Meeting Haeju IRL | Part 4

(Haeju's POV)

"I've changed so terribly, huh?"

Listening to Hanna's story... Looking at myself from other people's perspective... It hurts but I'm sure Hanna's intention isn't bad, so I keep listening to her story. What I used to be afraid of the most is, well, to be unaccepted by the other members. It's probably normal for me as a new member (who also happens to have a really poor social skill) to fail to adapt to the new environment as an idol. There's so much pressure from many people! But now when I get stronger...
When I'm not afraid of anyone anymore...

...Apparently, now people are afraid of me.

Hannah, an old friend of mine, sitting beside me right now. She's the one who accepts me as who I am. Not Twice, not the members. Does that mean I'm officially rejected by them?

(Chanmi's POV)

I moved on from Sana to Jihyo, whom I was also a fan of. The latter made a face while looking at Sana wiping her tears out on her face, "What's wrong with you?" Jihyo said with one of her eyebrows raised.
Sana looked back at her and just chuckled weakly.
"Why are you crying? Are you Haeju??" she leaned her body toward Sana.
"No, hehe!" she answered, raising one of her shoulders to hide a part of her face instantly, "Haeju doesn't cry anymore tho," Sana corrected Jihyo.
"Hmm right.." the latter muttered, "Hwaiting, Sana!" Jihyo told her before came back to her position.

Talking with Jihyo was fun. Her heavy voice and a sturdy posture made me feel secure with her. Jihyo was unexpectedly joyful and childish, she joked a lot, showing her big smile so often. But she couldn't hide her kind heart with her questions about my life, what I've been doing, asking about school and other stuff. She was generous and it was heartwarming.

"Take care of yourself! Drink your water, dear" Jihyo said after our session was up, knowing I was kinda dizzy that day. When I got up, I felt like my head was getting heavy. The light got brighter and my eyelids became heavy. I moved carefully to the next chair, my hand was resting on it while I was trying to sit. At first, I didn't care who was after me. I put my album on the table in a hurry and took a bottle of water from my bag. I took a huge gulp to relieve my anxiety and, after realizing it was Tzuyu who was in front of me.

"A minute. I'm, I'm really sorry, I told her due to my condition "
"It's okay..." I heard she whispered before drinking my water. It was a really familiar voice, actually. I looked up to see her face.
"Hehe... I'm really sorry, Tzuyu-ssi," I told her.
"Are you really okay?"
"I am, I am! Sorry to make you worry..."
She dragged my album to her side, "Don't force yourself. Please take your time because I worry about others really easily," she said. I was paused to hear that. Sounded more like myself. I was the kind of person who wanted to make sure my friends around me were all okay. Suddenly I felt a connection between me and Tzuyu only after that one sentence.

But that attention suddenly was stolen by a girl besides her. I realized after Tzuyu, my session would be with my bias herself! I looked at her white shirt covering her smooth skin that was shown at the end of her short sleeve. Her perfect body was just a shell for her amazing talent. She was my favorite singer in the Kpop industry. A very charismatic woman-rapper who could write many moving lyrics. She was gorgeous and charismatic that day, I couldn't describe her more. I couldn't believe I was going to meet Haeju!

The session with Tzuyu didn't memorable at all because I was busy checking on my girl. I felt bad for Tzuyu tho. I kept ignoring her. All in my head was what to say when I met Haeju later. Tzuyu signed my album and I think that was it. There was nothing more happened. Ohh, I was so nervous to meet Haeju. I was sweating more than I should. My headache got worse. My heart fluttered every time I looked at her.

"Are you okay?" Tzuyu asked me for a moment.
"Yes yes..." I smiled awkwardly at her. I looked at Haeju and it seemed like the session was almost over. It made me even more nervous. I felt my hands cold when the fanboy besides me got up from his chair. I got up automatically, grabbing my album and held it tight on my chest. I hurriedly moved like a crab in front of Haeju's place without a command.

Suddenly, a member of the staff warned me. I hit the fanboy because I moved faster than him. Tzuyu was shocked seeing me like this. I couldn't lift my head, I was so embarrassed. My heart raced faster. I hurriedly tried to sit but my leg was so feeble and, for the love of God, I don't know why I walked silly a few steps back. It was as if my body was pulled by gravity. I lost myself and fell from the stage. Fell! To the ground! Black... Cold... I suddenly lost consciousness at that moment.


(to be continued)
