Meeting Your Parents-Youtuber Preferences

This preference only includes some youtubers, so keep that in mind! The youtubers included are Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, Crankgameplays, Pewdiepie, Danisnotonfire(or Daniel Howell) and AmazingPhil! 


After two months of dating, Mark had begun to beg me to meet my family-seeing as I'd met his family it was only fair- so I arranged a dinner with my Mom, Dad and my younger siblings, s/n and b/n. Mark had dressed semi-formally like I asked him to, wearing a nice red flannel, black jeans and sneakers, his wavy hair left as-is. I was wearing a simple f/c sundress, sneakers/flats to match, my h/l, h/c done h/s and natural, light make-up.

We left to my parents in rural LA, only about a half hour from my apartment. On the way there Mark continued to assure me that everything was going to be alright whilst I was listing off and going through all the "what-ifs" out loud. At one point during the drive my anxiety began to kick in and my breathing was quickly becoming uneven. Mark noticed my labored and choppy breaths and pulled over. He turned towards me in his seat, unbuckled my seat belt and pulled me into his lap gently. 

"Babe breath. It's okay. I'm positive this dinner with your family will go great. Shh, it's okay." Mark whispered soothingly in my ear. It seemed to work as my breathing slowly returned to normal and the slight tears in my eyes began to cease. I had calmed down enough to continue to my parents' house, so I clambered into my seat. During the rest of the ride I fixed my make-up and then we had arrived. We moved to the front door. He kissed the top of my head chastely and knocked on the large maple wood door. My mom opened the door before engulfing me in a bear hug in which I could only see her long h/c hair until she pulled away from the hug and her e/c eyes were staring at my face with concern.

"Y/n, what happened?" My mom asked, worry overwhelming her features. 

"I might've had a panic attack on the" I spoke softly, trying to keep my Dad from hearing.

"N/n, you had a panic attack! Was it his fault?" My Dad began freaking out as soon as he heard about it. 

"No! No...he helped me calm down." I shouted, my volume lowering extremely as my sentence trailed off. Mark's hand began to rub circles on my back and I finally registered what had just happened,"I-i'm sorry Dad...I didn't mean to shout." My voice was so quiet I didn't recognize it as my own.

Two sets of fast footsteps were what knocked us all out of the trance-like state we were in, as S/n and B/n bounded over to the doorway.

"Y/n! Y/n!" They shouted simultaneously whilst clinging onto me. 

"Hey! And how are you two today?!" I spoke, managing to overcome the lump in my throat at the sight of my younger siblings. 

"Soo good because I get to see you!" B/n exclaimed.

"Yeah!! Y/n, who's this?!" S/n asked, tilting her head like a confused puppy. 

"This is Mark, my boyfriend." The two small children widened their eyes at whatever flip was switched on in their brains and not even two seconds later they began bombarding Mark with questions. 

Jacksepticeye (Warning-sadness ahead)

"Jack, we have gone over this far too many times-you can't meet my parents!" I shouted, fed up with his constant questioning and having to lie to him about why. 

"Why not, Love? We can just buy plane tickets and visit ye mum an' dad! It's only o'er in London!" Jack yelled once again.

"No we can't!" Hot tears began rolling down my s/t cheeks.

"Why not?!" Jack yelled, not realizing that I was crying. 

"Because you can't buy plane tickets to heaven!" My voice was broken as I choked out the breathy words. I was completely sobbing now, my face red and splotchy and my hands were very clearly shaky. Jack's eyes widened and his once offensive, slightly aggressive stance became welcoming and gentle.

"I'm sorry, Love. I didn't know." He trailed off, voice soft whilst engulfing my shaking, weeping form. 

"I'm s-sorry too I should've t-told you but I thought-t if I-i didn't m-maybe it wouldn't f-feel re-real..." 


When Felix asked to meet your parents, you were extremely embarrassed because A) your parents were extremely extra and embarrassing, B) you have a hispanic background he knew nothing about and C) you had overwhelmingly gay dads. None the less, you agreed begrudgingly and set up a lunch with your dads. 

"Felix, just keep in mind my dads are...interesting..."

"Babe, are you saying that there is ANYONE more interesting than mE!?" 

"There is NObody more InTerESTiNg than the pewds!!" I laughed along with my childish boyfriend. 

