Chapter 52 Shatter The Darkness Part 1

Narrator's point of view

It has been 2 weeks since Izuku, All Might and Izumi beat AFO and Save Uraraka, The Heros asked Uraraka what happened and how she got Kidnapped, She told them it was after the USJ, the Guy with Purple mist body followed her when she was getting food and kidnapped her, They kept her alive so the Clone could work, The Pros were Pissed but happy that monster is gone

During those 2 weeks also Class 1A watched the Scared Gear exam since it was canceled do to Endeawhore (AFO) attacking, Uraraka got together with Iida who was ashamed he could save Her

Eri also start to crawl and speak more saying words like Mama and Dada like before, but also Boost and Divide, which nearly killed Izuku from the Cuteness especially when she wore her Balance Breaker Onesie

But One thing was on Izuku's mine and the was Ilaros and Tempest, and when Will they attack, but that Answer was soon answered when Izuku was Watching TV with Eri

The TV started to make a static noise as the screen started to show Ikaros and Tempest, which made Izuku stand up

Ikaros (TV): Hello Izuku Midoriya

Tempest (TV): Hello, we are sure you know why we are doing this

Izuku: It is time for our fight

Ikarus (TV): Yes now met us on this Island called Onic Island

Tempest (TV): You can bring your friends if you like but the will not survive once we beat you

Izuku: I will save you two

Ikaros (TV): You can't save us we don't need to be saved

Tempest (TV): Meet us on this Island today at 6pm or we will destroy the Island Next to us which is called Nubu lsland

The Screen faded and Izuku looked at Eri who was giving a confused looked, Izuku gives a smile and picks her up

Izuku: Let go find your Mommies Eri, to talk about this with Uncle RatGod

Eri starts to making cute Baby noise and Izuku smiles and walks out the dorm building and head to the training fields to tall to the girls and the RatGod Nezu

*Time Skip brought to you by Chibi Eri in her White Balance Breaker onesie asking for applesauce while she is ride chibi Albion*

We see Izuku talk with RatGod Nezu and the other Staff members and his Harem with Classmates

Izuku: That is the message sir they want me on Onic Island at 6pm today, or Nubu lsland is destroyed

RatGod Nezu: Well this is serious, Izuku I know you have to fight them so I will let you make the Plan

Izuku: ok, First I want you all to help get Nubu Island evacuated while I go to Onic Island to fight Ikaros and Tempest

RatGod Nezu: Ok we will, Everyone get ready we leave in 50 minutes

Everyone: Hai

As everyone leaves to get ready Izuku gives Eri to All Might

Izuku: Take care of Her with Mom All Might

AM: I will my Boy I still have some of OFA left, sad the Scared Gear was a one time thing

Izuku: I know that Scared Gear is really particular on who its Host will be I am surprised it even allowed you to use it once, It has Killed many of the Host before The Other Rias cousin had it

AM: Well I am just Glad I could help defeat AFO

Izuku: Me too now I better get going

AM: Good Luck My Boy

Eri: Dada win

Izuku looks at Eri who told him to win and smiled

Izuku: I will my Snowflake I will

Izuku turns and walks away to get ready all while Ddraig and Albion spoke to him

Izuku's mind

Ddraig: So Izuku today is the Day

Albion: To either save them or end them

Izuku: I already told


Izuku: If I can't saved then I will keep trying I will not kill them, it was not their fault so why do they need to die

Flashback ends

Izuku: I will stick to those words no matter what

Ddraig: Well we are with you Partner

Albion: Now and forever

Izuku: Ever If we Lose Control of that

Ddraig: Yes We are with you

Albion: If you fall we fall

Izuku: You two gave me my Dream to be a Hero, I don't know what would have happened if you two didn't show up in my dream that night and chose me to be the First Red and White Dragon

Ddraig: You would have still been a Hero Izuku we Picked you remember because of your desire to be a Hero

Albion: We saw a Will that will always get back up no matter what, Your Blood is that of a Hero Izuku and when you pass Like you said

Both Ddraig and Albion: You may be gone but the Legacy you built will be forever for everyone that wants to be a Hero

Izuku: Thank you

????: Your best of all of us Little bro

Izuku looks behind him to see Issei and Vali

Vali: You have all this Power but you use it to save Other and not for you own gain

Issei: You rise up no matter what and always smile letting people know you are there to saved them

Izuku: Thank you, you two

Vali: Izuku you can save them you know why

Izuku: Why

Issei and Vali smile as the other past Red Dragon and White Dragon Emperors appear behind them

Red & White dragon Emperors: You are the Best of all us and you are the true Emperor, The Dragonic Emperor

As the past Red & White dragon Emperors disappear along with Issei and Vali, Izuku comes back to reality and walks out the Locker room and meets up with the Class and Pros, as Izuku walks to them he looks around and then to the Direction of the Island

Izuku: Its time to Shatter the Darkness on you Ikaros and Tempest

Meanwhile on Onic Island

Ikaros: It is Almost time Dear Sister

Tempest: It is Dear Sister

As Ikaros and Tempest look in the Direction of Japan, some Force was watching also

????: ©¤§μ₩¥¥~ГΩ ฯ{§μ~¿₩¡< ~§₩μΩ©|¥ฯฯ

(Hey Guys Hoped you enjoyed the Chapter of Part 1 of Shatter the Darkness)

(Won't say Much except the Bonus Chapter  for Stella and Izuku will be later today so stay tone for that Later)


This is Jinzo Signing out
