Dare Three: New Paint Job on the Cons

Bee: [Buzzs haply] "What should we do next HB?"

HB: "Honestly I don't know."

Silver: "Well...can you think of funny Dare we can do on...the cons?"

HB: "Hmmmmmm, perhaps if the Decepticon's try to switch their personality? No...umm...get a new paint job by the colors and the Autobot's choose the color?

Silver: "Those do sound like fun to do on the cons. But how can we make it funny?" [Starts thinking] 

Bumblebee: "If we are painting the cons we should totally paint Megatron rainbow!" [Looks really excited about this dare] 

HB: "Oh yeah...and the brighter version of red is pink!Poor Knockout."[Laughs just by thinking how KO would be if he was pink.]"We totally have to do this, ooh they should keep the paint job for a week!"

Silver: "You know that would be hilarious if they kept it on for a whole week! But...what if they don't agree to it."

HB: "Dammit your right..."[Thinks about it.]"What should we do then?"

Silver: [Thinks over the Dare] "Well...he is part of this game and he has to follow the rules...So he has to do it whatever he likes or not." 

Bee: "That's true. But what how are you two even going to do the prank when we don't know where their warship is?" 

Silver: "HB could just poof us there like those other time, right HoneyBee?"

HB: "Mhm, unless if they had proofing proof protection which I'm not sure if they have that.Lets poof!"


[Ends up poofing to a tropical rainforest.] 

HB: "Whoops sorry, I might have accidentally thought of something else. After all, panthers live here and I always wanted to see a darker Jaguar."

[Poof's again] 

HB: "Lady and Gentle, we have arrived at our destination."

Bee: [Looks around the hallway they were in on the warship.] "Sweet! But how are we going to do the prank if we don't have paint?"

Silver: "Bee has a point. Any ideas, HB?"

HB: "Ya think that's why we are next to KOs headquarters? I'm sure he at least has some paint that he tried on. If there isn't I'll just get some paint real quick."[Quickly checks if KO is in his headquarters (berthroom)]"All clear."

Silver: [Sneaks in with Bumblebee behind her as they went into Knockout's berthroom] "Let's start looking for some paint." [Starts looking under the berth] " None here."

Bumblebee: [Looks in some cupboards and drawers] "No paint here."

Silver: "HB, did you find anything?"

HB: [Opens a small door with a passcode needed.]"A passcode? Try me..."[Types in a few letters and the door opens with paint inside.]"Alright, lock and load, because the trouble is about to begin."

Silver: "Sweet! He has all the colors of the rainbow." [Trying to decide which color she wanted] "I'll take the red, dark blue, blue and the pink." [takes the cans of paint and looks over at Bee and HB] "What about you two?"

Bee: [Looks at the paint can] "I don't know. It depends on which cons I get to put paint on."

Silver: "I call Megatron and Airachnid. Unless one of you wants them?"

Bee: "No, I'll take whatever HoneyBee takes." [Looks down at HB giving her a wink.] "So what paint and cons do you want to do?" 

HB: "Well you can have revenge on KO who made who seems to make almost any joke about you." 

Bee: "Oh like that one time he...make fun of my speed...." 

 HB: "Hey your not that slow in running though! I've seen ya." 

 Bee: "Thank you." 

HB: "Oh and I'll take, orange, yellow and purple."

Silver: [Smiles] "Fine by me. I wish you both luck!" [ Grabs a paintbrush, the paint cans] "When we have done the Dare meet me in the main control room on the ship that way we can all leave together. Ok?"

HB: "Okay Bee let's go!"

[Bee and HB go find Knockout and when they found him they started painted him purple.] 

KO: "UGH MY PAINT! Both of you will pay soon!" 

HB: "Sure we will."[Whispers: "not"

Silver: [Runs over to where Megatron is and carefully without him noticing starts painting Optimus on his back. Once finished she quickly went to go and find Airachnid who was in recharge and quickly paints Arcee on her back once done, she went out into the main hall seeing Megaton walking down the hallway with his back to her] "All Decepticons! Optimus Prime and Arcee are on the warship! Destroy them immediately!" (In her Megatron voice.)

Megatron: [Looks around hearing Silver and was very close in finding her when the cons started shooting him] "What in Kion is are you fools doing!" [Turns around with angry in his optics his gaze on his Decepticons] 

Vehicons: "We are so sorry, Lord Megatron we thought you where Optimus." 

Megatron: "And how? Pray did you ever mistaken me for him!!!" 

 Vehicons: [Stood there, not sure what to say] 

[On the other side of the hallway more Vehicons start walking towards them and notice the painting Optimus Prime and starts shooting it.] 

Megatron: [Growled And turned around to face the other Vehicons] "What do you think you are doing!!!"

Vehicons: "There The Autobot! Shoot it!" [Vehicons on the other side starts shooting at Megatron once more]

Silver: [Giggles and laugh and runs over to where Airachnid] 

Airachnid: [Was killing the Vehicons as they fired at her think she was Arcee when she turned her back on them they would shoot. And she killed every last one until more came.]

Silver: [Covered her hands over her mouth and starts running towards the main control room on the warship]

HB:[Secretly watching Megatron and Arachnid.] Low voice: "Okay...." [Notices that KO found her and starts to run again.] "I better run run run run...because once I stop I'll be squished."

Bee: [Quickly scoops up HB in his servo and starts running away from Knockout to the main control room on my Warship] "Is he still following us HB?"

