Chapter 17.5

Hey guys! Oh my god what is wrong with me?! I've updated 4 times in the last three days! Why do I have so much time?! Anyway enjoy. Also, this chapter will have tough subjects and so if that's not your thing, don't read.

It was a normal everyday for Karma, peace and quiet at school, then lots of yelling, screaming, and chasing.

"Get back here!" Haru yelled.

Karma smirked. He loved this game with Haru. Suddenly, without Karma realising it, he got hit in the back of his head, and fell to the ground.

"Shit." Karma thought holding his head.

He felt someone grab his shoulder and dragged him into the closest alleyway. Haru pinned Karma against the wall as Karma struggled to break loose.

"I finally caught you, you damn bastard." Haru said smirking while panting.

"Haru-chan, I can't breathe." Karma managed to huff out.

"Good, that was the idea. Also, I have a question."

"Now?" Karma huffed still struggling his feet getting farther away from the ground.

"Yeah, why won't you just die already?"

"What kind of question is that?"

Suddenly, Haru grip got slightly tighter.

"You know, everyone's lives would be easier if you didn't exist. Hell, you probably just use your friends and get them into dangerous situations, causing trouble to them, could end up killing them. Or do you not care. Are they just pawns to you? Only using them when they're useful and dispose of them when you're done."

"That's not..."

"Shut up! You know, you're just like your father, a despicable person who thinks only of themselves and leaves everyone rot in their own sorrow that you drove them into."

Haru let go of Karma's neck, dropping him to the ground.

"Man, I feel bad for Shou. He has to deal with the crap that you drag him into. Poor guy." Haru says glaring at Karma, who just stared at him with a blank face while gulping in air.


"Hey, Haru," Shou said coming up to the third year." Have you seen Karma? I haven't seen him anywhere."

"That's odd." Haru said getting his shoes, getting ready to head home.

"I know! He doesn't go to any clubs either."

"Well, hope you can find him."

"Actually," Shou said stopping Haru in his tracks. "Can you help me find him?"



"Why would I help you find that jackass? Why don't you go get Keita to help you."

"Please Haru! PLEASE!!!!!"


"Yes!" Shou said jumping in the air.

"And I'm only helping you cause you were probably gonna bug me about it for eternity." Haru said turning away, heading to the stairs.

He looked through the second floor but still no sign of Karma.

"Maybe I was a little harsh to Karma yesterday."

He decided to go to the roof. He opened the door to the roof and saw a figure with a knife in hand.

"What the hell?"

"Hey Haru-chan."

Haru stopped. Karma?

"What are doing up here?" Haru asked.

"Making your wish come true." Karma said turning around with a smile on his face and a few slashes on his arm.

"What the hell are you doing? Shou's waiting for you ya know!" Haru said coming closer.

"Well, I've thought long and hard about this," Karma said putting the knife's point closer to his chest. "I thought about it since became like this, even more so since you said that. But thanks of you, I found my answer. Thank you."

Karma was about to stab himself in the chest when Haru grabbed Karma's arm, making him drop the knife. Haru kicked the knife far from Karma's reach.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU THINKING?!" Haru yelled making Karma flinch a bit.

"What do you think? Do I need to explain it to you?" Karma said slightly angry at Haru's actions.

"Why would you do that?!" Haru asked rolling up Karma's sleeves even more to reveal more slashes on Karma's arm.

"I told you, I'm helping everyone out by doing this. You even suggested it to me, so why are stopping me? This is your wish right? This will keep everyone from getting involved in my selfish acts right? So why are stopping me?!"


Karma put his hand on his cheek. Suddenly, he was pulled into a hug.

"Are you insane? You've never cared about my opinion before, so why do you suddenly take my opinion into consideration? I was wrong. They do care about you. You skipped all your classes today and everyone was panicking during lunch. And just a few minutes ago, Shou asked me where you were and forced me to help find you. And think about what their reaction would be if they found you died. How would they act? How would your old man act? Maybe you should of thought harder about the situation. And..."

Karma looked up at Haru and felt a warm sensation on his lips. Haru had kissed him. Haru broke the kiss and said one thing.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry."

Haru felt a strong grip around his chest, and then his chest felt wet. Was Karma?

"I-i'm sorry too!" Karma said in between tears.

Haru looked at the crying Karma and smiled. He hugged Karma tighter. He never wanted anything like this to happen again.



"Yeah?" Rin said to her friend who held her phone which had no service because well, they were kidnapped.

"What is this?" Chime asked pointing to what she just read.

"It's a fan fiction. Did you like it?"
