Harry Potter Preference- How they ask you to the Yule Ball


Harry I feel would ask you simply, during casual conversation, kinda like this:

"Hey Y/n." Harry Potter, your best friend, greeted curtly.

"Hello Harry." You trailed off.

"So, did you do the Care for Magical Creatures homework?" Harry asked.

"Why, of course I did it, Harry. Why wouldn't I have?" You answered, your head tilting slightly to the side.

"Okay, well, I was also wondering if you had a date for the Yule Ball yet?..." He trailed nervously.

"No, actually I was wondering if you wanted to go with me." You answered bluntly.

"Of course I would." Harry answered. You lifted your hand and waved.

"I'll see you later Harry."


I think that Ron would be so nervous that you'd have to guess what he's saying:

"Hey Y/n!" Ron called down the corridor.

"Yes Ron?" You asked curtly, turning to my best friend and crush.

"I.....we-well I was w-wondering if Y-Yule b-b-ball-l w-with m-m-" Ron stuttered nervously as his face turned a bright red.

"Of course I'll go to the Yule Ball with you, Ron!" I exclaimed.


I think that Fred would ask you gently and genuinely:

"Hey Fred." You greeted simply.

"'Ello Y/n" Fred returned the greeting. "So, I was wondering if you would like to go to the Yule Ball." He asked gently albeit quietly.

"I'd love to, Fred." You replied curtly. "I'll see you in potions, Weasley."


I think George would ask you, and you'd think it a joke:

"'Ello Y/n! I was wondering if you want to go to the Yule Ball with me?" George asked, a hopeful smile apparent on his face. You burst out laughing, thinking it was a joke. His smile dropped, and his hopeful look retired. You calmed down, noticing his change in expression.

"W-wait you're serious?" You spoke softly, dumbstruck.

"Of course I am." George answered.

"W-well t-then o-of c-course G-Georgie!"


I think that Draco would accidentally let it slip while he was picking on you:




"What?" You whispered. Draco's eyes widened as he realized what he said.

"I-i really d-didn't w-want to ask y-you like this, b-but do...do y-you want t-to g-go to the Ball w-with m-me?" Draco stuttered nervously.

"Sure..." You breathed out, as a small smile graced your lips. 


I think Neville would ask you through a note that he'd leave in your Herbology book:

"Y/n! You forgot your book!" Neville called from behind you. You twirled around to see Neville, hands on his knees as he caught his breath, your Herbology book in his left hand. 

"Oh! Thanks Neville!" You replied as he handed you your book. He muttered a quiet 'No problem' as he turned around and quickly walked to his next class. You happened to have a free period, so you decided to work on the Herbology homework in the (Y/h/h) common room. A small slip of paper fell out of your book when you opened it to your page. 

Y/n, I was wondering if you'd like to go to the Ball with me. Sincerely, Neville.

You smiled brightly after you read the note, and continued to study. Once the period was over, you raced to your next class, which just so happened to be Charms with Neville. You took your seat next to Neville, and whispered quietly; "I'd love to go with you Neville." and you swiftly kissed his nose.


I think Oliver would ask you after they'd won a match:

"Harry Potter's caught the snitch! Gryffindor wins!" The Gryffindor stands went wild with cheers. Oliver flew over by your place in the stands. 

"'Ello Oli!" You greeted as best you could over the noise.

"Hey Y/n! Would you like to go to the Ball with me?!" It seemed that when he asked you that, the whole pitch grew quiet.

"Of course, Oli!" You answered excitedly.


I think he'd ask you chivalrously; he'd give you a flower and then ask you, no matter where you  were:

"Y/n!" Cedric caught up to your position in the corridor and you noticed the red rose in his hand. "Here." He said simply, putting the flower in your hands. By now students, and even a few professors stopped to witness. "So, Y/n, would you be my date to the Ball?" Cedric asked.

"O-o-of c-c-co-course, C-cedric!"  


I think Sirius would ask you like it was the last thing he'd ever do:

"Y/n! I need to talk to you!" Sirius, your long-time best friend and crush, called down the corridor. You sighed silently, and turned to face him.

"Sirius, you need to stop, take a deep breath, and stop with the dramatics. You're making it seem like you're going to die tomorrow." You rolled your eyes. 

"Iwaswonderingifyou'dgototheYuleBallwithme!" Sirius rushed quickly. 

"Repeat." You stated simply, implying that you caught none of what he just said. 

"Will you go to the Ball with me?" He asked. You nodded curtly, too shocked to say anything.

Newton Scamander//

Newt would be very awkward when asking you to the Yule Ball:

"S-so Y-y/n.....w-would y-you b-be m-my d-date t-to-" Newt stuttered awkwardly. You wrapped your arms around his neck.

"Of course, Newt!!" You exclaimed excitedly.


I think you'd probably end up asking him: 

"James, do you have a date to the Ball yet?" You asked James, your best friend, curtly. He shook his head 'no' and you continued. "Would you like to go with me?" 

"Of course, Y/n." James answered curtly.

Albus Severus//

I think Albus would be very oblivious to the fact he was staring at you, and so you confronted him about it:

Albus had been staring at you the entire dinner, and you were getting fed up with it. 

"Albus, is there a reason you've been staring at me all dinner?" You asked impatiently. 

"W-well, would you like to go to the Ball with me?" He asked quickly, quietly, and nervously.

"O-of course."

James Sirius//

I think James would fly to the (y/h/h) stands, bring you up on him broom, and ask you:

Gryffindor had just won another game this year and everyone was still in the stands. James flew up to your seat in the (y/h/h) stands. He grabbed your hand and pulled you up onto his broom.

"Will you go to the ball with me?!" James shouted over the rushing wind and celebratory shouts from Gryffindors.

"Of course!" You shouted back.


I think that Hugo would be to shy to, so his cousin James asked you for him:

"Hey Y/n! Hugo wants to go to the Ball with you!" James shouted across the dining hall during breakfast time. 

"I'd love to go with him!" You shouted back.


Scorpious would ask you way ahead of time:

You had just got on the Hogwarts Express for fourth year, when Scorpious caught your attention.

"Oi, Y/n, would you like to go to the Yule Ball with me this year?" Scorpious asked simply.

"Um, sure, but isn't it a bit early to be asking anyone that?" He simply shrugged in response.

Hey! Wow! Over 600 views! Thank you so much!

Also, I'm going to start having a comment theme, but don't worry! You can still request and I will always respond. Today's comment theme: Hogwarts House? 

When requesting, you are not completely restricted to the shows, animes, and books I've already written to! Feel free to request from any show, anime, or book that you think I, being a young teenage girl who's spent more time with her face in a book, than outside, have seen/read. I will always reply and try my best to comply to your request.

BTW! My Hogwarts House is Hufflepuff, if you were wondering!

Buh-bye! Peace!

