Chapter 29: Their Reactions

Bakugo POV:

I watched as Deku walked out of the classroom. Once he left it descended into pure madness. Everyone was talking all at once. Some towards others, and others towards All Might, Uraraka, and even me.

After the chaos ensued for about a minute, Iida stood up to get everyone's attention.

"Everyone please, calm down!" He shouted to everyone. They all got silent as they listened to what he had to say. "I know we're all shocked right now at what we just learned, but for now let us try to stay organized as we ask all of our questions."

"Alright then if we're going to get organized I'll go first," Todoroki said, cutting Iida off. He pointed towards All Might as he spoke. "Why did you pick Midoriya of all people to inherit your quirk? You just met him and decided that he was the one to replace you?"

"I chose young Midoriya not just because of his will and determination to become a hero, but because of how he reminded me of myself." All Might explained.

"Reminded you how?" Kaminari asked.

"Because of how he was just a quirkless kid but still has the guts and drive to become a hero that people could rely on." Everyone looked a bit shocked when All Might said that. None of them expected that he was quirkless as well.

"That still doesn't change the fact that he was handed everything on a silver platter!" Sero exclaimed. "He got the strongest quirk, you as a personal mentor, and a free ride into U.A. because of all that."

"Damnit nothing was handed to him!" I shouted. "He worked his ass off to get that quirk and worked even harder to use it." Everyone looked at me a bit confused, clearly not understanding how Deku changed like I did. "A month before middle school ended before Deku even met All Might, he was nothing but a scrawny nobody who couldn't do anything. Regardless he still had the drive to be a hero, and after meeting All Might he busted his ass for ten months to be able to withstand the power he was going to receive."

"Young Bakugo is right," All Might began. "Before I started helping him train, young Midoriya wasn't the way you all know him. He had no muscle, not an ounce. It was his hard work that got him into the physique he's in today, and he's still working hard to improve that so he can become stronger."

"He still had you as a personal trainer though," Jiro commented.

"My assistance didn't matter," All Might responded. "Even while I was helping him he made sure to go out on his own so he could train by himself. My meeting him only showed him that it was possible to achieve his goal. The rest was him."

"Even so, he still had, even still has the advantage of One for All on his side. How is that fair?" Ojiro questioned.

"Jeez, stop with the whole "he has an unfair advantage" bullshit!" I shouted. I stood up and walked in front of the class now. It was my turn to speak. "All of you need to realize how Deku isn't just that damn quirk. He was able to battle through broken limbs during fights just so he could use his power. He was able to beat us all in the race back in the sports festival without even using his quirk. He was able to beat me with just his combat skill on the first day of training. If none of you can see how Deku proved himself  a long time ago, then you need to open your eyes." I looked around the room to see only shocked expressions staring back at me. "And if any of you continue to think otherwise you'll have to answer to me."

"Thank you for your support young Bakugo," All Might began. "I guess this shows how you've grown as well."

"Yeah, whatever." I went and sat down back in my seat. It seemed that for now the rest of the class was silent about the topic.

Good. Maybe they realized that there's no reason to be angry at all.

Deku then walked back into the classroom, and no one said a word. He had a nervous expression on as he walked to his desk, but nothing happened. Mr. Aizawa then stood up in front of the board once again to speak to us all.

"Alright, now that that's over we can get started on today's lesson." He then started to explain to us today's lesson and how it'll tie in with an assignment we would have coming up, but I didn't hear much as I was lost in thought.

I hope this makes crap easier for us all from now on.


Uraraka POV:

I laid with Izuku on his bed, his arms wrapped around me. We were just chilling as we watched some videos on his phone. It was about 4:30 in the afternoon and we finished our homework a while ago, so now we had some time to relax for once.

"I didn't expect you to tell everyone about One for All, Izuku," I said to him as I placed my hands in his.

"Oh, well I decided that I had enough of the secrets, and told All Might that it was my power now so it was my choice whether to tell people or not," Izuku said calmly. I looked up at him with shock.

"You're telling me you went against what All Might wanted and stood up to him?"

I can't believe it! I never would have thought Izuku would do anything All Might didn't want.

"Well I saw how much pressure it was putting on you and the problems it was causing, so I didn't want you to deal with that anymore." Izuku played with my hair a bit as he spoke, a habit he picked up a few days after we started dating.

"Wait, you told everyone because of me?" I felt overjoyed as I realized that.

"Well yeah. I'd do anything if it meant things would be better for you."

"Izuku," I started as my eyes began to tear up. "Thank you so much. Know I would do the same for you." I hugged him close as happy tears fell down my cheeks. I felt him wrap his arms around me a little tighter. Right then, I knew that Izuku would do anything it took to protect me and make me happy, and I was glad.


Author's Note: For those wondering this isn't the end for Bakugo's story yet. I still have something else in mind for that. I'm going to hopefully be finishing up the rest of this book today and will try my hardest to get it on here, and if not today it'll be first thing tomorrow. As much as I'm glad I've almost completed this, I'm kinda sad because I enjoyed writing this all. For now though, I just need to worry about finishing the last few chapters. I hope you all like them.
