Chapter 19: Chosen One

Midoriya POV:

"Izuku, what did he mean by "chosen one"?" Ochako asked as she looked at me worryingly.

Oh no. Oh no oh no oh no oh no! This isn't good. This is awful! How the hell do I explain that?

I looked over to Kacchan, who also had a horrified expression on his face.

"Did you not hear me?" Ochako now asked, getting a little impatient. "What did Shigaraki, one of the most dangerous villains in the world right now, mean when he called you "chosen one"?"

"Um, I-I don't know. Maybe it h-has to do with All Might helping w-with my training? He thinks he chose me or something?" That lie was pathetic. I was stuttering so much that anyone with 2 brain cells would know I wasn't telling the truth.

"Stop lying Midoriya," Todoroki said. "All of us here know what All Might is to you, and how much he's favored you when it comes to training. We know that he chose you, but what is so important about you that now even the villains are seeing it?"

"I-I'm telling you, I don't know," I said, trying to sound more confident. "All Might just wanted to help me get stronger, that's it. There's nothing special to it."

I need to get out of here quickly.

"Now if you can excuse me, I'm going back upstairs. I forgot to do something when I got back." With that, I made my way to the elevator to get upstairs, but still heard my friends speaking as I did.

"There's no walking away from this," Iida said. "We've all noticed something's changed about you recently. Either you'll tell us what happened, or we'll figure it out on our own."

I tuned him out as the door closed, leaving me alone after that horrible situation.

This is bad. I have to talk to All Might about this. Maybe it's time we tell people the truth about One for All.


Bakugo POV:

That couldn't have gone worse. Deku only made himself look more guilty by walking away like that, but there was no other way out of the situation. I need to get out of here too.

I slowly started to make my way to the elevators as well while everyone started to get into a commotion, until a voice cut through the crowd.

"Where the hell are you going, Bakugo?" Kirishima asked angrily, stopping me in my tracks.

"Upstairs, I have crap to do." I started to walk away again only for Ashido to get in my way.

"Oh no you don't," she said as she crossed her arms. "You're not getting out of this either. We're sick of you blowing us off when we ask, so now you're not leaving until you tell us the truth. We know you know what's been going on with Midoriya, so spill it!"

"It's not my place to say," I grumbled as I tried to move past her, only for Sero to once again wrap my arm in tape to keep me from leaving. "This stupid trick again?"

"Yeah, now answer the damn question," Sero said as he pulled on the tape, making me stumble back a bit.

"Listen to me, I don't know what's been going on with Deku."

"Okay, that's enough Bakugo!" Uraraka exclaimed as she stormed her way over to me. She got right up to me and pointed a finger in my face as she spoke. "You've known Izuku the longest! You agreed to help him train and fight him for the past month! You know something! So say it now before we make you." Her voice got less loud and angry, and more controlled and threatening towards the end.

As I looked at her, looked into her eyes, I realized that there was no way out of this. They've been without answers long enough, and this is their breaking point.

I'll just have to give them enough to make them back off for now.

"All Might is the reason Deku can control his quirk now," I started, which made Uraraka back off a bit. She crossed her arms and waited for more of an answer. "You all heard Deku explain it, he couldn't control his quirk as a kid and it would hurt him. After the whole incident with the sludge villain and Deku trying to save me, All Might went after him and spoke to him. He told Deku he thought he had what it took to be a great hero, and after learning how Deku couldn't control his quirk, he offered to stop by now and then to help train him."

"So just like that, the symbol of peace decided to help a random kid he just met train to be a hero?" Todoroki asked bluntly.

"What can I say? Maybe he did see something else in Deku after all? But that's all I know." I used my quirk to burn through the tape holding me in place and go upstairs.

Let's hope they believe that. I'm impressed I was able to pull that out of my ass so flawlessly.


3rd Person POV:

The class stood quiet after Bakugo left. Even if what he said was true, that still didn't explain much. But not many of them believed him anyway.

Uraraka couldn't think straight after it all, so she went upstairs too, needing some time alone to think.

"I'm just gonna say it cuz I know we're all thinking it, that was a load of bullshit," Todoroki said.

"Aside from your foul language, I agree," Iida said.

"What are you talking about?" Ashido asked. "That seemed like the truth, right?"

"You need to look at the facts Ashido," Todoroki began. "All Might's and Midoriya's quirks are almost exactly alike. Combine that with how much All Might favors him and helped him train, as well as how there are people out there with the ability to transfer quirks, and you can see how the pieces start to fit together."

"Yes, I won't lie and say I haven't thought about it, but it has come to my attention as well," Iida said. "I'd say it's safe to assume that All Might gave his quirk to Midoriya."

"That would explain the whole "chosen one" thing, but what about Bakugo? How does he know about this?" Kirishima asked.

"He and Midoriya were childhood friends. Although things got tense between them, I think it's safe to say that Midoriya told him," Todoroki said.

"Okay, let's say this is all true," Ashido started. "What do we do with this information? Do we confront Midoriya about it? He's just going to brush it off and avoid giving us a straight answer."

"Then our only choice is to wait and see if he comes to us on his own," Iida said. "Besides, I think it's safe to say that even though we're determined to find answers, Uraraka is even more determined than we are. If anyone can get him to reveal the truth, it'll be her. So our best option is to wait and see what happens.

"Right." The class said in unison. They all then went and got ready for dinner since the food was almost ready, except they were all lost in thought about what had just transpired.

