Truth 3: Blades has a crush?!

Cody: [Is holding the camera and starts filming Silverstar]

Silverstar: "Hi everyone, I just got our third Ask and it's for Blades! And if you are all wonder why HoneyBee is not here with me it is because she disappeared suddenly. Bumblebee and I are worry and sick about her and Team Prime is doing all they can to find her. So I will have to do this one without her." [Sighs sadly and tries to put on a smile for you readers] "I am super excited to see what his answer is. So let's go and find him." [looks at Cody] "Do you know where Blades is right now?"

Cody: "He was down in the bunker watching TV last time I saw him."

Silver: "Then that is where we will go." [Motions to Cody to follow her as they both run into the elevator as it took them down into the bunker as it opened for them and walked out and look around the bunker and see Blades on the couch watching TV still]

Cody: "Hey, Blades?"

Blades: [Looks over at Cody] "Oh, hi Cody!" [He then notices Silverstar as his optics widen with excitement in them] "Silverstar you'ur here! Does that mean I have a Dare or Truth to do?"

Silver: [Walks over to Blades] "Yep, turn off the TV and I'll tell you it."

Blades: [Quickly turns off the TV, standing up, noticing the camera and looks over at Silverstar] "Can I say something to the people watching this? Please?"

Silver: [Nods her head yes at Blades]

Blades: [Walks in front of the camera and wave to all of you readers] "Hi Everyone, I just wanted to say thank you so much for choosing me to do this next dare or truth today! I am super excited and can't wait to do more for you all!"

Silver: [Looks over at Blades "Ok, Blades, you got a Truth from, Glitterforsefan2486. Remember you have to tell us the truth nothing else, got it?"

Blades: [Nods his helm excitedly] "Just tell me what it is already!"

Silver: "Ok, this Ask is from Glitterforsefan2486." [Shows Blades the question] "Blades who do you have a crush on?"

Blades: [Froze after reading it and looked down at Silverstar] "Are you sure this is the question they want me to answer?"

Silver: [Nodes her head] "Yep! So who's your crush, Blades?"

Blades: "Ok, ok, I'll answer it. But I just want the internet to know that Heatwave and I, we are not a thing! Were just friends and teammates. The same goes with Bumblebee we are not a thing. But we are the best of friends forever!" [Smiles at the thought of him and Bee as best friends]

Silver: "Ok, then who's your crush?"

Blades: [Looks around to make sure none of his teammates were in the room as he took a vent in and whisper that only you readers, Cody and Silverstar could hear him] "It's...Dani."

Silver: [Looks excitedly at Blades] "Really? Aww, that's so cute!"

Cody: "That was pretty noble of you to tell us this Blades." [Gives Blades a smile]

Blades: "Yay, but I don't think Dani really cares. She's more interested in that other guy name Taylor." [Sighs sadly to himself and sits back on the couch]

Silver: "Aww, it's ok Blades." [She said walking over to him, giving him a reassuring smile] "I'm sure she will come around to you, Blades." [Turns back to the Camera] "Well I think that all for now. Remember to give us more Truths or Dares and put a star on the ones you like the best in this book."

Blades: [Quickly look at the camera] "And to all of you that are watching this. Please don't tell anyone about who I have a crush on, please? Especially Dani, please don't tell her."

Silver: "Until we meet again for the next Truth or Dare. See you all later." [Looks at Cody] "You can turn the Camera off now Cody."

Cody: [Looks over the camera and turns it off]

