Dare four: Starscream Screams!

[Silverstar sets up the camera and points it at her and HB]

Silver: "Ok, I think it's rolling?" [Looks to see that the camera is rolling] " Are you ready, HB?" [Looks over at HB who is right next to her]

HB: "Yep!"[Smiles.]

Silver: [Turns back to face the camera] "Hey readers, You may be wondering why both me and HoneyBee are on the Decepticon warship without the Autobots. Well, one for starters is we got a dare for one of the cons by one of my friends. Two we do have a bot with us because Ratchet didn't want us to go alone. Arcee is just holding the camera for us."

Arcee: [Rolls her optics at Silver and shakes her helm]

Silver: "Anyways...lets' get started! This Dare is from my friend Moonpheonix1208."

I dare Starscream to drink a whole bottle of super hot, hot, sauce.

Arcee: "How are you going to make him do that?" [Looker at HB and Silver]

HB: "We trick him!! Let's say we use the old cup trick in the book." 

Silver: "Sounds like a plan to me! Let's go and find him!" [Runs down the hallway with Arcee and HoneyBee behind her] "Any ideas where he might be on the ship?"

HB: "No idea, um any plans on how to find him?" [Looks around confused.]

Silver: [Stops running and turn around to face HB a smile on her face] "I think I have an idea. Arcee? Can you link me to Starscream Commlink? I think this just might work." 

[Meanwhile on the Warship Starscream was walking down the hallways thinking a way to get rid of Megatron when him Commlink went off] 

Starscream: "Yes what is it now that's so important that you interrupted me?!?"[Walks while waiting for an answer.]

????: "Starscream!! Stop fooling around! I need you to meet me at my headquarters immediately! Now!" [A deep dark voice said through his Commlink, Megatron]

Starscream:[Scared: "I'll be right there Megatron!"[Runs.] "He will sure rip my spark out this time..."

[Silver, HoneyBee, and Arcee are in Megatron headquarters after using the Commlink to contact Starscream] 

Silver: [Is laughing] "I can't believe that he thought I was Megatron." 

Acree: "I cannot believe it either." 

[The door opens as Starscream walk in as the door closed behind him, lock him in the room with them]

Starscream:[Looks at Arcee and the two human girls, realizing that if this was a trick.] "Alright I'm heading out! I am not going after this trick of yours."[Tries to open the door.] "Scrap..."

Silver: "Not so fast, Screamer you have a dare to do first!" [Shows him the dare and turn to HB] "Did you bring sauce?"

HB: "Yeah.."[Holds a cup that looks like Energon but is actually a hot sauce.]"You must chug this cup, Screams." 

Starscream: "Well that will be easy..."

Silver: [Covers her hand over her mouth to keep the giggles in] 

Arcee: [Watches with a smirk on her derma]

HB: "Okay then Chug it all instantly!"[Gives him the cup.] 

Starscream:[Chugs it all at once.]"Well that wasn't so ha-AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH"[Breaks the door and screams out:]"ENERGON I NEED ENERGON!! Tthheeey TRICKED ME!!"

Silver: [Is laughing so hard] "That was probably the funniest thing I have ever seen on this ship."

Acree: "Looks like Screamer's mouthplate is going to be tasty like hot sauce for a long while."

Silver: "Totally!" * Starts laughing and then turns back to the camera* "Don't go away just yet, Readers. We will be doing another Dare for a different con. Stay toon."

