V-Live with Haeju

"What do you think about our performance yesterday, Once?"

I speak to the phone that I'm holding. The answers are late, but then slowly appear, fulfilling the comment section. Most of them saying positive things. The rest are English words that are unrelated to my question. "I didn't make any mistakes yesterday, I guess..... I did a good job, right? Hehe...." I ask them again. All those positive reactions come out again to respond me. "Jinjja? Ah, I'm so glad to know that you enjoy it, guys. I've been practicing so hard to make it perfect. I'm happy that I'm doing it for you, not just for myself," I tell them what I feel. I almost forget that I'm not alone in that room. The managers, they don't really care actually, but they're there. It's a little bit embarrassing. Well, sometimes they're watching to make sure I don't make any mistakes while doing v-live. You know, from saying inappropriate jokes, giving out too many spoilers, or even revealing body parts or the dress that I shall hide. Because this is live, they are being careful about us.


I wink. "Haha... The queen of winking. It's not me, guys. Jihyo does it better," I say to them before continue reading the comments. "Hmm... Well, I can wink since elementary school. No... I didn't wink at boys at that age. I guess I was just curious about it............. Oh, I can whistle since elementary school too! It was kinda bad before, but I keep practicing until high school. Aww.... I'm not an ambitious noona! What? Playgirl??! Haha.... I'm nooot~" Some of them ask me to whistle. I do it. "See?" I smirk. Then I whistle our latest song. "Ah, too loud? Sorry sorry..... You asked tho," I blame them. I just realize Once and I are blaming each other. Weird... Haha!

"Where am I?

In Jype building!" I answer. "Yeah, I wonder where are the other members too. Some of them already go back home, actually. Hmm.... Maybe all." Then Manager Unnie asks me if I want her to call them. I nod and smile. "Oh, right! Actually, I wanna ask this, guys? Have you watched the latest Batman movie?" I wait for them to answer my question. "I know right! I watched in the theater with Sana a few days ago. Wednesday? Wednesday, if I'm not wrong. I REALLY love Batman, guys. It's my favorite superhero. Why? Batman is..... Cool. He always knows what to do. Nolan's The Dark Knight trilogy was the one who made me fell in love. Yeah, that's kinda old hmm..... How can I be a tomboy just because I like Batman~? Haha..... Is superhero only for boys? That's not fair, guys. ist!" I stick out my tongue. "So true.... The movie is so cool. As expected, Once likes Batman too. You guys are cool. I admit." I give them a thumbs up. Then a hand heart as they request it. "Fun fact: the other members are not really into superhero stuff. Only me. Hehehe~"

I read their comments and answer them one by one. Not long after that, Manager Unnie comes into the room. She's with...... "Jihyo!"

"Hoo... You mentioned me," she says while approaching.

"Did I? Oh, you're watching???"

"Sure, I did. Earlier you said that I'm the wink queen."

"Aah... Hahaha... I didn't realize it," I say to her. "Guys, guess who's here!"

"You already called my name......"

"Did I?" I check the comments. "You're right. They all know. Come sit here, then. Oh... Are you going home?"

"I guess I can greet Once before leaving," she says before enters the frame. "Annyeooong~" Jihyo waves her hand. "How is our Once doing? You guys are well, right?" She asks them.

"Yes~" I act as one of them.

"Thank you for keep watching our performances, guys. You were so hyped last time. I appreciate that," She says.

"I've talked about it too earlier."

"You did? What else did you talk about?"

"Mm... Batman?"

"Huh?" Jihyo looks surprised to hear that. She is paused a little bit. "Wait, you've watched the movie? When? With who?"

"Mm.... With Sana and--"

"Why didn't you ask me???" she cuts me.

"Mi... Mian? Should I ask you next time~? I didn't know that you wanted to watch that kind of movie."

"I'd love to! Any movie, actually. As long as you ask me," She embraces my arm and leans her head on my shoulders. Suddenly, I realize that she's so small. And soft.

"Once, what are you guys doing right now?" Someone comes in while we are waiting for the answers. Automatically, we look at her. As usual, she comes in without making any sound. Jihyo stops that girl with her hand. "Once, a member just came. Guess who is that!"

We read the comments. "Sana..... Momo..... Sana..... Sana..... Mina..... Nayeon....."

"Haeju, give them a clue!" Jihyo tells me.

I look at that girl who is just slightly smiling at me. I wonder what's the best description of her. "This member is......Pretty? Haha... That's obvious. Ehm! She is Japan's Princess Elsa. Ah, I don't know. Lend me your hand!" She gives me her hand and shows it to the camera. She makes a heart gesture. "Mina..... Mina..... Momo...... Mina...... Mina....... Mina......."

"Annyeonghaseyo~" Mina comes into the frame. "Ooh... No filter."

"Oh, right! I just realized it," Jihyo adds.

"What are you guys are talking about?" Mina says while trying to sit beside Jihyo.

"True, guys. I'm with the '97 liners!"

"Nothing. I just came in too," Jihyo answers her.


"Are you going home, Mina?"

"I just woke up......."

"Guys, actually this is my first solo v-live..... Oh no no, I'm not trying to kick you out. Just saying," I say to them.

"Really? Congrats!" Mina says.

"Congrats! How long have you done it?" Jihyo looks at the screen. "Wow, it's almost an hour now. Heol!"

"I hope they are not bored...." I say.

"Are you bored with Haeju, Once?" Mina asks them. She giggles. "They say you talked a lot. Good job~" Mina congratulates me again.

"Ah, I just remembered. She had a youtube channel before. It's not surprising if she's good at it," Jihyo nudges me.

"But it was a few years ago......"

