Chapter 41 Trip to the I-Island

Narrator's Point of View

We See Izuku sitting in a Plane looking out the Window, when a Hand grabbed his Shoulder to get his attention

Izumi: Onii-chan are you excited to go to I-Island

Izuku: I am, But I am still nervous to leave Eri

Izumi: Me too but Mom will protect her

Izuku: Oh I know, Mom will literally Fight a Arm of Nomus and win to Protect her Grandbaby

Izumi: Yup

Izuku: But anyway I can't believe All Might invited us to come with him to I-Island

Izumi: Yea me To

Just then All Might walked up to them

AM: Well this is a way for us to bond since I will be your Step Father, which Your Mother agreed to

Izuku: That is True, but you said we will also meet a Old Friend of yours

AM: Yup, he was my Best Friend in America when I was in my Bronze Age

Izumi: Wait David Shield right

AM: Your Right Izumi also David knows about OFA

Izuku: Well that makes things easier just incase you start to Steam up

AM: Yup anyway we will be on the Island in 30 minutes So you Two go get your Costumes on

Izuku and Izumi go get their Costumes On

When they Land they go through Security checks and then grab their luggage

(Izumi not Izuku)

Izumi: Wow this Amazing I can't believe we are Here Onii-chan

Izuku: Same

AM: Now Lets get moving we need to meet David's Daughter at the fountain on the West Side of the Island

As they all started to Walk people saw All Might and they all rush him for autographs, Pictures and some Girls even started to Kiss Him but All Might Pushed away and told the Girls he was engaged

When the Crowd left the ground started to head to the fountain but Ddraig and Albion felt a Evil presence on the Island

Izuku's Mind

Ddraig: Izuku we sense a Evil Presence on the Island

Izuku: Really

Albion: Yes Be careful we don't know what they are planning

Izuku: I will inform All Might Later and make a Plan

Ddraig: That would be the smart Idea this way The Heros on the Island are prepared

Back to The Real World

Izuku was standing at the fountain with All Might and Izumi when He came back from Talking to Ddraig and Albion, Izuku was going to say something when they Heard a Young Girl Yell at All Might

????: Uncle Might

When the 3 looked at the Girl she was Jumping on what looks to be some kind of Advanced pogo stick and when She made it disappear she Jumped into All Might's Arms and Hugged him

AM: Melissa good to see you,  You have Grown since the last time I saw you

Melissa: Well that is because the Last time you saw me was when I was 12 Uncle Might

AM: Right anyway I would like you to meet my Future Step Kids Izuku and Izumi

When Melissa looked at Izumi and Izuku, Izuku felt a Pulse From a Scared Gear

Izuku Thoughts: Huh So A Scared Gear had Picked her I has been awhile since One had picked a new Host

Melissa: Wait Uncle Might your getting Married

AM: Yup to Inko Midoriya, the mother of these two

Izumi: Hello my Name is Izumi Midoriya and I Guess soon to be Izumi Yagi

Izuku: Names Izuku Midoriya and Yea I guess soon to be Yagi well If we decide to Change are last name fully or hyphenate it

Melisse Looks at Izuku and Blushes then introduces herself

Melissa: My name is Melissa Shield It is A Pleasure to met you

Izuku: Oh You haven't had the Pleasure yet Melissa

Melissa Goes a Deep Red Blush and Izumi punches Izuku in the Head and makes him hit the Ground while All Might just shacks his head

Izumi: Don't Say that Onii-chan

Izuku: It was a Joke but Noted

Izuku gets up and shacks his head and looks at Melissa who was starting to calm down

Izuku: Sorry Melissa I was just Joking but I have a Question for you before we go met your Father

Melissa: What Is it

Izuku: I you had one opportunity to make your Dream come true, To be the Hero you wanted to be and to also be a inventor, To gain Power to save Others no matter the cost even if it costed you your life, would you

Melissa: That is a really detailed Question, But Yes I would, I always wanted to a Hero Like Uncle Might to save people with a Smile, But also be a inventor like my Dad, So yes If I could gain Power to save Others in both ways I would

Izuku: Then Here you go

Izuku grabs Melissa Shoulder and Gives Her the Scared Gear that has chosen her which All Might and Izumi realized but Melissa was Confused

Izuku: There

Melissa: What did you do and why do I feel different

Izuku: I have given you a Scared Gear

Melissa: Wait you mean those Things even more Powerful then Quirks

Izuku: Yup The one that Chose you is Called Unknown Dictator

Melissa: Unknown Dictator what does it do

Izuku: It has the Ability to Manipulate Iron but the most Notable Abilities it has are its abilities to manipulate and Create Electronic Devices and Mechanical Equipment of the Modern Age

Izumi: Wow that sounds perfect for her since she is a inventor

Melissa: It does

Izuku: Yea I know anyway You should have the Info and know how to Use the Scared Gear by Tomorrow morning

