Chapter 7

He woke up, not knowing what happened. He noticed that he was being carried by someone, he wasn't sure who though. Then he noticed that he wasn't outside but rather in a building. He saw the door that was in front of him open.

"Haru-kun!" A voice said. He couldn't quite make out who it was due to his vision still being a bit blurry. He felt his carrier walk into the house.

"What's going on?" He thought.

Then, he was quickly put on what seemed like a couch and someone touched his arm. That surely cleared his vision. It was so painful.

"Oh, sorry Haru-kun." A voice said. He looked up and saw that Kishitani Shinra and his dad were standing in front of him.

"Mister Kishitani? Dad?" He said unsurely.

"Haru-kun, just now on a scale of 1 to 10, how much pain did you feel?" Shinra asked.

"About a 7." Haru answered.

"Okay, I think you have a broken arm, and that seems to be it!" Shinra said impressed although Haru wasn't so sure what he was impressed about. "You need to be more careful Haru-kun."

Shinra looked around and was relieved to see Shizuo on the balcony having a smoke.

"Hey, did you know that your father had the same thing happen to him twice!" Shinra whispered making Haru laugh.

"You don't say." Haru responded chuckling.

Shinra gave him a cast and tapped Haru's not broken arm.

"Okay buddy, you're all set."

"Thank you."

"No problem! Anytime."

Haru walked to the balcony and knocked on the glass and gestured to his dad that they were going. Shizuo nodded and opened the glass door.

"Thanks for helping my kid Shinra." Shizuo thanked and headed out the door.

"No problem, bye!" Shinra said closing the door.

The two Heiwajima's walked beside each other silently. Finally, one spoke up.

"You okay?" The older one spoke.

"Yeah, I'm fine. It hurts that's all." Haru responded looking at his cast.

"I'm so glad you didn't get hurt too badly." Shizuo said gladly.

"I would have been fine if that prick didn't make get run over in the first place." Haru said angrily.

"You know, that kid isn't as bad as you think." Shizuo stated surprising Haru.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, he probably didn't mean for you to get run over." Shizuo said. "He was probably just scared. I saw what happened. He was just scared."

Haru thought about what his dad said. Now that he mentioned it, he did look scared. In fact, he didn't remember why they fought in the first place.

"Maybe you're right." Haru said still in thought.

"In the few times I've met that kid, I could tell that he's a good kid under bad influence." Shizuo said.

"Maybe I'll go talk to him." Haru mumbled and that conversation ended.

"Now I really feel bad about it." Shizuo mumbled.

"What was that?"


The Orihara's finally made it back home in Shinjuku. Karma was still a bit dazed because he got hit by a vending machine but that's what would normally happen. He clumsily walked over to the couch and sat down. He closed his eyes trying to weaken the pounding in his head. Izaya looked back at his son with concern. He noticed that there was red running down Karma's face. He rushed over to Karma to get a better look. Blood. Izaya quickly got the med kit and got a long bandage and started to rap it around Karma's head. Right when he finished rapping, Karma's body just seemed to drop. He had passed out. Making sure not to disturb him, Izaya slowly got up and quickly put a pillow under Karma's head and took off the hoodie Karma was wearing. Izaya looked at it carefully then put it on. It was very similar to his signature jacket and it was the same size as well. He walked to his desk and sat down, looking at the couch that his son was lying on. He smiled, he didn't smirk, he smiled. Izaya soon noticed this and went back to his poker face.

"Those two changed me a bit haven't they." He sighed while going on his computer. Some piece of news caught his eye.

"So they have returned huh."

The article was about the Dollars.

"I wonder who brought them back."

He went onto the Dollars site and put in his username and password. It was invalid.

"I guess they reset it." He sighed. Just at that moment, his phone rang. He got an email. He checked his phone to see what the email was about. He smirked. It was an invitation to become a Dollar.
