Twice x Cat

On a peaceful day in our dorm, a wildcat comes in and meets Twice.

Dahyun: Whoaaaa there's a cat!
The others: Where? (spots the cat)
Chaeyoung: It's a kitten! So cuuute~
Me: Hi cat~
Nayeon: (immediately stands up and leave)
Jeongyeon: (follows Nayeon) are you afraid of a cat?
Nayeon: NO, I AM NOT!
Jeongyeon: Whatever. Let me borrow your camera! (goes to a room with Nayeon).

Jihyo: I think we should feed it. What food do we have here? What does cat eat? Oh, what should we do? Wait, where is the cat??
Tzuyu: (The cat is already is on her arm) She is a carnivore. Just give her meat.
Dahyun: Is it a she?
Tzuyu: Yes.
Chaeyoung: How do you know?
Tzuyu: (Showing the cat's butt) We can differentiate a cat's gender by looking at its genitals.
Chaeyoung: Aigooo so pretty~
Jihyo: What?
Dahyun: The butt is pretty??

(J-line shows up)

Sana: Where is the cat, where is the cat?? Kyaaaaaaaaa cattttt!!!!!!!! (approaching it)
Mina: Hello Mr. Kitty~ (speaking in English)
Dahyun: It's a she. You shouldn't call it Mister.
Momo: Yo Miss Cat, yo! (pretends that she is speaking English)
Chaeyoung: Yo yo! Hahaha...
Sana: (holding the cat's front arms) Who's the pretty girl? Who's the pretty giiiiiiirl??
Momo: Do you know that some people eat cat?
Dahyun: Really?? Who?
Momo: Foreign people.... I don't know......
Tzuyu: That's crazy. I don't wanna eat a cat.
Momo: But it can be delicious. This one already makes me hungry mm......
Dahyun: Why do you wanna eat a cat???
Sana: (talking to the cat) It's okay, cat~ I won't let Momo eat you~
Chaeyoung: If she was trying to eat it, the cat would bite Momo first. Hahaha!
Mina: By the way, if it's a cat, then it's Haeju. Right?
Sana: Ah, right! We should call it Juju. AWW HI JUJUUUUUUUU~ (gets excited by herself)
Momo: Isn't it Chaeyoung's animal?
Mina: No, Chaeyoung is a tiger cub. Haeju's animal is a black cat.
Dahyun: True. I'm the eagle, Mina unnie is the penguin, Momo unnie is the raccoon, and then............
Chaeyoung: (whisper to me) Oh, why are you crying?
Me: (puts my index finger on my lips) No no, I'm okay....
Sana: How about me, how about me?
Mina: Sana is... Shiba Inu?
Momo: What is that?
Chaeyoung: It's the dog from the internet.
Tzuyu: But I'm the dog lover. I should be the dog.
Momo: Why can't we have two dogs? I mean, I have some dogs as pets too, you know. I can be a dog too......
Chaeyoung: I thought Tzuyu was a giraffe. Haha!
Tzuyu: Not funny, Chaeyoung.
Jihyo: Okay guys, I've been looked it up on google (everybody looks at her). This cat's type is called the tabby cat. It's a gray cat with black stripes, right? So it's a domestic cat that has........
Jeongyeon: (comes back from the room, cuts Jihyo off) Yeah yeah, we get it. Give the cat space, guys, I wanna take a picture!

(Everyone is trying to get into the frame too. It becomes a group photo)

Jeongyeon: Ah, I should take the tripod then. Wait.... (going inside)
Tzuyu: (approaching Nayeon with the cat on her hands)
Nayeon: Take the cat away from me!
Tzuyu: (playing around with her, the others are laughing)
Nayeon: Don't come! No! I've warned you!!! Aaaaaaaaaah........!
Tzuyu: (keeps doing it)
Jihyo: Ya ya, guys! Don't play around!
Momo: (holding Nayeon)
Nayeon: Don't touch me! CHOU TZUYU STOP! DON'T!!!
Dahyun: (helping Momo)
Nayeon: AAAAH!!! AAAAAH!!! (swings her hands randomly and suddenly hits Tzuyu's arm, the cat jumps that makes everybody freaks out)
Everyone: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!

A few moments later the chaos is calmed down.

We took a group photo by Nayeon's camera. Jihyo and I went to buy a cat food in a mart. The cat ate it well and we were so happy to see it. We played with the cat until got exhausted. Now everyone is sleeping in the living room. Meanwhile, the cat is sleeping peacefully on Mina's thighs. I'm glad it comes and entertains us. Everyone looks happy because of it. It looks so cute and so lovely indeed! I'm not surprised that everyone loves the cat easily.
Oh, not 'the cat'.

...I mean 'Juju'.