Melissa: Ok well Lets go met My Dad

The All Agree and head off to met David

*Time Skip Brought to you by Chibi Eri In her White Balance Breaker Onesie showing Chibi Albion a Picture Book of Dragons *

????: I cleaned up for the Day David

David: Thanks Sam you can head out now

Sam: Thank you but You should go see Melissa

David: I would but she said she is Busy Today and I need to work on stuff today also

Sam: You need to take a Break once in awhile

Melissa: Sam is right Dad

David turns to see Melissa

David: Melissa what are you doing her

Melissa: Well I know you are working hard for the Expo and you started to miss him so I invited-

Just Then All Might rushed in


David: Toshi

AM: Dave so good to see you my Old Friend

David: Good to see you two Toshi

As they Hug Izuku and Izumi walk in and Izuku felt something Off with Both Sam And David and it was Confirmed by Ddraig and Albion that something was up with them

Izuku's Mind

Albion: Izuku you feel that something is Off with both of them right

Izuku: Yea

Ddraig: Well it's true, we sense they have a Plan that involves the Evil Presence we Feel

Izuku: I see

Albion: But that Sam guy I sense he has his own agenda that is different from David

Izuku: I will Talk to both All Might and David

Ddraig: Good

Back to real world

Izuku came back and Noticed All Might Starting to steam and David Noticed Also

David: Sam why don't you head out and Enjoy the day off

Sam: I will Thanks

As Sam Leaves

David: Melissa why don't you Show these two around

Melissa: Ok Lets go you two

Izuku: Actually I'm staying I need to talk to All Might

David: I think it mig-

AM: Dave he can Stay *whispers* He knows about OFA

David: Oh Ok well Melissa you take the Young Lady and go look around

Melissa: Ok

As Soon as The two leave All Might turns into his Skinny form

David: That injury is getting worst right

AM: Actually no Its not Its all healed

David: What

Izuku: Twilight Healing a Scared Gear that can Heal Anything on Normal Humans

David: Then Why are you losing Power

AM: Because I passed OFA Dave, to that Young Girl, Izumi Midoriya my Future Step Daughter

David: Wait so

Izuku: All Might I willingly Losing his Quirk

David: But Why the World needs The Symbol of Peace

AM: Dave Look at Young Izuku he Is the Next generation of Heros like Young Izumi and other Students, They are the Ones that will take my Place when I retire, You just need to Believe in them

David: But Toshi

AM: Dave I have been the Symbol of Peace for many Years and with the injury AFO did was making me Weaker but I realized something when I met Young Izumi and Young Izuku, That It was my Time to pass down the torch to the Next Generation and Finally Settle down and have a Family which I am grateful to have met a Woman I can do that with

David started to Think about what All Might

David: Your Right Toshi

Izuku: Yea now David tell me what are you Planning

David: How do you

Izuku: I have Two Powerful Dragons that can sense your up to something Tell me

David: Ok, I made a Quirk amplifier for Toshi because I was Scared to Lose the Symbol of Peace, but the Board Took it away and put it in a Safe, I hired some Actors to play Fake Villains to Capture the Heros at Tonights Party, So I can Take the Amplifier back

AM: Dave

David: I know Its bad But I couldn't let your Fire go Out But I see now that Not everything last forever, I will Call off the Actors

Izuku: Well They Aren't Actors

David: What yes they are

Izuku: No they Aren't when we landed Ddraig and Albion sensed a Evil Presence and Real Evil Presence not Acting so Really Villains must have got word and took the Actors place or That Sam Guy hired Real Villains, Since Ddraig and Albion sense different motives then You

David: But that can't be Sam wouldn't........ Wait Sam was Furious when the Board Took it and he was the One to come up with the Idea........ Oh my God what have I done

Izuku: You didn't do Anything, Sam Tricked you but now that we know the Plan, I have a Idea how to Stop the Villains

Meanwhile in a Hanger on the Island

????: Yes we are all set for Tonight............. Of Course............ Huh so All Might is Here that shouldn't be a Problem

The mystery man hangs up

????: All Might won't be a Problem at all thanks to the Big Man Giving me a Upgrade and those two Pretty Ladies giving me some Power as well

(Hey Guys Hoped you Enjoyed the Chapter)

(Melissa is added to the Harem since I gave her a Scares Gear)

(I also would like to ask you all on what am I better at in my writing, like am I better at Jokes, Action, Real Talk, Stuff like that, I want to know so this way I can see where I need improvement, I will make a List of Stuff I do in my Writing to make it easy)



Action/Fight scenes

Real Talk/ Deep conversations


Character development


(Write your Comment on the the ones I am Better at and also the Ones I need to improve more on)

(But with That Said I do not own any Pictures I used In this Chapter all Credit goes it the Owners)

This is Jinzo Signing Out
