Truth 2: Do you like Smokescreen or Jack?

Silver: "We should probably set the camera before we start." [Looks over at HB]

Honey Bee: "Yeah."[Gets the camera ready.]" turn."

Bee: "So...Should we do a truth or a dare?"

Silver: "Hmmm...good question."

Honey Bee: "We should ask everyone here truth or dare and whichever gets most that's what it is."

Silver: "We should probably do a truth. We haven't done that since the beginning of our book."

HoneyBee: "True true...well we should ask them what truth we should do."

Silver: "Well...I always wanted to know if Arcee has a crush on Jack or Smokescreen. Should we ask that?"

HoneyBee: "Sure! I'll get Arcee.":3 [Walks to Arcee's berth room to get her.] Sings: "Making my way downtown walking fast-"

Silver: [Run after you as you both made it to Arcee] "Ok, Bee are you rolling this?"

Bee: [Nods his helm holding a camera up and starts filming]

HoneyBee:[Has Arcee with her.]"Okay what else captain?":3

Silver: "Now...we ask her!" [Looks up at Arcee] "Arcee, you got a truth today and the person wants to know who your crush is Jack or Smokescreen?"

Arcee: "I don't really have a crush on either of them. Why are you two even asking me this?" [Looks annoyed at HB and Silver]

HoneyBee: "Just curious.No biggie." :3

Arcee: "Fine...I do have a crush. But I'm not telling you who it is though."

Silver: "Come on, Acree. Please?"

Arcee: "No."

HoneyBee: "Aw come on!Pretty Pretty Please??"(* .) w (* .)

Arcee: [Looks at HB and sighs] "Fine. But only HB." [Whispers into HB's ear]

HB:[Squeals.]Mmff!I wanna say it but I don't wanna break the promise either..." (* .) w (* .)

Arcee: "I'm going on patrol with Smokescreen so you two better stay out of trouble." [Walks away to the main room] 

Silver: [Looks at HB] "You know...she said she will only tell you...but she didn't say you can tell our readers." [Looks at our reader] "You guys have to promise not to tell Acree this or she probably gets us in trouble. So...HB who is her crush?"

HB: "But the 'us' is us, we are humans, and our readers are humans...and--Wait a minute!"[Looks at Arcee and runs after her.] "ARCEE!!"[Finally catches up.]*pant, pant*"Smokescreen doesn't even go on patrol! It's mostly, Optimus, Bumblebee, Bulkhead and you, I don't ever see Smokescreen go on patrol."

Arcee: [Freezes where she is and slowly looks down at HB] "Ah...Optimus to take him on patrol today so...he know how to do it." [Look at HB nearly]

HB: " left me in confusion...very well... I'm drinking some Dr.Pepper now."[Walks away then comes back to Arcee.]" I'm pretty sure Smokey's not gonna go for patrol again."[walks away once again.]

Arcee: [Looks at HB in confusion but shakes it off as she walks out] 

Silver: [Looks at Bumblebee] "Did you get all that?" 

Bee: "Yep! All of it on tape." [Holds up the camera with a smile on his derma]

HoneyBee: "Wait y'all recorded that?" O^O

Bee: [Looks at you confused] "Yay. You two always record your Truths or Dare." 

Silver: "He has a point."

HB: "Oh right....."[Drinks my Dr.Pepper.]"I forgot about that."

Silver: [Gigles and turns the camera] "Thanks for reading another one of our Chapter. And we hope to make some more of you all can give us some crazy stuff to do, right HB?"

HB: "Yessssssssss" (* .) w (* .)

Silverstar: [Giggles and roll my eyes] "See you guys next time! Bye." [Looks at Bee] "Is the camera off, Bee?"

Bee: "Yep all off."  *Click*

{I hope you all are enjoy this book. If you all want us to make more chapters you have to give us some truths and dares to do or else we will have to put an end to this book. SO...please! Please give us some truths or dares to do! If you have one please put it in the Chapter of "Welcome to the game Truths and Dares" Once again... thank you for reading our book.

The picture above isn't mine. It belongs to the person that actually made it.}
