Chapter 11: His Breaking Point

Bakugo POV:

I took a defensive stance as Deku started to move faster and faster all around me. I fired off a bunch of AP shots to try and hit them, but he was dating every single one.

I'm still a bit tired after last night, and waking up this early didn't help either.

Deku asked me to train with him again this morning even after last night's session. Of course, I had to say yes, how could I refuse him when it comes to this?

I soon realized that my AP shots weren't going to work, so I took a different approach to this. I pointed my palm to the ground and let out a huge explosion, sending out a shockwave in all directions around me. This was able to knock Deku over and make him fall.

It didn't keep him down though. He got up quickly after, panting heavily. He was dripping sweat and he was slouched down low, clearly exhausted. He had his signature green lighting coming off of him, but it seemed a bit darker than usual.

"Guys I think it's time you stop for now." All might said to us both.

"No!" Deku snapped. "It's only been 20 minutes. I can go for longer." I was shocked that he snapped at All Might like that. I never would have thought he'd get like that with him.

"Young Midoriya, I admire your tenacity when it comes to improving but you've been doing too much lately. Go home and get some rest."

Seeing how he wasn't going to change his mind, Deku walked out of the arena and left the facility, without even a goodbye.

All Might walked over to me in the middle of the arena still, holding out a water bottle for me.

"Drink up. You must stay hydrated with your quirk."

"Thanks." I realized that I had to drink a load of water a long time ago so I could stay healthy, but All Might's the first person to ever realize that too.

I guess he was the number-one hero for more than just his power.

"I never told you this before, but I wanted to say thank you for helping out young Midoriya with this. You didn't have to help him with this training but you went out of your way to do so."

"Yeah well, I felt like I needed to make up for what happened." I opened up the water bottle and started to chug it. Damn, I was thirsty.

"Make up for what?"

"You know, getting captured and causing you to fight All for One. Since that's what made you have to retire I figured I'd help train what's essentially the next you, so that he could take that mantle sooner than later."

"Young Bakugo, as I told you the night you and young Midoriya first fought, my retirement wasn't your fault. It was bound to happen eventually."

"Well either way I still want to help Deku reach his full potential."

"That's good. You're a good friend to him. I'm glad you two started doing this."

"Thanks." I finished up the last of the water and started making my way out of the arena. "I'm gonna head back to the dorms. Got some things I need to do today."

"No problem. I'll see you soon, young Bakugo."

"Right back at ya, All Might." I grabbed my stuff and made my way out of the training facility to walk back home, feeling a strong sense of pride after what All Might had said to me.


Midoriya POV:

What does All Might know? He was able to wield One for All immediately, so he has no clue what this is like for me right now. He just needs to keep quiet and let me train.

I never thought I would feel angry like this towards All Might, but I guess you never know what can happen. As much as my body protested, I still wanted to train. This was the most progress I've made and in such little time, I have to keep going.

Whenever I'm fighting I feel more and more of One for All's energy course through me. I don't know if it's the quirk of becoming more acquainted with my body but I know it's a good thing. I need to keep pushing myself so that feeling can get stronger.

While walking I started to feel a little lightheaded.

I'm probably just thirsty. I didn't drink anything after sparring. I just need to get back to the dorms.

I kept walking and pretty soon I could see the dorms in the distance. Picking up the lace a bit I was soon at the steps that led to the doors of the building.

I started to go up the steps, but I never made it to the building. I started to get woozy as I reached the top, and once I was at the last step my body collapsed. My eyes went black before I even hit the ground.


3rd person POV:

Iida, Todoroki, Sero, Kaminari, and Yaoyorozu were all hanging around the first floor of the dorms. Iida was reading his textbook, studying for the upcoming test, Sero and Kaminari were playing video games, and Todorki and Yaoyorozu were eating breakfast.

Everyone was minding their own business when they all heard a loud thump from outside. Iida got up first and went over to the door to check it out, only to be shocked by what he saw.

"Oh my gosh, Midoriya!" He shouted.

"What?" Todoroki said as he and the others all turned towards the door.

"Someone get over here and help me!" Iida said frantically as he went outside. Todoroki then got up and ran over to the door, and when he went outside he saw Iida trying to pick up an unconscious Midoriya.

"What the hell happened to him?" The fire and ice user asked.

"I don't know, just help me get him to the couch." Iida and Todorki both grabbed Midoriya as they carried him inside and brought him over to the couch. Sero and Kaminari stood up quickly to make room.

"What happened to him?" Yaoyorozu asked as she made her way over.

"Jeez, can people stop asking that?" Iida said annoyed. "I don't know. I just found him outside like this."

"Well, what do we do?" Sero asked as he and Kaminari gathered around.

"Well he doesn't seem to be injured physically, aside from the same bruises he's had for the last few days," Iida said to the group. "We'll just have to wait and see if he wakes up."


Author's Note: Looks like Deku's gone a bit overboard with the training, and now the others have seen how it's affecting him. Now he's gonna have to try and find a way out of this one. Hope you're all enjoying the story so far, and feel free to comment your thoughts and opinions on it. I'm open to criticism.
