Author's Note

First of all, I just want to say thank you to you all for 1k reads. This means a lot and I'm glad we reached it before the end of the book. It makes me glad to know that I do have people enjoying my random thought that came up one day in physics class, and decided to write down. Aside from thanking you, I just wanted to clarify some things also now that the book's over.

First of all, I had almost the entirety of the story planned before I came into this, because I wanted to make sure that I didn't hit a spot where I as no ideas so that I can keep releasing chapters. It was a good idea and I'm glad I was able to keep to a good schedule.

Second of all, for those of you wondering why I didn't have most of the 1A kids talk much or have roles in the story, I just simply want to say I didn't want to overcrowd it. I didn't want to make it confusing to read along with 20+ characters, and I feel that by doing that I was able to focus on writing those that were in the story better to how their actual personalities are in the anime.

Third off, the reason I didn't have any villain attacks or encounters was because I didn't want them to feel forced. The story's focus was on Midoriya, Uraraka, and Bakugo's developments as everything happened around them. I didn't feel like a villain fight would progress anything, but still felt they had their use. That's why I had them make their broadcast, so they'd be present and still cause a problem for Midoriya. I also feel like "Oh, now the villains are attacking, let's fight!" is a little cliche, and wanted to avoid that.

Fourth off, that's what I tried to do for the whole story, avoid common cliche's. I wanted to avoid Uraraka getting angry over Midoriya keeping a secret from her, Bakugo randomly being nice and out of character and talking to otherrs just so he'd be easier to write, as well as Midoriya and Uraraka's relationship going full drive immediately. I wanted things to go slow for everyone and develop over time so the felt natural. I think I did a good job of that.

And that's that. This book is done. I don't think I'll make a sequel to this. I thought I could but that idea would be better as a stand alone story. I do think that it will take place in this same timeline though, because some plot points do stem from this story and I don't want to have to redo Midoriya telling everyone his secret. I also have other ideas so I'll need to think about those as well. I had an idea a while ago and wrote some of it, but inevitably stopped because I lost interest and it was a bit cliche. I may visit it again to finalize it but not for a little while at least. As fun as it was to write this and see people enjoy it, I'm also glad that I finished it so I can have that sense of accomplishment that I wrote something completely. So for now this is farewell. I hope you all enjoyed There's Something Up With Izuku Midoriya, and make sure to Go Beyond, Plus Ultra!
