The Team Catches You With A Hickey-Criminal Minds Preference


"Babe, wake up. We have to go to work still today." Aaron whispered in my ear.  

"Okay Aaron. I'll get ready right now then." I whispered through a smile, bringing my hands up to his hair, "I hope you know how nice it was that Jack went to a friend's last night. I had an incredible night. I just wish I could stay in bed all day."

"I know Y/n but we have to go."

*About 1 hour later, at the BAU* 

"Hey Hotch, Y/n! Good Morning!" JJ greeted cheerfully before she noticed the slightly darker mark just under my collar bone, "Looks like you two had fun last night."

"W-what do you m-mean JJ?" 

"Yeah JJ, what do you mean?" Morgan asked from behind her, Reid, Prentiss and Rossi all being there too.

"N-nothing! Nothing!" I exclaimed, trying to hide the cherry red blush that covered my face. 

"Oh I think it's something Girlie!" Morgan teased, also having seen the bruise. After he said that, I moved into the kitchen and avoid the team. Aaron definitely followed me into the small room. 

"Are you okay Babe?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." My tone was short and sharp.

"I don't understand what the big deal is."

"They are our coworkers Aaron. They shouldn't know about what we do behind closed doors!" 

"I suppose but they are also our friends right?" 

"'re right." I leaned up and pressed an apologetic kiss to Aaron's lips. 


I walked into the BAU and set my bag on my desk before moving to the kitchen for some coffee.

"Hey Sweetheart." Derek whispered wrapping his strong arms around my waist,"Saturday was really something, huh?" 

"Yeah really something! You marked me up and I couldn't cover it very well! You know how Garcia gets about this kinda stuff!"

"Well yeah but I mean, it's not as though they don't already know about us." 

"I mean, yeah but..."

"But nothing...if they know, they know. Oh well."

"Eep! I knew something happened this weekend! I was right, I was right!!" Penelope squealed, probably having stood there the entire time. I sighed audibly at my other coworkers who also stood in the doorway. 

"Well...I guess they know..." I whispered in embarrassment. 

So I know this isn't all the people on the team but I don't have any ideas for anyone else...If you have any ideas I will write them up and make a part two of sorts so please let me know!

TCT: Are you a part of the BAU?(fictionally speaking...)

I feel like I might be, but I would  have a job like JJ's, except more dealing with grieving families and less press work...

I love you all! Please feel free to make requests in the comments below! 

Buh-Bye! Peace!

