The Loveliest Person On This Ship(Pidge/Katie Holt X Reader)[Voltron Request]

@FizzySnake Thanks so much for the request! So sorry it took so long!

Reader~Chan's PoV:

"Babe, are you okay? I heard crying." Pidge yelled through the bathroom door of my bathroom. I had locked myself in the bathroom to shower but had lost myself in my abysmal thoughts before I managed to start the shower. I scrambled to clean my face of tear streaks before replying.

"Y-yeah Pidgey, I'm alright. I was just about  to hop through the shower."

"Okay...If you need anything, I'm right outside." I heard shuffling through the door and I realized she probably made herself comfortable on my bed. I started the shower and let out a silent sigh.

*About 10 minutes later*

I dried off quickly before wrapping the towel around myself. I exited the bathroom to find my beautiful girlfriend lying on my bed, reading a huge book. 

"Hey Pidgey." My voice was so quiet I wouldn't have been surprised if she hadn't heard my at all.

"Hey Babe." Both of us seemed to be at a loss for words because she definitely knew I was crying and why, "You know, I love how comfortable we are now. I mean you're just standing there in a towel and I made myself comfortable on your bed while you were in the shower. I love our dynamic."  

Her words cheered me up some because they were very true. If I was so insecure I would've put clothes on before coming out or made her leave the room. But I guess that is what Pidge had always been good at, making me see the logic behind everything and using that logic to cheer me up. I moved to the bed after I was dressed and curled up on Pidge's lap. She began petting my head and I remained quiet par the few purrs escaping my mouth.

"I love you because you are the loveliest person on this ship. Your cute purr is an added bonus." 

Well, I hope you enjoyed @FizzySnake! Again, sorry it took so long to get out, I didn't have any motivation but here we go!

TCT: Who do you think has the most relationship potential out of the paladins? 

I think Shiro is, because he's dependable, caring and I think he's the most compatible with every type of person. Also, he's very hot! 

Feel free to request who ever you want me to write about! Also, I am working on some requests that are slightly harder for me to do, so it'll be a while yet for those who have already requested. 

I love you all so so much! Thanks for sticking with me through my struggles with keeping up with my updates!

Buh-Bye! Peace!

