Chapter 30 Hero Names and Internships

(Hey Guys I know it will be a bonus Chapter today of Bakugou's and Todoroki's hell but the Saved File on my Lab Top got corrupted and deleted so I have to Rewrite it but I will try to get it out as so as I can, But for now Here is Chapter 30)

Narrator's point of view

It has been 2 weeks since the incident at the Sports Festival, and things have died down thanks to the Government

Izuku has been spending Time with The Girls going on dates and also spending time with Eri, He also Started to teach The People that has Scared Gears how harness the power so they don't lose control, do to the Government's request to keep the Public calm

Also Izuku got close to Rei, Fuyumi, Itsuka and Ibara, Rei and Fuyumi because Shoka introduce them to him and since Rei has a Scared Gear, For Itsuka and Ibara was because they Transfered to 1-A after the Death of Bakugou and Todoroki since they had the best Grades and Vlad King suggest it be them

We now see the Class sitting in Class waiting for Aizawa and Ms. Joke and when they walked in Ms. Joke had a big Smile while Aizawa looked Dead again

Aizawa: Ok Brats Listen Up Emi is once again taking over the Class Fully While I sleep do not wake me or your all dead

This made the Class have sweatdrops as Aizawa got in his sleeping bag

Ms. Joke: Ok so Today we will talk about your Internships and will be doing your Hero Names

Denki: Hero Names Awesome

Kirishima: So Manly

Ms. Joke: Quiet, Now it is a Good Idea to pick a name you like or

????: There will be hell to pay Later

As everyone looked to see Midnight walk in the guys blush except Izuku while the girls got jealous because of her development

Midnight: When Choosing a Hero name remember it could be your name forever and you might regret the name later on, so pick a name you will Love Forever

Ms. Joke starts to laugh and shortly after Midnight started to laugh with Izuku, Izumi, and Katsumi following after making the Class Confused

Iida: Why are you laughing

Ms. Joke: Hahahahaha Be of My Hubby's Hero name

Midnight:  Hahahahaha He didn't pick it

Izuku: Hahahahahaha Mic Picked it

Izumi & Katsumi: Hahahahahaha I love that story so much

All of the sudden Time Stopped thanks to Aizawa using Forbidden Balor View the Only ones not affected was Izuku and Momo because of their Scared Gears which Made Momo Confused

Aizawa: I hate that story

Izuku: I know you do But why Freeze Time

Aizawa: Because I wanted To go and Hang Mic by his Pants on a Pole after that was brought up again

Izuku: I see well wa-

Momo: Ahhh Hi sorry What Is going on and why are we not Frozen like everyone else

Izuku: Right I forgot, You could move of a Minute well Since I have Both Ddraig and Albion I can't be affected by Uncle's Scared Gear and for you well I think you have more control over Sword Birth them we thought

Momo: What do you mean

Izuku: Well Kiba the one who Had Sword Birth before you wasn't affected By Forbidden Balor View since his Balance Breaker was the Holy Devil sword that protected him from it

Momo: Ok but I haven't Unlocked my Balance Breaker Yet

Izuku: I know but you not being frozen Means you are Close I think, which means you have a Better handle then Kiba did with Sword Birth, then again Kiba and sword birth had a wild lets say character development

Momo: Ok then

Aizawa: We will figure that out later I am going go hang Mic on a pole

As Aizawa walked out to find Mic Izuku started to talk to Momo about stuff and after 30 minutes Aizawa returned got in his Sleeping bag while Izuku and Momo got back to their sets and Aizawa resume time

When Time went back to normal everyone heard a Sceam outside the window when they looked they saw Mic with a atomic wedgie hanging from a pole which made everyone Confused except Izuku and Momo

Ms. Joke: Ok moving on Midnight and I will be the final say on your hero names before we go Over the Results of the Sports Festival

Midnight: After I hand Out these White Boards pick your name and present them to the class

Denki: Wait what we have to Present them

Mina: Why

Midnight: It is good to get others opinion on your name to know if people like it or not

(Skipping Everyone Expect DxD girls, New Girls, Katsumi and Izuku since everyone's is still Canon)

Ravel: My Hero Name is Phoenix Flame

Ms. Joke: So Your Last name and also a reference to the internal part of Fire

Midnight: I love it

Ravel: Thanks

Asia: Ahhh I thought of this as a Kid helping in the Church my hero Name Holy Maiden

Midnight: Beautiful Name for someone Like you

Ms. Joke: Agreed

Ibara: I would like to say Asia great name to represent are Lord and of a Holy Maiden of a Church

Asia: Thank you

Ibara: My Hero Name is Vine and I pray this name will help other

Midnight: Love it Girl

Itsuka: I had this name for awhile since I started martial arts my Hero Name Battle Fist

(Itsuka and Ibara's Hero Names are same as Canon)

Midnight: Makes you sound Taught I love it

Nao: So This Name is mixed between my quirk and my Favorite comet My Hero name is Charlotte Light

Ms. Joke: Pretty name

Midnight: I agree

Nene: My Hero name is a tribute to my specialty of my quirk, Charming Witch

Midnight: That's my niece good work also make those guys fall for you

Nene: Aunty no

Midnight: Fine

Irina: My Hero Name Divine Angel

Ms. Joke: I love that since your wings are that of a Angel

Xenovia: My Hero Name Excalibur Knight

(I changed Xenovia's Hero name for Badass Because I was given this Name by my Friend at Work and I really liked it)

