Chapter 35 Nomus

Narrator's Point of View

We see 3 Nomus walking out of a Explosion and Izuku just Looking at them

Izuku: .............. Nomus

But lets go 10 minutes before the Nomus attacked

10 minutes before Attack

We see Ikaros and Tempest sitting down with Hood sitting infront of them as AFO is on the ground bowing

AFO: Izuku is Fighting Stain right now

Ikaros: Good Now get the Nomus and Warp us their

Hood: Do I get to Killed now Lady Tempest and Lady Ikaros

Tempest: Almost Hood

AFO: The Nomus are ready and so Is the transport

Tempest: Good now lets Go

Kuriguri warps them on top of a Water tower and the 3 Nomus walk out also, Ikaros and Tempest look towards the Ally That Izuku is Fighting Stain in and see Izuku beat Stain

Tempest: He Won like we guessed now AFO send your Nomus

AFO: Yes Lady Tempest

AFO Thoughts: One Day I will Kill you both

Back to the Present when the Nomus started to attack

Akeno: What Are Nomus doing here

Ryukyu: Don't know but are top priority is to get these people to safety Izuku can You hold them Off

Izuku: Yea I can just make sure everyone is safe

Nejire: We will now go

Izuku nods and Runs to the Nomus and Summons his Boosted Gears and Starts Powering Up

Izuku: Alright Nomus lets go............... BALANCE BREAKER


Izuku (Red): Alright Uglies Time to go down

The Big Nomu Rushes Izuku and Punches him but Izuku blocks it with his arm and then Spin Kicks him into a parked Car, The the Flying Nomu grabs Izuku but Izuku opens his Wings and gets out then Grabs the Nomu by the Wings and Slams it into the Ground

Izuku (Red): Is That All you Got Nomus

The Skinny Numo rushes Izuku and gets behind him and Startes to rip Izuku's Wings

Izuku (Red): ahhhh Smart Bastard, My wings are weak in this Balance Breaker

Izuku grabs the Nomu from his Back and Throws him into the Big Nomus, Then deactivate his Wings

Meanwhile with Ikaros and Tempest

Ikaros: Seems like they upgrades you gave them are working AFO

Tempest: Yes they can now hurt him more then Before though the are still Weak, but at least they can do Damage

AFO: Thank You

Hood: Lady Ikaros and Lady Tempest can I kill now

Tempest: Not Yet Hood give it about 10 minutes or so

Hood: Yes Lady Tempest

Back to the Fight

We see Izuku grab the Skinny Nomu by the Feet and start Spinning and then Throws him into the Flying Nomu that was Flying to them

Izuku (Red): Damn these this just Don't give up

Ddraig: Izuku why Not do your Chess Modes

Izuku (Red): Your Right lets Do Chess Mode

As The Big Nomu rushes Izuku Izuku just Looks down the Up


As the Big Nomu punches Izuku a Bright Green Light Shinies Around Izuku and The Nomu and everyone that is still there watching aka Ryukyu, and Rias wonder what is happening until, they see the Big Nomu fly out of the Bright Green Light and into a Building

Then they see the Light Died Down to see Izuku in a Bigger Dragon Armor

(Making Red Rook mean Dragonic Rook also Blaster Bishop will be Red Bishop and Sonic Boost Knight be Red Knight because it makes it easy then Writing the Full names all the Time)

Izuku (Red Rook): Time for a Tank and a Heavy Hitter for you Big Boy

As the Big Nomu gets Out of the Building and Rushes Izuku, Izuku Just takes the Hit then Grabs the Nomu and Crashes it Head killing It

Izuku (Red Rook): Were is the Easy Button when you need it

The Skinny Nomu rushes Izuku and with Its speed Izuku can't keep up with him being in Dragonic Rook

Izuku (Red Rook): You Think Speed will work well Sorry to break it to you........ SONIC BOOST KNIGHT CHESS MODE

The Bright Green Light Shinies again but this Time it was Followed by a Red and Green Light coming Out and hitting the Nomu