"Don't worry Babe. I'm sure your Dads are going to get along with me just fine. Have you met me?" His attitude was nonchalant and his smile was genuine.


*Time Skip To Lunch*

I knocked on the gray maplewood door of my dads' apartment.

"*Mi hija! Ay, come in both of you!" My dad, Enrique, exclaimed in a rushed and excited tone. 

"Papa! Como estas?" 

"Excelente ahora que estas aqui! Y quien es este trozo?" My papa asked, causing my face to explode with red. 

"Papa, detente! Por que debes decir cosas asi?!" I exclaimed. Felix looked at me with a look full of confusion as he heard my thick, ever-present hispanic accent. 

"N/n! Finally you're here! I thought you were coming with your- Oh! Hello! Come in, come in!" My dad spoke before he fully registered the scene in front of him, as per usual. 

"Umm, hi! I'm Felix, Y/n's boyfriend..." Felix obviously didn't like all the attention being put on him-which is weird because it's Felix.

"Hi Felix! I hope you've been treating our Baby Girl the right way. After all we wouldn't want any-" 

"Okay Dad! Hey, didn't you say something about food? I could definitely eat!" I laughed, nervous that something bad might happen soon. 

"Of course, of course!" 

"Vamos a la cocina!" My Papa exclaimed with false excitement. 

Overall the evening went very well-my dads behaved like, well, themselves and Felix felt very comfortable. 

*My Daughter-Mi hija

How are you-Como estas

Excellent now that you are here! And who is this hunk-Excelente ahora que estas aqui! Y quien es este trozo

Dad stop! Why must you say things like this?!-Papa, detente! Por que debes decir cosas asi?!

Let's go to the kitchen-Vamos a la cocina


Ethan already knew my parents, seeing as we were best friends for seventeen years before we began dating, but my parents had yet to know we were dating. So, when I traveled back to Maine for my 25th birthday, I made Ethan tag along, seeing as we live together and have the same job. I also knew he would mostly be okay with visiting Maine. The plane ride was uneventful and seemingly drawn out. When we finally arrived into the airport, we quickly maneuvered our way through all the people, got our luggage and exited the airport. My parents were waiting just outside for us, like they said they would be. 

"N/n! Oh, look how grown-up you are!" My mom cried, kissing all over my face.

"Mooommmm!" I whined indignantly, similar to a teenage boy's reaction when a mother would do the same thing, whilst my entire face grew to be a dark shade of pink. I heard Ethan's boyish, angelic laugh from behind me and-if it was possible-my blush intensified. 

"Ethan! You look exactly the same! It's like neither of you ever moved away!" My mom exclaimed, breaking contact with me in order to  engulf his slightly larger frame in what seemed to be a bone-crushing hug.

"You too, M/n..." Ethan wheezed out and I snickered slightly before coming to his rescue.

"Mom, he needs to breathe!" I half spoke- half laugh in response to his ever reddening face. 

"Oops! Got a little carried away! Anyways, what brings you back to Maine, Ethan?" My mom questioned, while she backed away from my blue-haired boyfriend. 

"Actually, Mom, Dad, Ethan is here because I asked him to be; You see, Ethan and I have been dating for the last month and a half..." I moved so I was slightly more toward Ethan and grasped his warm hand. 

"Awwwweee!! I totally knew you two would end up dating eventually just from the way you two acted!" My mom began to fangirl over us, asking us every questions she could think of-including the personal ones...

"Okay, M/n! I think that's enough questions for right now- besides we have to get ready before the "first night in Maine" dinner." My dad thankfully interrupted the Q&A before he had the chance to answer her last question.

"Oh of course! And you'll be able to tell us so much more during dinner!" Oh boy... 


Dan knew that your dad had passed away almost two years ago and your mum lived with your grandmother so she would not feel so alone. You had decided that you would kill two birds with one stone-seeing your mum and grandmum in the same visit and introduce Dan to them. You invited them to have dinner in Dan's flat-seeing as that was where you were staying because the street isn't exactly the best place to live. You and Dan were extremely busy, you were cooking dinner-your grandmum's family recipe-and Dan cleaning up, setting the table and other various chores around the flat. The doorbell rang eventually and you bolted down the stairs to answer the door.

"Mummy! Grandmum!" You exclaimed drawing the two women into a large and warm hug. 

"Y/n! How nice it is to see you again!" Your mum exclaimed sweetly.

