounded at this and was curious about his Sacred Gears, meanwhile Todoroki and Bakugou were Fuming because Izuku has Powers

Izuku: anyway I love my two Girlfriends aka Katsumi and Izumi, Katsudon, Dragons, Training what I hate is Bakugou and Todoroki

Again everyone was just shocked on some of their classmates and their backstories

Ms. Joke: Ok now their is One more person in this class but do to Family matters she will be here in a week, and she will introduce herself then

Aizawa: Now put These Gym cloths on and head to the Training Grounds and don't be late

(Hey Guys hoped you liked this Chapter)

(If you guys have any questions you can DM me or leave a Comment Because I want to hear from you guess if you are confused on anything or if you guys want to give me ideas)

(I will always see the message and message back as soon as I can so again any questions or suggestions please DM me or Leave a comment)

This is Jinzo Signing Out