Izuku (Red Knight): This is True Speed and Accuracy of a Knight

Izuku rushes the Nomu and Summons Escalon and Cuts the Nomus Head Off without anyone even seeing it happen

Izuku (Red Knight): Your to Slow to even react

The Flying Nomu startes to Fly and Izuku Just looks at It

Izuku (Red Knight): You think your safe Nomus well guess what Your not............ CHESS MODE BLASTER BISHOP

Once again a Bright Green Light came from Izuku but this time the Armour had Cannons on its back

Izuku (Red Bishop): Time to Lock on

Izuku Charges up a Blast that Locks on to the Flying Nomu

Izuku (Red Bishop): Try to dodge this Bitch

Izuku Fires the Blast and the Nomu tries to Dodge but the Blast followed the Nomu like Darkside Omega Beams until it hit the Nomu and Fried it to Death

Izuku (Red Bishop): Only One man Can dodge that, and That is Batman Bitch

Izuku deactivates chess mode and Walks up to Ryukyu and Rias who had their months on the Floor

Izuku (Red): What didn't I tell you about My Chess Modes

Both: No

Izuku (Red): Oh

With Ikaros and Tempest

Ikaros: It would appear Izuku Midoriya has more tricks up his sleeves then we thought

Tempest: It appears so anyway Hood it is your Turn go Kill

Hood: Yes Lady Tempest

Hood Starts to Fly and heads towards Izuku

AFO: Is He going to Win

Ikaros: No but he will Hurt him bad

Back with Izuku

Ddriag: Izuku look out

Izuku turns around and Quickly pushes Ryukyu and Rias away while he Gets hit by Hood and sent into a Building

Hood: I must Kill you for Lady Ikaros and Lady Tempest

Izuku gets out of the Building

Izuku Thoughts: So Ikaros and Tempest joined the L.O.V huh

Ddriag: More like took over probably

Albion: Most likely but we will focus on that Later This Nomu is Strong then the others

Izuku Thought: Got it

Izuku walks up To Hood and Looks at Him

Izuku (Red): You can Talk

Hood: I am Strong a High- End Nomu

Izuku (Red): I see well you will die

Hood: You are weak you will die

Hood rushes Izuku and punches his Leg and Izuku's Armour breaks on his Leg

Izuku (Red): Shit he can Break my Armour

Hood rushes Izuku and grabs him and spins him around and into a park car making Izuku spit up Blood

Izuku (Red): ahhhhh shit that Hurt

Hood: You are weak compare to me

Hood Rushes Izuku but Izuku was able to get out of the way and go towards Rias was behind a Smashed Car from a Nomu before Hood showed up


Izuku (Red): Shhhhh Rias He wasn't Able to see me come this way, also he is Stronger and is able to Hurt me

Rias: Sorry so what is the Plan

Izuku (Red): I could go Juggernaut Drive but that will destroy most of this part of the City Killing a lot of people so I can't do that that

Rias: Then What

Izuku (Red): I do-

Before Izuku could say anything else A Car was thrown by Hood and landed on the Car the Izuku and Rias was Hiding behind causing a Explosion sending Izuku and Rias into a Building but Luckily Izuku was able to make sure Rias was Save for the most part

Izuku (Red): Rias you O-

Izuku looks to see Rias with a big Piece of Glass in her Leg and this made Izuku Pissed

Inside the Boosted Gear

Issei: Looks like its time to unlock they Final part of the Balance Breaker

Vali: Yes it does

Issei: It is time for Crimson

Back to the real world

Izuku Stands up and turns to Hood who was Walking to him

Izuku (Red): You can Hurt me, You can Try and Kill me, You can Break me, But When You hurt My Friends, My Family, The Ones I love you Die

Hood Stops and Looks at Izuku, meanwhile Rias Slowly sits up making sure not to move her Legs to much to see Izuku start to Glow Bright Red and start to Change then A Bright Red Beam came from Izuku and shot towards the Sky and when the Beam disappeared all you cam See is Izuku in a New Balance Breaker Armor of a Crimson Red with Crystal Wings Like Divine Dividing

