Chapter 43 Izuku vs Wolfram

Narrator's point of View

We see Izuku standing beside the elevators waiting for the Girl when Iida showed up

Iida: Izuku I didn't now you would be here

Izuku: Same Iida, But I came with All Might with Izumi so we can Bond before the Wedding

Iida: I see I am representing my family and I came here to wait for Kaminari and Kirishima, I gave them my Spare Tickets to the Party for their hardwork

Izuku: Cool I'm waiting for the Girls

Iida: I see........ Hey can I ask you something

Izuku: Sure what is it

Iida: How can I ask Uraraka out

Izuku: Oh is the Former Stuck up asking the Harem King how to get a Girl

Iida: Yes

Izuku: Ok well I'm not sure really Uraraka has been very distant lately

Iida: So you Noticed Too

Izuku: Yea in Class she is her normal Self but when Class and School is done she Hides in her room

Iida: I Asked Her but all she said is she is Tired

Izuku: Huh also Ddraig and Albion also felt something different about her after the USJ but nothing to different so we didn't look into it, maybe when we get back we will

Iida: I see well lets talk about this later

Izuku: Yea

Izuku and Iida continue to wait but Izuku got a Text from All Might saying everything is ready for the plan, which Izuku gave a Smirk just as the Girls Showed Up

Momo: Darling what do you think

Izuku: Gorgeous

Kyoka: Greenie what about me

Izuku: Stunning

Konoko: Zuku

Izuku: I didn't think you can get Cuter Konoko

Izumi: Onii-chan what about Us

Izuku: I still wonder how I am dating Goddesses

Izumi: Onii-chan you Dog

Izuku: Correction dragon also where is Melissa

Melissa Right here

Izuku: Wow............ Just wow

Katsumi: I have never seen him so Speechless well Done Melissa

Melissa: Thanks but lets get going

Izuku snaps out of Melissa's Beauty to stop them

Izuku: No Wait we can't go to the Party

Shoka: Why Not Zuzu

Izuku: Because of This

Security system: Warning Level 4 lock down a Bomb has been found on the Island Please head inside

Melissa: Wait Whats Going On

Izuku: Villains have taken Over the Island but Me, All Might and David made a Plan to stop them

Iida: Really why

Izuku: Let me explain

10 Minutes before the Lockdown with All Might

AM: Dave is everything Ready

David: Yes I just Talked to all the Heros and they know the Plan, Sam hasn't got wind yet also

AM: Good now remember Play your part like you were going to before with Sam

David: Right, also when I leave this room the Cameras will change to make it look like the Heros are still captured

AM: Good now lets Mingle to act Normal

David: Right

So David and All Might start to walk around, then All Might was About to make his Speech when the security goes off and Traps the Heros and a Man and Goons walk-in

????: I sorry everyone I forgot my Ticket for the Party, so I decided to crash it

AM Thoughts: Just as Planned

AM: Villain what do you want

????: Sorry I haven't introduced myself my name is Wolfram and I want some Tech

Wolfram starts walking until he stops at Sam

Wolfram: You look like a scientist you will give me what I want

Sam: Please don't Hurt me

Wolfram: Oh I will if you don't do what I Say

David: Stop I am the Main Scientist on the Island I can give you what you want

Wolfram: Good but both of you will be coming with me

As Wolfram pushes both David and Sam to the Door David looked at All Might and Nodded, and left with Wolfram and when he did the Cameras changed to make it look like the Heros are still captured, but in reality the Heros where Free and took out the Villains and All Might went to met up with Izuku while the other Heros stayed with the civilians

Back with Izuku and the gang

Izuku: So that is what Happening

Melissa: I can't believe my Dad would do that

Izuku: It wasn't his plan it was Sam's

Melissa: Right

AM: Young Izuku

Everyone turned to see All Might

Izuku: All Might The Plan went Smoothly I see good

AM: Yup and Dave is playing his part now Go I will stay with the others

Izuku: Got it, Ill be Back

Izuku summons his White Balance Breaker and walks out lside and flys up but with the Group

Izumi: Dad are you not going to help Onii-chan

AM: No he can beat the Villains by himself

Melissa: I hope Dad is ok

AM: He will be Melissa Izuku won't let anything bad happen to him

With Izuku

Izuku has just made it to the Top of the Tower and sneaks in and watches David and Sam get the amplifier

David: Got it, its coming

Sam goes and grabs the Case

Sam: We got it sir

David: We did

Wolfram: I will be taking that

David: But I hired you

Sam: Sorry Sir but You let them take this so I hired real Villains to help me Steal it from you

David: What Sam why

Wolfram: It doesn't matter now show me it

Sam: Of Course

Sam Opens the Case but it was Empty

Sam: What were is it

Just then Izuku made himself now

Izuku (White): Sorry Sammy Boy but I figured out your plan and the board moved the amplifier

Wolfram: Figured the White and Red Dragon Emperor would figure out the Plan

Izuku (Whit): The Power you got from Ikaros and Tempest gave your presence away and Sam Motives was sensed by Ddraig and Albion

Wolfram: Impressive but I will still win

Izuku (White): Sure you will

Izuku Rushes Wolfram and Punches him in the Face and Sends him into the Wall, Wolfram gets out and touches the ground and sends the Metal towards Izuku but Izuku Divides Wolfram Power which Pissed him Off

Wolfram: You Brat I guess I need to use the Power the Dragons gave me

Izuku (White): Sure even though It will kill you

Wolfram: It would kill me

Wolfram actives the power Ikaros and Tempest gave him and he starts to change

(Imagine in the Vault room)

Izuku (White): I see they Made you into a Dragon-Min

Wolfram (Dragon-Min): Yes now I am far More Powerful then you Brat

Izuku (White): No your Not just look at you arm

Wolfram looks at his Arm and sees it start to melt

Wolfram: What the Hell

Izuku (White): You have been Tricked Dragon-Min looks Like Dragon-Kin but instead of give you power it Gives the one that made you a Dragon-Min Power

Wolfram: Then

Izuku (White): They Tricked you to give them Power you where a sacrifice

Before Wolfram can yell his whole Body Melts into nothing and the melted body turns to Dust

Izuku deactivate Balance Breaker and talks to Ddraig and Albion

Izuku: What are they planning if they used Wolfram to gain Power

Ddraig: Not sure Ikaros is a master at Planning

Albion: Same with Tempest

Izuku: This Battle is going to be intense

Both Dragons: Yes it will

Izuku turns and starts to walk back to the Group, The Heros took out the other Villains and the Police came and Arrested them

Sam was also Arrested and Fired, David was punished since he knew about the plan but wasn't Fired since Sam tricked him and made all the Arrangements

Izuku Told All Might what happened, They Both decide to talk To Nezu when they get back

Melissa also Asked if she could go to UA which David Agreed to as long as Izuku takes care of her which he agreed to but Izuku was still wonder What is Ikaros and Tempest Planning

(Hey Guys Hoped you enjoyed the Chapter)

(Next Chapter Today will be a Izuku-Verse Since Saturday didn't have one cause I had no Internet or Data)

(I do not Own any Pictures I used in this Chapter all credit goes to the Owners)

This is Jinzo Signing Out
