Snow 'Tzuyu' White, Queen 'Nayeon', and The Poisonous Apple Juice - Part 2 (END)

Twice is window-shoppiiiing~

All the members are here. Suddenly Nayeon takes me out of the group, "Follow me to the toilet! I have something to tell you," she whispers. While bringing a small box of apple juice that she hasn't drunk, Nayeon pulls me away from the other members.

"What is it, Nayeon?" I ask her after we arrive. There are quite many people outside, so we enter the stall together. Yeah, it's a little bit awkward, but I think Nayeon is more focused on what she's going to say.
"Haeju, I still have a plan for Tzuyu...."
"About her again? It's been a few weeks ago! I thought it was already over..."
"Ssshhh.... Don't talk too loud! Listen, this time is totally different. This is a little bit more tricky, so let me explain it," then Nayeon explains her new scheme and the reason why she does that.
I am shocked by what I hear. "Ugh, fine..! I'll help you, Nayeon. I'm just wondering, why me? Why don't you do it by yourself?"
"Because you are close to Tzuyu the most! She believes in you."
"And you want me to betray her, huh?!" She answers me with a meaningful smirk.

The tall maknae vs the fake maknae....

Now Nayeon's apple juice is on my hand. It has been mixed with a medicine that Nayeon brings from home. If Tzuyu drinks it, she will get sick immeadiately.
I text Tzuyu to find out where she is now. After a while, I see her with the other 7 members. I try to catch them up. I need to act normal so the others don't get suspicious of me. By the way, do you know that, Tzuyu looks so tall compared to the others? The others are all like dwarfs beside her. Lol okay, that's too far.....

"Hoaaahm I'm so sleepy......." Momo says while yawning.
"All of sudden?" Jeongyeon wonders.
"Why are you drowsy on a bright day like this, Unnie?!" Dahyun embraces her shoulders. "Look at these beautiful stuffs in this mall. Look at the other members. They are all enjoying the day! So, why can't you? Cheer up, Momo Unnie! Hahaha..."
"Dahyun is right," Chaeyoung adds, "If you sleep, you cannot get a dip! Hahahaha..." No one understands what she just said, but she thinks it's so funny.
"Are you that sleepy? Maybe you're sick," Mina comes to Momo and checks her temperature.
"Omg are you sick?!" Jihyo exclaims. "Let's get home, guys! We need to bring her back home."
Everybody groans hearing that.
"But it's our responsibility to take care each other. We are a team, right?"
"She is fine, Jihyo. Don't mind her," Jeongyeon says again calmly. "Oh, you are here, Ju! Where is Nayeon?" She asks me.
"Ngg... She is still in the toilet....." I answer hesitantly.
"Why do you leave her? That's weird......." Jeongyeon glares as she is questioning me.
"Maybe Nayeon Unnie tells her to do so," Mina half-whispers, "I'm sure she will come back soon, right, Ju?"
"Sure... Rr.. Right! Of course!"
"Hmm... Maybe you are correct, Mina. Okay then!" It looks like Jeongyeon believes what Mina says. 

Phew.... That was close!

"Momo momo momo! I've got an idea~" Sana suddenly speaks loudly. "How about you sleep on my shoulders?"
"Whaa.....?" Momo doesn't get it.
"Yeah, you can walk while sleeping! I'll be your pillow~" She explains, "That way you can sleep and the others still can go around, right?"
"Seriously, Sana?!" Jeongyeon reacts to her idea.
"Unnie, it's a good idea, but I don't think it will work....." Mina tries to stop her.
"Why?? I'm quite soft, you know!" Sana is convincing us.
"Hoaaahm!!!" Momo's yawn gets louder.
"Don't be sleepy, Momo Unnie~ Be happyyy!" Dahyun tries to cheer her up again.
"If you get up, you will get all the toys! Hahaha..." Chaeyoung jokes again. I still don't get it. It's not even rhymed this time.
"Are you sure you're not sick, Momo?" Jihyo still worries to her. "As a team, we can cooperate to-"
"Oh my God, just stop it already!!!"

Hahaha... I realize that every member is quite "unique". Just like those dwarves from Snow White tale..........

Anyway, as Nayeon and I have planned it, I approach Tzuyu, talk with her a little bit, and give the juice naturally. She drinks it! 

Not long after that, she gets really sick. "Guys, I feel like throwing up!" Tzuyu covers and runs to the nearest toilet. The others follow her. I text Nayeon our position so she can catch us up and finish our plan.

Tzuyu is vomiting so badly in one of the closets. The others look worried, but no one has no idea what to do. And that time Nayeon appears heroically....

"Aww poor Tzuyu...." Nayeon acts that she is pity her. "But it's so fortunate that I always bring this in my bag!" She takes out a medicine and gives it to her. "Drink it up, dear, and you will get well for an instant!"

Tzuyu takes the bottle quickly and drinks it. Not long after that, probably for 5-10 minutes, she stops vomiting.

"How do you feel?" Nayeon asks her as she wipes with a wet tissue.
"Wow, I feel so much better.... Thanks so much, Unnie....."
"Anything for you!" Nayeon answers her happily. "Here let me kiss you so you can feel better~" Nayeon pecks her cheek sweetly. Tzuyu giggles."That, Princess Tzuyu, is the magical first love kiss. Now you won't get sick forever~"
"Thanks, Prince Nayeon. Hehe...."

Our plan works! We succeeded in poisoning Tzuyu and reviving her again. Nayeon brings the medicine that can make her sick and another exact medicine that can cure it. That way Nayeon can be looked as Tzuyu's savior! 

This is all because Nayeon wants to get closer to Tzuyu. It's been a long time since Nayeon hangs out with her. Nowadays, Tzuyu likes to prank her and that makes her yells a lot. Nayeon feels guilty because of that. She wants to fix her relationship with Tzuyu.

I know, this plan is dumb and kinda mean. But... Anything to make both of them close again, right? I guess Nayeon is just too awkward to do that normally and I'm sure, Tzuyu playing around with her, is just because she wants to get closer but don't know how. Apparently, some people have their own way to maintain their friendship.

Anyway, I'm glad to see them both look so happy......

"Wait a second!!!" Jeongyeon breaks the conversation between Nayeon and Tzuyu. "Enough with the drama! I know there is something wrong here hmm....." she frowned as she is realizing something. Not surprising tho, because she is indeed the smartest around. She approaches Nayeon and I. Everybody is looking at us now. 

"Nayeon, Haeju, you have done something, don't you? Admit it now!" Jeonyeon asks us.
"Oopsie~" Nayeon says.
"We are so doomed......" I whisper hopelessly.

Princess Tzuyu looks so confused. Welp, I guess Queen Nayeon and I won't get the live happily ever after ending. ㅋㅋㅋ

(The end.)