"You too mum. Now, come on. Come on! Oh I can't wait for you to meet Dan! He's simply lovely! Careful though he's just a little anxious...don't tell him I told you though!" You spoke in a slightly rushed giggly tone as the three of you moved up to the flat.

"Bragging about me, are we?" Dan chuckled wrapping a arm gently around your shoulders.

"Y-you heard th-that?...Uhm oh about you? Never." You began nervous and then lightened your tone, "Mum, grandmum, this is Daniel Howell, my boyfriend. Dan, this is my mum and grandmum."

"Hello Dan." Your mum greeted gently before your grandmum gathered Dan up into a hug, which Dan returned nervously. 

"Oh, N/n darling! Finally you've got a nice young man for yourself! How nice it is to meet you Dan!" Dan chuckled his beautiful and awkward chuckle. 

"You as w-well." 

"Y/n what a lovely flat-do you live here?" Your mum asked you looking at the flat in awe.

"Um yes with Dan and his best friend Phil." 

"Oh well isn't that nice! And what're you doing for work now darling?" Your grandmum asked bluntly. 

"O-oh uhm n-nothing..." You whispered, your sight becoming slightly glazed over.

"Well..." Your grandmum was silent for too long for liking, "...that means he does truly care for you then because he doesn't care what you can provide-just who you are darling..."

"Uh-oh-ye-yeah I guess..."


You're extremely nervous. For what? Phil meeting your parents of course! While your parents were very polite and rather easy to get along with-however your parents were very old-fashioned and believe you should be dating someone your own age-not someone three years older than you. You loved your parents-for the most part, they were very controlling and you still held a grudge from when you had decided to move out at age 24. 

"Love are you ready to go?" Phil called from the lounge.

"Philly, do we have to go see my parents? We could always call and tell them you're sick and just book our flight home!" You begged attempting to fix your hair up/down perfectly as he walked into the room. 

"We don't need to. Everything'll be fine!" 

"You've never met my parents before Phil! They chastise me about everything I've ever done! They hated me for wanting to live on my own at the age of twenty four!" You exclaimed in a very exasperated tone. Phil pulled me closer into him.

"Love, everything will be just fine. That was almost three years ago. I'm sure your parents have moved on by now. Besides we're already in America, there'd be no point in going home!" 

"Alright..."You sighed, feeling slightly defeated but slightly more hopeful.

The two of you left the hotel you were staying in and went to my parents' house. Phil rang the doorbell with his left hand seeing as his right hand was holding my left. 

"Oh Y/n. How nice to see you." Your mom spoke in a quiet, monotone voice after opening the door. 

"You as well mom." You smiled sheepishly and slightly scared for what's to come.

"Do come in."

"Thank you. I'm Phil." Phil stated, putting out his hand. 

"Hello." There was a prolonged silence before your mom motioned for you to follow her in. 

So far the dinner had been fairly awkward but the awko-taco train was just pulling out of the station.

"So, Phil, how serious are you in this relationship? Do you plan on marrying her? What about kids? Do you plan on having any?" Your father's booming voice broke through the silence like excalibur. 

"Uhm, well for-uh- now we've decided to take things k-kind of s-slow. Later on, I would quite enjoy...possibly marrying her, with your permission, s-sir. As far as *ahem* kids go, if Y/n wanted them I'd be more than supportive of the idea." 

"And you haven't been pushing her into anything? All of her decisions have been her-"

"Yes Dad! For crying out loud-look at Phil! Does he look like he would ever hurt me?! I get that he's older than me but only by three years! He's not some creepy phedophile looking to break me or use me! I mean the two of you are eight years apart!" You yelled entirely done with your parents  and their behavior, so much so that you slipped back into your american accent.

"Alright Y/n. You're right and we're sorry for the pestering. Your father and I just worry about you sometimes." 

"Oh, mom! You don't need to worry about me! I'm twenty-seven and I live in an entirely different country! Focus on B/n and your company. If I need something, I'll call and I'll text you when I can but I'm an adult now, ok?" 

Well then...okay that happens. 

Today's Comment Topic: Favorite Youtuber? 

Danisnotonfire or Daniel Howell!! 

Anyhow, I love you all and don't forget to request! I will let you know if I can or can't do your request(usually?)

Buh-Bye! Peace!

