Dare Five: Knockout's Buffers Burns!

Silverstar: "Hi everyone, we're back and were still on the Decepticon warship! Our next dare will be for Knockout."

Arcee: "So, now we have to go and find Knockout?"

Silver: "Yep! HB do you want to take us to Knockout?" [Turns to HB and notice she's gone as she looked around for her] "HoneyBee? HB? Where are you?" [She shouted her friend's name out loud but there was no reply as she sighed sadly] "Where did HB go?"

Acree: "Maybe she went back to Base."

Silver: "But HB loves helping me out with this book. Especially the dares."

Arcee: "Maybe she wanted to take a break."

Silver: "Maybe." [Sighs sadly as she looked down at the ground] 

Arcee: "Come on let's go find Knockout and get this over with." [Starts walking away, but stops and looks over at Silverstar] "Come on."

Silver: [Sighs one more time before following Arcee to find Knockout]

(In Medica Bay) 

Knockout: [Was just cleaning himself up with his buffer as his finish shone a nice red] "There all nice and flashy."

Arcee: [Walks in with Silverstar following behind her] "Knockout."

Knockout: [Looks at Arcee in shock and then down at Silverstar, he quickly looked around with fear in his optics] "Please tell me that human HoneyBee isn't here! I just finished buffing myself up." [quickly hide behind a counter in the room away from Silverstar and Arcee]

Silver: [Sighs and shakes her head at Knockou]* "HB isn't here right now. So you can come out now."

Knockout: "Only if you promise not to scratch my paint job."

Silver: "Yes I promise. Know can you come over here? You got a dare from AkitheSiren."

Knockout: [Comes out and walks over to Silverstar who showed him the dare] 

"I dare Knockout to watch all his buffers Burn."

Knockout: [Looks down at Silverstar his optics] "Does...that...mean..."

Silver: [Nods her head at him yes] "Yes you have to watch me and Arcee burn every last buffer you have. And to make sure you are watching."

Arcee: [Puts the camera on a shelf still filming the dare and grabs Knockout's servos and putting them behind his back so he wouldn't move or escape]

Knockout: "No, NOOOOO! You can't do this, please! What will I use to clean myself with when I'm in a mess."

Silver: [Takes the buffer that Knockout put on the counter and takes out a blowtorch and sets it on fire] 

Knockout: "NOOOOOOOOO! Not that one that was my favorite please no more I beg you!"

Silver: [Walks over to a cupboard sighs to herself and with a wave of her hand opened it where all of Knockout's buffers were stored]

Knockout: "Please! NO more! I can't bear it anymore!"

Silver: [Turns the blowtorch on full power and sets all of his buffers on fire]

Knockout: "You monster! Your worries then that other human! You will pay dearly for this Silverstar! You hear me! You will pay!" [Tries to get out of Arcee's grip to attack Silverstar] 

Silver: "Your the one who wanted to sign up for this game and whatever dare someone asked you, you have to do it." [She said as the last of the buffers burns into ashes. Not a single one was left intact] 

Arcee: [Let's go of Knockout who fell on his knees*]

Knockout: "Why would a human dare do this to me!" [Lowers his helm down his face in sadness]

Silver: [Feels bad for him, get's rid of the blowtorch, and runs over to Knockout] "Knockout, I'm really sorry."

Knockout: "Sorry doesn't fix it!!!! Know I have to try and build my own buffer."

Silverstar: [Has an idea and snap her fingers as a brand new buffer appeared in Knockout's servos] "You can keep this one I brought ok?"

Knockout: [Smiles and hugs his new buffer] "YES! Thank you, Silverstar! Thank you so much!" [Starts kissing his new buffer as Arcee and Silverstar get out of sickbay]

Silver: "Well I think that's it for now." [Looks over at you reader] "Ok, Knockout watched all of his buffers burn, AkitheSiren. If you're wondering where that buffer came from that I gave Knockout, it was one I found lying around at the base." [Sighs] "I sure hope HoneyBee is alright."

Acree: "Don't worry she probably waiting for us back at base."

Silver: "Maybe." [Looks at all of you readers] "Thank you AkitheSiren for the dare for Knockout. It was pretty fun to do! And remember to put a star, comment and tell me what you think of this dare. Be sure to keep on giving us more Truths or Dares to do. See you all next time!"

Arcee: [Turns the camera off]