"I'm sure you did a good job. It looks like Once are enjoying it," Jihyo is showing her support for me.

Three of us, chit-chat a little bit more with Once and decides to end it when it's reached exactly an hour. "Wait wait.... There's something I wanna do with you guys! As a closing."

"What is it?"

"Please, sing together with me? Once has been asked this since the start. And I know a good song for that," I say while taking out my phone.

"A Twice song?"

"Probably an English song," Mina guesses.

"Nope, it's our old side-track. Ah, here it is!" I show my phone to them that contains the song's lyrics from the internet. I play the song from there too.

"Ah, 'Turtle'! I don't think I need the lyrics," Jihyo smiles.

(a/n: Highly recommended: Play the song and sing along with them below! ^^)

[MINA] Oh wow~

[ME, MINA] Oh!

[ME, MINA, JIHYO] Hmm.....

I had no feelings at first, we would argue every day, but I don't think we hated each other

Sometimes when you would look at me, I thought it might get awkward, so I pretended to do something else

[JIHYO, MINA] That you like me, I know it, but you know what

[MINA] I think I like you, more than you like me

[JIHYO] I mean it, my heart, Is ahead of yours

[ME, JIHYO] Oh no oh no oh no

[JIHYO] Always

[ME, MINA, JIHYO] Always by my side, will you be next to me

So what if you're a little slow, I'll wait for you like this

[ME] My heart is growing like a balloon, won't it ([JIHYO, MINA] pop pop!)

My heart's like that, when I see you, it's just like that

[MINA, JIHYO] Bababa baraba baya

[ME, MINA, JIHYO] Like the tortoise and the hare, bababa baraba baya~

"Yyyaaaaaaaaaa~" I scream, before chuckling a little bit. I got goosebumps!

Jihyo turns the volume down. "Wonderful~"

"Ah, I'm so embarrassed!" I cup my own cheeks. "Should we sing another song, guys? Please pleaaaaaaase!" I beg them.

"Sure," Mina answers without hesitation.

"Okay..... Oh, this one is my favorite. You guys still remember 'Like A Fool'? I smirk.

[JIHYO] Hoo... Ooh......

[MINA] You've thrown a stone at my quiet heart, maybe you don't know

[ME] Tell me, maybe what you said before, was just a joke, oh.....

[JIHYO, MINA, ME] I want to tell you without sounding awkward

But it won't turn out well, I'll look back and regret it

Like a fool.....

You're always in my heart but I'm just impatiently waiting, yeah

I'm like a fool.....

Boy I'm your fool.....

[JIHYO, MINA] Boy I'm your fool......

[ME] Ah, it might be a childish thought, it might just be an illusion

I might regret it but boy you're my first love!

([JIHYO] Oh don't you play with my head) Hey, don't laugh like that because I'm serious

Jihyo, Mina, and the managers are clapping. I follow them while getting shy.

"We sing like it's planned. The lyrics distribution....." Mina says.

"I know right!"

"They say, 'Encore encore!' Haha..."

"Your voice is beautiful! Good rap too. Mina is great as well~"

"Haeju sounds lovely! You too, Jihyo," Mina compliments Jihyo back.

"Ohhh.... I really like Mina's low voice! It's so soothing. And Jihyo's powerful vocal is just so beautiful," I say. "I think this is the first time I confess this to you, guys. I've wanted to say it for a long time...."

"Thank you~"

"Thank you, Ju~"

"I guess we can sing one more song?" I ask them.

"Recommend us Twice's sidetracks, guys," Jihyo says to the camera. I wait until someone mentions my favorite song. There I see it: 'Someone Like Me'. "Okay, let's sing this one!" I suggest.

[ME] Ooh.. Hoo... Hooo~ Hmm.........

[MINA] Do you know how much I want you ([JIHYO] Aha~)

There's no way to count my feelings with numbers ([ME] Ooh.. Huh, yeah)

[JIHYO] Someday if someone can find the end of numbers

But my heart will be a little bigger

[ME, MINA, JIHYO] No one.... Maybe!

[ME, MINA, JIHYO] Even with all the numbers in the world, MY FINGER!

[(No one sings because three of us busy laughing at Sana's part)] My feelings can't be expressed, I can't count it but I wish that you knew

[JIHYO] How my heart became bigger, again from just now

[ME, MINA] Nowhere~ You can't find~

Someone like me~ ([JIHYO] Someone like me...!)

[MINA] Alright!

[ME] Nothing can express, all of my feelings

[ME, MINA, JIHYO] With you.... With you.....

Three of us clap our hands again, appreciating each other. I look at the minute counter, it's already an hour. With the song as the background, I close the show. Mina and Jihyo wave her hand to the camera. So sweet. I guess Once are waving their hands back to us..... I'm so happy to receive this huge of attention. I feel so appreciated. It's kinda flattering to know that many of them are boys. I'm sure it won't be hard for me to get a husband one day. Haha...... Jihyo gives me a sign to close the vlive quickly. It makes me look at those 2 beautiful girls. They love me so much as well, vice versa. They're just so perfect! Probably with them are enough?

I read something right before I click exit. I'm flustered. Not sure what I feel about that comment. 

"Saranghaeyo, Noona!"

It's so sweet. Thank you all.

(author's note: Funny story. Haeju is based on Dasha Taran way before she's as popular as now in 2023. You can picture her physically just like Dasha, but with a sense of Korean genetic. Haeju's voice is almost as deep as Dasha's too. The name 'Haeju' also created way before I discover a youtuber called On Hae ju. She is a korean girl who likes to cover Twice's songs. I know, the coincidence is crazy! Please check her out. She sings really well. You may also find me on the comment sections hehe)
