The List | The Feels (Part 3)

I sit back in my chair. "Sigh!"
I'm about to open my diary when I feel like somebody's watching. I turn my head and Chou Tzuyu is literally looking at me. When I look at her back, she takes away her sight from me awkwardly. I must be so loud that gets her attention. Well, don't blame me, I just got rejected. Actually, if Tzuyu is not the most beautiful girl in our class, I would have asked her out. Really! She's originally my first choice but there's no way she hasn't have a prom date, right?

I unlock my diary and cross Mina and Chaeyoung's names from the list. Jeongyeon's name is the first name that I cross. I hope no one sees this but I make a list of the girls that I might ask to be my prom date. There are 9 of them, 7 people left.

I look at the rest of the list. These names seem impossible. But again, these are just the girls that I secretly like. The list itself is called 'mission impossible' hahaha.

"Look, who's laughing alone!" suddenly somebody is already standing in front of me. A girl with fair skin, a really good proportion from her waist to her body. It's Minatozaki Sana.
"Aaa!" I scream as I'm quickly close my diary.
"So cute. I never see someone who still has a diary. Especially who brings it to the school," Sana says. I look up at her face. Sana is known as the bubbly girl in this class. She usually talks loudly and is clingy to her close friends, especially our class president, Kim Dahyun. But this is the first time she talks to me. I wonder why.
"Yeah, I know I'm weird. Just leave me alone," I say.
"Not weird. I said cute," she says.
"What's really inside of that diary, Juju? Must be all of your wildest thoughts and imagination, I guess. Aww, so lovely!" she continues.
"Uhh, I'm just writing what I feel. It's more comfortable for me to express myself in this Grimoire, I- I mean Diary," I say.
"Mhm, mhm, may I read it?" her head comes forward to me, "I swear I won't tell anybody," she smirks.
I'm grabbing my diary so tight. Seeing her face likes this makes me nervous somehow, "Sorry, I can't......... This is private."
Before I realize it, Sana's hand is already on my hand, as she's trying to take the book. I can feel her skin, "A writer always needs a reader, right?" she says, "You can have me as your new loyal reader.  What do you think?"
"Sana..." I call her name. My voice is trembling.
"Yes?" she looks deep into my eyes.
"Your face is so close, I'm so sorry. You're literally breathing in my face," I tell her.
"Do I smell? Well, you smell just fine, Ahn Haeju," she says, smirks again.
"No, you smell good. But...... This..... Is...... Just..... Awkward......." I say.
"I won't leave until you answer me~," she says.
"No, Sana, I can't share my diary."
"I'm...... Shy..... Shy....... Shy....!" I tell her. I don't know what else to say to make her move.
"Awwh, not fun!" finally she pulls back her head from me. Phew! I can't feel my heart beating so loud. I must be so nervous.

Sana looks at Tzuyu's desk. She's already gone.
"What? Do you like her?" Sana asks.
"Huh? Like who?" I ask back.
"Chou Tzuyu. Do you like her, Ju?" Sana asks back.
"Nn..... No?" I tell her.
It's actually hard to say no because I think I have a little crush on Tzuyu.
"Hmm, Haeju is playing hard to get. One day I will make you give it to me. You'll be mine," Sana says.
"Who? Me?"
"No, the book. You will be mine, Diary~" she tries to touch it again but I grab it so tight. "Hehehehe! Bye, Haeju's Diary~ I love you~" she says while leaving me.

I'm watching her as she leaves the class. She brings Dahyun with her, circling arms into one another. They look so close. Sigh. I open my diary.

"Yeah, definitely not her," I say while crossing her name from the list.
