Different (Diana X Female!Werewolf!Reader)[Little Witch Academia Request]

Thanks @fox_of_crystal for this request! I hope this turned out the way you wanted it!

Reader~Chan's PoV:

I ran through the halls, avoiding other Luna Nova students as I went. I was running to my girlfriend, Diana's room for our next class. Third class, every day I meet her at her room so we can walk to class together. 

Finally I saw her blonde and blue curls and I smiled so wide it almost hurt. 

"Diana! You're here before me, I lost again! How do you always beat me!" I pouted, my fuzzy ears dropping a little bit in a childish way. She leaned down(yes I'm shorter than her so what...) and placed a loving kiss on my lips. 

"You're too cute Y/n/n!" Diana giggled before interlocking our fingers. 

"I am not cute! I am a ferocious werewolf with a taste for human flesh! Rawr!!" I said before jumping onto her back. She chuckled slightly before grabbing onto me, just beneath my bottom. 

"Are you ready for class, Babe?" Diana asked me, my face erupting in red at the nickname. 

"Oh-uh sure..." I nuzzled my face into the back of her neck and I gripped her shoulders a little tighter. She put me down just before we got to the door of the classroom and she gave me a gentle yet passionate kiss before we went in. 

"Do you know how much I love you?" Diana whispered lightly. I turned even more red, if that was possible and averted my gaze to the floor.

"I-i know...I-i lov-ve yo-you too D-diana." 

I know it's kind of short but I wasn't entirely sure what to write so I decided hey, fluffzilla is always a good answer...right?

Thanks so much for this request! 

Today's Comment Topic-Would you go to Luna Nova if you had the chance?

My answer: Heck yeah! 

I love you all so much! Keep giving me the wonderful requests! 

Buh-Bye! Peace!