HB: [Quickly peels.] "Nope he's gone." [laughs] "His reaction is quite funny if you think about it." [Peeks]

Bee: [Chuckles] "I have to admit, that this was a pretty funny prank we did." [Smiles as they made it to the main control room where Silverstar was waiting for them] 

Silver: "There you guys are. I was afraid you both got caught."

HB: "Well ya thought wrong!":D"Because we're still alive!"[High fives Bee.]

Bee: [Gives HB a high five as Knockout came running into the room with vehicons]

Silver: "I think we better hit the road and get out of here!" 

Knockout: "You three will feel my pain when I'm with you all!"

HB: "Wait why would we hit the road? What did it do wrong?"

Knockout: "IM HERE!!" 

HB: "And we are not." [Uses pepper spray on knockouts optics.] "Run away!"

Knockout: [Rubbing his optics] "My optics! I can't see anything! You will pay dearly for this, fleshy!"

Silver: [Jumps out of the way just missing a shot from one of the vehicons] "I mean let's get out of here or the cons will kill us all!" [charge at one of the vehicons pulling out a human-size Decepticon hunter, transforming it into a sword and stab the vehicon in the spark chamber]

Bumblebee: [Pulls out his blasters, shooting the vehicles and Knockout] "HB I think you better bring us back to Base before Megatron himself will kill us."

HB: "Oh yeah...I forgot about bucket head..."

[Poof's themself to base.]

Bonus:[When we proofed paint exploded out of nowhere to them vehicons.]

HB: "That was pretty fun."

Silver: [Laughs] "Yay that was pretty fun. You guys did such a good job on Knockout's new paint job."

Bumblebee: "Yay, that was pretty fun. Except for us almost being killed."

HB: "Yeah besides that...we really need to do this more often. Hey, we can probably bring Optimus next time."

Silver: "I don't think Optimus would ever do a prank for fun. Especially on the Megatron."

Ratchet: "Where in the Allspark were you three!" [Looks at dangerously with a wrench in his servo]

HB: "First of if we told you you'll kill us and if we don't tell you, you would still kill us so what do we do?"[Looks confused at Ratchet.]

Silver: [Whispers to HB] "Let me hand this." [Walks over to Ratchet] 

Ratchet: "Well?!" 

Silver: "Ratchet before I tell where we went know that it was my fault." 

Ratchet: "I'm listening." 

Silver: [Sighs] "We went on the cons ship to prank Knockout, Arachnid, and Megatron." 

Ratchet: "WHAT!!!!" [Walks over to HB and Bumblebee] "Why in the Allspark did you go there! You all could have gotten killed!" 

Bumblebee: [Looks down with his wing low] "We just wanted to have fun." 

Silver: "And if you are going to hit someone with your wrench then let it be me. It was my fault and if you want to punish someone...then let it be me!" [Stands in front of HB and Bee] 

Ratchet: [Looks down at Silver in shock] "It...was your idea." 

Silver: "It was."

Ratchet: [Sighs] "Just try not to do that again unless Arcee or Bulkhead is with you three understood?" 

Silver: [Nods her head] "Understood."

Bumblebee: "Yes, sire." 

Ratchet: [Grumbles under his vent and goes over to the computer and continue to work again]

HB: "Silver why would you lie?, it was actually my idea. Don't blame yourself..."[Looks sadly at Silver.]

Silver: [Sighs] "I know...but...it was the..." [Silver snapped her fingers as they all poof to the top of base] "It was the only way to make sure Ratchet wouldn't hit you if his wrench's a 100 times. I just...wanted to protect you guys." [Sighs to herself and sits down near the edge]

HB:[Puts a hand on Silver's shoulder.]"I've been in pain already. Got used to it.Just like how some of us did. I don't care if I got hit 100 with a wrench, I mean I almost died a few times myself."[looks at Silver.]"Just don't lie again."

Silver: [Sighs] "Your right. I'll try not to do that again. But that prank we did on the cons was probably the best ever." 

Bumblebee: [Smiles at them as he walks over] "Totally." 

Silver: "Look the sun is setting." 

HB: "It's beautiful..but it's missing something..."[Looks at Silver.] "Do you know what it is?"

Bumblebee: [Looking confused at HB]

Silver: [Looks over at HB] "What 's missing, HoneyBee?"

HB:[Poofs Optimus here.]"We were missing a special someone, now all of us are here. It's perfect."

Silver: [Walks over to OP and then looks back at HB.] "You sure do know what everyone needs." [Smile at HB before poofing herself up to Optimus shouldplate* "This is truly the best day ever."

Bumblebee: "It sure is."[Picks HB up and place her on his shoulderplate]

HB: "Well I'm not a mind reader to know what everyone needs but I know what most people would enjoy best, Their loved ones."[smiles.]" After all, I help others so they wouldn't go through what I go through."

Silver: "True. And whatever happened to you I'm sorry you had to even indoor it. It must have been pretty tough." [Watches, as the sun disappears behind the mountains and night, appears]

HB: "No need to be sorry, It just happens after all."[looks at the skies.]"We should get inside before Ratchet screams again."

Bumblebee: "HB is right. Plus it's time for us bots to get some recharge." [Walks away and goes into the elevator] 

Optimus: [Nods his helm in agreement and walks into the elevator with Silver still on his should] 

Silver: "Thanks guys for reader our dare! Make sure to put a star on it and comment us so we can do another truth or dare, bye and good night."