The Smoke from the Fire became White almost like Fog, and everyone came running to see what is happening same with a News helicopter and what they saw what that of Power and Beautiful

Izuku (Crimson Emperor): This is were you Die Nomu

(Crimson Dragon Emperor Theme)

Everyone look in Awe as Izuku stands there and the Rushes Hood with Speed that they Never seen heard bht Hood Flew up but Izuku was able to Follow and Hood and Izuku Punched Each other

(Imagine Sairaorg is Hood and they are in the Sky)

The People around the area and the News helicopter get pushed Back for the Force but they could this see something they thought was impossible, they say the sky break

(Imagine your looking for a Helicopter and the you can see people looking Up)

Izuku Grabs Hood and Flips him so his back is Facing Izuku and Izuku pulls Hoods arms back and Breaks them making Hood Scream in Pain, Izuku then Kicks Hood in the Back and Sends him flying be he Catches himself and turns around just to be punched in the Chest by Izukh using Dragonic Rook Arm

Meanwhile with everyone else

Ryukyu: Izuku

Rias: He is so Powerful he broke the Sky when he punched the Nomu

With His Girlfriends watching on the News

Izumi: Onii-chan Be Careful

Katsumi: Ichan how Powerful are you really

Momo: Darling

Kyoka: Greenie you better be Ok after this

With Ikaros and Tempest

Ikaros: The Hell is this Power it is so Strong

Tempest: And its not even his Full Power

AFO: What do you mean not his Full Power

Ikaros: This Form or Whatever has Tapped into Full Juggernaut Drive in Balance Breaker but

Tempest: Its not his Full Power meaning He has a Form Stronger then Juggernaut Drive

Back to the Fight

Izuku Grabs Hood and rips his Arm Off and Hood Tries to grow it back but it didn't work, Izuku then Spin kicks Hood in the Face and then Summons Escalon which Ikaros and Tempest Felt

With Ikaros and Tempest

Tempest: He has Escalon

AFO: He what

Ikaros: The Dragon Slayer, A Holy Sword that can Kill any Dragon by how does he have it

AFO Thoughts: So Izuku Midoriya has the Real Escalon, I need to Find away to take it from Him so I can Kill him and these Bitches of Dragons

Back to the Fight

Izuku raise Escalon and starts Cutting Hood into nothing but a Head and then Raised his Hand while Hood just looked at Him

Izuku (Crimson Emperor): CRIMSON DRAGON SHOT

Izuku shots a Powerful energy Blast and evaporates Hood Completely, when Izuku Lands he walks to Rias without saying a word and lifts his head and then said

Izuku (Crimson Emperor): Bishop Healing Aura

Rias starts to heal while the Glass in her Leg was pushed out and her leg was fully healed, as she Got up Izuku deactivated his Crimson Dragon Emperor Armour looks at everyone and Passes out making everyone rushes to him

Back with Ikaros and Tempest

Tempest: While this was a success to finding out he is hiding his True Power

Ikaros: Yes indeed by Izuku Midoriya what is you true Power and Why is it stronger the Juggernaut Drive

As Ikaros and Tempest walk to Kurogiri who opens up a Warp Gate and then looks at AFO who was just staring at Izuku before turning and walking into the Warp Gate think only one thing

AFO Thoungts: I am the Strongest in the World and I will prove it when I kill Ikaros and Tempest and Izuku Midoriya

(Hey Guys Hoped you Enjoyed the Chapter and Can't wait for more)

(Not much to say except Thank you all for your Support and you Lovely Comments on some of my Chapters it means a lot to me that you all Like my Fanfics and that makes me want to keep making the for you Guys and Girls so I will Work hard to keep writing for you guys and Giving you amazing Stories)

(And Like I said let me know what you would like to see in my Stories or Future Stories and If you want to talk to me Personally Join my Discord Server the Link is in this Stories so join of you wanted to talk to me and some other that have already joined)

(I do not own any of the Pictures or Videos I used in this Chapter all credot goes to the Owners)

This is Jinzo Signing Out
