Hot!(Leo Valdez X Poseidon's Child!Reader)[HoO]

Reader~Chan's PoV:

I walked down to Bunker 9, ready to see my boyfriend, Leo Valdez.

"Leo?...Leo?" I called into the darkness.

"Hotness?!W-what are you doing here?" Leo asked and I blushed at the nickname.

"Why must you call me that?"

"Because it's the truth...You are, by far, the most beautiful girl I've ever met...You are smart, funny, daring, charming and over all the most amazing girl I've ever met...I love you so much that there isn't and there'll never be enough words to tell you and sometimes...sometimes it hurts...Y/n M/n L/n...will you marry me?" Leo rambled, the lights suddenly coming on. Leo was on his knees, a small, velvet box in his hand. Inside was a beautiful bronze ring, a diamond sat in the middle. On the inside was engraved "Our love is a fire that shall burn forever"

Hot tears burned in my eyes because that was the quote I'd made up for our relationship.

"Yes...Yes, I'll marry you Leo. I love you so much!" I replied quietly before Leo slipped the ring on my finger.

We laughed and cuddled and kissed all the rest of the night.

Hey guys! well, that was cute! I still haven't got any requests! :-( I need requests! At least one? Please?

Today's comment topic- Request for chapter 50!!!

Also, what are your new years resolutions? Mine is to sleep better and have more energy, because I want to live a happy, not tired life! :-)

I love you all so much and I'll post more today, so don't worry!

Buh-bye! Peace!

