Chapter 1: Despair Becomes Determination

Midoriya POV:

I looked up at the Jumbotron that was tuned into the news feed featuring All Might's battle. He had defeated All for One, but as a result, he used up the last of his power. I saw my mentor standing triumphantly with his arm in the air, but I knew that this would be the last time he made an appearance as All Might, the symbol of peace.

Ever since All Might had passed One for All onto me, I saw the power left within him get weaker and weaker with each passing day. It's because All Might wasn't the one wielding the power anymore. It's me.

Just then All Might, now in his true form, lifted his arm and pointed it toward the camera. Without even looking into it he spoke.

"Next, it's your turn."

As the crowds erupted into cheers around me, I stayed silent. They all believed that was a message to any other villain hiding and waiting to strike, but only I knew the truth.

He's talking to me.

The trains were down after All Might's battle, so Kacchan, the others who went to rescue him, and I started the walk to go back home. The whole time I couldn't bring myself to lift my head. I felt a grim sense of despair because I know now All Might is no more. But soon that despair turned into something else. Determination.

It was then I knew what to do. I clenched my fist and looked into the sky, knowing what awaited me.

I'm the one that All Might chose. It's up to me to replace him as the symbol of peace. It's up to me to get strong enough to wield One for All to its fullest. Now, it's my turn.


Bakugo POV:

It's my fault. It's my fault that I got captured by those damn villains. It's my fault that All Might had to come to save me. He used up whatever power he had left in that battle. Which means it's my fault.

I've noticed it since I first started attending UA, and was around All Might so often. He was getting weaker. I don't know when I realized it, whether it was when he was fighting that Nomu at the USJ or if it was just by seeing him stop crime on the news. His power was weakening and I have a slight idea as to why.

That day we had our first combat training, when I lost to Deku, he said that someone gave him his quirk. And after watching him for so long fight with it, I took note of how much it resembled All Might's. It never made sense before but after witnessing what I did tonight I knew it. There was a villain out there who could take and pass on quirks. Who's to say that All Might couldn't do that too?

That's what made me realize it. Deku got his quirk from All Might.

I'm going to have a little chat with Deku about that later. For now, though there's one thing I need to do. It's my fault that All Might used up the last of his power, so if that damn nerd has it now then I'm going to make sure that he gets strong enough to take All Might's spot.

As much as it disgusted me to even think about helping that nerd, maybe it would help me out as well. I'd be training with what's essentially the next All Might. That would let me be able to stay stronger than him and surpass him later on. He may have some great power but I'll still make sure to beat him.

I know what I have to do. I'll do whatever it takes to make Deku into a hero like All Might, no matter what.

Midoriya POV:

After some time Iida, Kirishima, Yaoyorozu, and Todoroki headed their separate ways to go home. All that was left was Kacchan and I walking together since we lived relatively close to one another.

As we got to where we would have to split up, Kacchan stopped and stood still. Confused by this, I decided to speak up about it.

"Kacchan, your house is still a decent bit away, why are you stopping?" I asked him sincerely.

Kacchan stood there silent, and then looked up and brought his gaze to mine.

"Listen to me, Deku," he started. "I don't think I know the whole story of what's been going on with you, but after tonight I think I've got a pretty solid idea of it. I still don't know if I'm right though, so for now I'm going to keep an eye on you and see if I am."

"Kacchan, what do you mean by that? What do you mean 'you know what's been going on'?"

"Doesn't matter. Just keep doing what you're doing with that borrowed power of yours."

At that, he turned and walked away, but now it was me who was standing there in silence. I was too shocked by what he had said to even react.

After a good few minutes I started to head home, but I couldn't shake what Kacchan had said to me.

'Just keep doing what you're doing with that borrowed power of yours'

The words repeated themselves over and over in my head for the entire walk home. I was terrified that he knew the truth about my quirk and how All Might gave it to me. If he knows then there's no telling who he would tell.

As much as it worries me though I couldn't dwell on it long. I need to focus on my own goals. I have the provisional licensing exams soon, but before that, I still need to work on my own goal.

I'll make All Might proud that he chose me. I'll work even harder than before so that I can wield One for All just like he could. I will become the next symbol of peace.


Author's Note: I'll be shuffling the POV around during the chapters and have a few different people in each one. I'll also do 3rd person when I want to focus on multiple people in the class. I'm open to suggestions and will try to keep a semi-consistent upload schedule. Enjoy the story though.
