Dare Three: Prank on Kade!

Silverstar: "HB! WE have another dare to do!"

[Silverstar shows HoneyBee the dare]

I dare HB, Silver, and the rescue team to do a prank on Kade.

HB: [Processing..?]"Okay...LET'S DO THIS!"[yeets self to the ground bridge.]

Silver: "Hey! Wait for me!" [Run into the Groundbridge too. As it opens up in Griffen Rock] "Race you to the firehouse!" 

HB:......"I'm a slow potato;-;"[Jogs to the firehouse.]

[Silver jogs right next to HoneyBee as they finally made it to the firehouse when they both see Cody in the distinct playing "Burn's Ball" by himself.]

Silver: "Hey, Cody! How are you doing?"

[Cody stops what he is doing and look over to Silver and HB]

Cody: "Hi Guys! What are you doing here in Griffin Rock?"

HB: "Just....going...to...prank... your...brother.Kade....."·-·[Immediately hides in a bush.]

Silver: [Rolls her eyes and shake her head] "We came here to do a Dare with the Rescue Bots. Do you know if they are free right now?" 

 Cody: "I think they may be in the bunker. I show you where it is." [Cody motion Silver and HB to follow as he ran into the firehouse] 

 Silver: "HoneyBee, we need to get the team first before we can do the Dare! Can you please come?"

HB: "I look like I'm scared..."[Pounces out of the bushes and runs.] "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, you'll never take me alive!"

Silver: [Smile and runs after HB and mange to chase her into the firehouse where Cody is waiting for them]

HB: "Alright where's the catnip?"

 Cody: [In confusion.] 

HB: "I use too many memes..."

Silver: "I don't think Cody and his family have 'catnips' here."

[Silverstar goes over to the control panel and starts pulling down the lever as the floor starts to move down where HB and Cody are. Silver runs and jumps and just barely made it to the platform as the top closed over them.]

Silver: "I made it!"

Cody: "Be a little more careful next time, Silver."

Silver: "Don't worry I will remember for next time."

[Silver, HB, and Cody finally made it to the bottom of the bunker as they see the bots talk with each other.]

HB: [Does a slow clap.]"Hey Silver, I think I already know what to do as a prank for Kade."[Gives out an evil smile ignoring the fact the bots stared at me weirdly.]

Silver: What do you have in mind? [ A smile playing on her lips as they walk over toward the rescue team]

Heatwave: "What are you two doing here?" [Crossing his servos over his chassis] 

HB: "Well sir, if we are here it's obviously for something than nothing ." ;-;[Randomly plays 'The lion sleeps tonight'.]" I'm screwed."

Silver: [Moves a piece of hair out of her eye and putting it behind her ear with her cheeks turning a light pink. Look up at Heatwave as she did so]" Actually...we came here to do a Dare with you guys. We have to do a prank on your partner, Kade."

HB:[Once again plays the Lion sleeps tonight.]" And I already have a plan to do it!"

Chase: "This is a violation of the law! Therefore we should not do this."

HB: "So we did a different thing last time we visit and now we can't? ;-;"

Silver: "HB and I have to do a prank on Kade with you guys wherever you like it or not." 

Heatwave: " Count me in! I always wanted to get payback on Kade!" 

Blades: "Could we throw a pie in his face? Like they do in the movie when they want to get back on each other!" 

Bolder: "I guess...as long as we don't do a dangerous prank on him that won't hurt him." 

Chase: "I still think this is a violation of the law!"

HB: "I was thinking of changing his clothes to a different color and would have to wear it on a mission...But y'all plan works."

Silver: "I like HB's idea! And Blades too! Anyone else has any idea? Because we can combine all of the pranks together and do them all on Kade."

HB: "Hmmmm does he still sleep on the couch?" 

Cody: "Ya, why?"

HB: "Okay when he sleeps on the couch, we place whip cream on his hand and tickle his face with a feather and see if he will slap himself with a whip cream hand.">:3

Heatwave: [Smiles with a huge smirk on his derma] "Sounds like fun."

Silver: "Let's do it!"

Chase: "I still do not agree to this and will inform Kade immediately!"

[Chase starts walking away to the control panel to bring him back to the main floor.]

HB: "I hope no one knew I jammed the doors. And I'm sure Kade is either in the kitchen or room...",_, 

HB: "At least not all doors..."

Silver: "Chase...you leave me no chores." [With a wave of her hand, sparkles of red and blue fly from her fingers tips, towards Chase. Which lifted him in the air and then pinned him to the nearest wall with his servos and pedes pinned with red and blue glows around them.]

HB: "Okay...now just to find Kade without him knowing we are gonna do something."[Plays the lion sleeps tonight once again.]Awimbowe, Awimbowe, Awimbowe, Awimbowe!"[Marches toward a door I didn't jam.]

[Silver followed close behind HB as they slowly opened the door with Heatwave and his Team (Except for Chase, who was to shock to even try to escape the glows that were rap around his servo and pedes) peeking to sees Kade munching on some chips with a can of pop in his hand]

HB: "Okay I'll go get the clothes you guys can set the other things."[Quietly sneaks toward Kade's room.]

Silver: "Alright." [Turns toward Blades] "Blades, you and I will do the whipped cream thing after Kade falls into HoneyBee's prank. Once he starts sleeping on the couched."

Blades: "I can't wait!"

[Silverstar turns to face Heatwave and Bolder]

Silver: "Bolder, see if you guys will be going on a rescue mission sometime in the next two or three hours. Heatwave, you will lure, Kade into the pranks we set up. That way he doesn't miss any of them."

Heatwave: [Growls under his breath]  "Alright. As long as I get to see all of the pranks on him."

Silver: "And, Chase..." [Turns to Chase who is still stuck to the wall.] "I will give you one more chance...help us do this prank or I will be forced to 

HB: [In Kade's room.]"La la la la la hmm hmm hmm hmmm."[Is either dyeing his clothes pink or changing them. After a few minutes, peeks out to see if he is near.]"Coast is clear."[Goes back to changing the clothes.]"Huh, I wonder if I should play the lion sleeps tonight later.."

Silver: [Poof into Kade's room right next to HB] "Hey, HoneyBee are you almost done? Heatwave the Cody just managed to get him sleeping on the couched. We are waiting for you so we can do the whipped cream thing on him."

HB: "Okay let's do this!"[Already heading toward the couch Kade is at.]:>

Silver: [Follows you as we make it to the bunker where the bots waited * Except for Chase* ] 

Blades: [Has his servo with whip cream and was ready to put it on Kade's hand] 

 Heatwave: [Had a feather in his servo and was ready to touch Kade's nose when Blades put the whipped cream on.] 

HB: "Yall ready?" 

[Both Blades and Heatwave nodded to HB]

Blades: [Put the whipped cream on Kade's hand] 

Heatwave: [Slowly used the feather and start to tickle Kade's nose.]

Kade:[Slaps himself with the whipped cream hand.]"What the-WHAT IS THIS?!" 

 HB: "Run."[s k I r t s k I r t. S k I r t.]

Sliver: "Quick, Run!" 

[The team and the bots run out of the bunker]

HB: "Did everyone make it out?"[Holds my phone.] "I recorded it.":>

HB:[Shows everyone the video.]

Silver: "Your the best, HoneyBee!" [Give you bear hug as the rescue team laugh as they watched the video]

HB: "Should we post it or not? Not entirely everyone but just a few.How about Frankie?"

Heatwave: "Send it to Kade's girlfriend. Wait till she sees this!" [dieing of laughter] 

HB: "Alright!"[Sends it to her.]>:3

Silver: [Smiles as she turns off the camera that is recording the dare] 