Midnight: Do to your Quirk it makes sense

Konoko: My hero Name Shirone

Midnight: I love it, it makes you sound way cuter

Shoka: I am the hybrid Hero: Cold-Burn

Midnight: Oh very Hot yet cool

Katsumi: I am the Exploding Hero: Ignite

Ms. Joke: Oh I see like when your Igniting your Explosion

Katsumi: Yup

Izumi: Ahhh This Hero Name is kind of a tribute to a Character from A show and a Movie I'm the Chronicle Hero: Tatsumaki

(I was gonna go with Tornado of Terror but writing that down all the time will be annoying so I just want with Her Real name instead)

Midnight: Oh I believe I seen that Movie and show your talking about

Ms. Joke: Ok now Izuku your the last one

Izuku: Ok so this Name I had since Ddraig and Albion came into my Life so this Hero is also one of their titles

Izuku: The Welsh and Vanishing Dragon: Dragonic Emperor is what I chose for my Hero Name

Midnight: I love it Izuku a prefect way to show your partnership with Ddraig and Albion

Ddriag: Not bad Izuku

Albion: We are with you to the end Partner

Izuku thoughts: Thank you two

As Izuku walks back to his sit Midnight saids her final good byes and leaves the class the Ms. Joke started to talk about the Internships

Ms. Joke: Ok now as you know the Sports Festival was away for you to show the Heros what you got as Future Heros, After the Festival these Heros have sent request for some Students so you can Intern with them here are the results

Izuku 5000

Izumi 4500

Katsumi 4500

Momo 4500

Konoko 3400

Shoka 3400

Xenovia 2200

Nao 2200


Asia 500

Ms. Joke: Now usually these are more spread out but This Year was different mostly because of Heros Finding out about Scared Gears and the performance you guys did

Izuku: That Figures Since Scared Gears are more Powerful the Quirks Heros will want people with them to either A. Use us to gain popularity or B. Understand how they work and Try to help us with training with them

Ms. Joke: Probably now Those that didn't get offers will still go for a Internship out of the 40 Heros UA selected for Students

Mina: So we all still get to do a Internship ship nice

Ms. Joke: Yes now I want you All to Ha-

Ms. Joke was cut off by someone knocking on the class door and when she Opened the door the Pro Hero Ryukyu walked in and introduced herself

Ryukyu: Hello Ms. Joke good to see you and Hello UA Class 1-A I am the Number 6 Hero Ryukyu

Ms. Joke: Ryukyu why are you here

Ryukyu: I am here for him

She points to Izuku who already figured why she was there as she walk up to him

Ryukyu: Hello Izuku I thought I would personally come to visit you and ask if you want to Intern with me, Since you have real Dragons Living in your Scared Gears, I thought I might be able to Help you

Izuku: Well Ryukyu it is a honour to met you and I was already Planning on going to Intern with you if you made a offer for me so yes I would love to Intern with you

Ryukyu Thoughts: LETS GOOOOOOOOO now all I have to do is get close to him, and later start dating if his Girlfriends are willing to share him with me

Izuku: But be straight with you also want to date me right

Ryukyu (blushing): Huh I-I-I-I Huh

Izuku: Yup you do, Like all animals or creatures once they found a mate or mates they try and make them theirs, it is the same with Dragons and Half Dragons or People with Dragon Powers like you so Tell me you have fallen for me right

Ryukyu (Blushing harder): Yes I have, you have a Heart that will give up everything to save people, A Will to never give up, A passion to help others achieve their dreams you are everything I am looking in a Man, and you just so happen to also be a Dragon which makes you even Hotter

As Izuku laughs the others in the Class are shocked to hear Ryukyu confess to Izuku like that, His Girlfriends looked at Eachother and Nodded and texting the other Girls that they will still have their chance

Izumi: Ryukyu we approve

Katsumi: Welcome to the Harem

Ryukyu: Wait Really

Momo: Yup you spoke the true and fell for him not because of his power but

Kyoka: For who he is so we approve

Ryukyu was happy and Kissed Izuku and he Kissed back and then Ddraig and Albion spoke up

Ddraig: Izuku you Harem King I can feel Issei being Proud and Also Screaming Because you are a Better Harem King then He was

Albion: Also A women that is Part Dragon means you are Going to have some Wild Nights because we Dragons can go for 3 Days straight without rest



Izuku: One Your passed Host was Issei and Your are the One who always makes the Comment I can Mate with Izumi

Ddraig: Far Point

Albion: Hahahahahaha

Ms. Joke: Ahhh Sorry to interrupt but can we move one the girls might have turn red permanently from that 3-day comment

As Izuku looks at all the girls to see they are all red he just laughs it off while the girls just sit there until Class was dismissed and Izuku walked out

Meanwhile in Nezu's Office with a Rossweisse watching from the camera's

Nezu: Hohohohoho Looks like Izuku might need his own Dorm Building for all the Girls what do you think Rossweisse

Nezu turns to Rossweisse just to see her passed out and Red

Nezu: Oh My, Izuku you sure now how to make the Ladies fall for you, hmmmmmmmmmm this give me a Idea

(Hey Guys Hope you enjoyed the Chapter)

(Not Much to say since I already explain why this wasn't the Bonus Chapter so I will see you all tomorrow)

This is Jinzo Signing Out
