Twice's DnD | Part 4

As Tzuyu got cold last night, she decided to sleep near the campfire, wearing a huge piece of cloak, outside the tent.

What she doesn't know, there's a mysterious goblin poking her body right now. Tzuyu doesn't wake up until the 4th poking. Still sleepy, Tzuyu sees the goblin is frustrated. Now it's trying to smack Tzuyu's face. She realizes it fast enough and dodges it right away. She also gets up and makes the goblin startled and fall.
"Whoa, who are you?! What did you do to me?" Tzuyu screams, waking the other members.
"Wait, wait, wait... I can explain," the goblin says, "I'm not trying to hurt you. So please don't hurt me, young lady."
Haeju who just woke up, sees that Goblin and sees a little bag hanging on its hip. Tzuyu sees that too. Chaeyoung is still shocked seeing the situation. Sana's not even sure if she's still dreaming or not.
"Well, explain it! Let's start with your name," Tzuyu asks.
"My... My name is Boris. Yeah, a weird name for a male goblin, I know. And I'm here to warn you all. You're travelers, right? You're all from the city?"
"Who told you that we're from the city? Maybe we aren't," Chaeyoung asks.
"Don't kid around me, young lady. Those two are wearing two modern pieces of clothing that we, the civilians of the jungle, will never be able to afford," he pointed to Sana and Haeju, "But it's okay, unlike you, I'm not here to lie. I'm here to tell the truth. About this forest."
"What truth?" Tzuyu yells, she takes her sword and points and the goblin.
"Wow, first of all, rude. Anyway, have you seen any travelers around here? Many of them visited this part of the forest and none has returned! So, be careful. I just wanna say, it's better if you leave now. For your safety, of course," the goblin says.
"Guys, I think this cute Goblin is telling the truth," Sana says before she yawns.
"Shut up Sana! I don't believe you, Goblin. I saw you trying to knock me out. Huh, I see that you're bringing something. We do need money here," Tzuyu says.
Haeju hears that and becomes speechless. Chaeyoung says, "Do you really wanna rob this guy, Tzuyu?"
"Sounds like a good idea, Chaeyoung," Tzuyu says.
"What, me???!"
"Wait, wait, where are you from, little Goblin?" Sana asks him.
"Ahh, it's hidden for sure. We have to survive in this forest if we want to survive," he says.
"Is it like a tribe? Are you a part of a tribe?" Haeju asks.
"Yes, that's right! We have a little tribe here. Wow, now this is dangerous. Was that a lucky guess or our existence has been exposed this whole time by people from the city?" he worries.
"Tzuyu, maybe this is the tribe that Mina told us to find! Don't hurt him, please. He can lead us to his home," Haeju says.
"That's actually a really great idea, Haeju. Tzuyu, put your sword down," Chaeyoung says.
"Fine..." Tzuyu puts the end of his sword away from the goblin. The latter feels relieved.
"T... T... Thank you, but I don't think we want to be exposed by you all. Showing you my hideout is something different," he says, "I'm just here to let you guys know what's best for you all. To leave. This forest is dangerous! But there's no way I'm telling you where I live in any circumstances. Not after you pointed a sword at me," he gives an intense gaze at Tzuyu.

Tzuyu, Chaeyoung, Sana, and Haeju are now looking at each other, "Guys, what should we do?"

"I have an idea," Chaeyoung gets up and tries to steal the Goblin's money. It's a success and quickly tells Tzuyu to point a sword at him.
"I get it," Tzuyu points the sword at him and says, "Now lead us to your tribe or else. You've seen what we can do, right? Have you seen how pointy this sword is?"
"O.. Okay, okay. I understand," his voice trembled, "But honestly, I'd rather you take my money and just leave! Maybe I'm not a hero, but I'm loyal," he says while we can see a stain on his pants. He's peeing in fear.
Sana takes her lute and tries to play a scary song to intimidate him a little more, "Boo~" she says. But the music is so not scary and makes the Goblin laugh instead. Sana's pissed. She tries to cast an illusion that creates a scary-looking ghost. But it's more like a bad costume from a cheap Halloween shop. 
"SANA!" Chaeyoung and Tzuyu yells at her almost at the same time.
"Sorry! I was just trying to intimidate him. I'm also still sleepy dammit," she yells back.

Haeju crawls closer to the goblin. Tzuyu and Chaeyoung stop her but Haeju gives a sign that it's fine. Then he speaks to the laughing Goblin, "Hey, you look so sweet. We're very thankful for your warning about the forest. But actually, we're sent from the city to rescue you all. We've talked to your leader. We just need to meet again. We promise, we already prepare a place for you all in the city. We're called the 'Connect and Recruit' team. We're here to recruit everyone to live in harmony in Twicetopia. Okay, handsome?" she says.
The laughing goblin now looks so bright after Haeju compliments him, "A... Alright. I believe you guys. You guys are funny and kind. I believe that your intentions are good and you were just scared of me earlier," he looks at Tzuyu who already lowers her sword. Chaeyoung gives the goblin back his little bag, "Fine, I believe you all. Especially this one," he looks at Haeju, "I'll let Jegel, our leader, decide whether we want to move or not. I'll lead you guys to my place."
Haeju smiles.
"Aww, thank you, Boris. Sorry that we were scaring you," Sana says.
"Oh, you remember my name!"
"Of course I do!"
"Alright, then it's decided. Let's pack our tent and head to Boris's tribe," Chaeyoung says.
"But if you lie to us, I'll let you taste my sword," Tzuyu says.
"That's fair. I never lie," the goblin says.

After that,  they pack back their luggage and everything, leave nothing behind, and follow Boris to his tribe. But... Is it really the best decision to follow this mysterious guy?
