Chapter 16

"It's been a while since we walked together like this hasn't it?" Shou said to his best friend.

"It has." Karma responded.

"Also, I haven't seen you all week! I missed you!"

"You're acting like I was outta the country for a month."

"What?! Something wrong with that?!" Shou asked pouting.

"No nothing at all." He said chuckling.

Karma was debating on asking Shou about his mental health, but decided not to. There was a chance that it would end badly. They walked and talked for a while until they reached Shou's apartment building.

"Bye Karma!" Shou said waving.

"Seeya Kishitani." Karma said to his friend who was heading into the building.

Once Shou left into the building, Karma instantly put his ear buds in and put on Kyouran Hey Kids!!. Music helped him think. He managed to walk a few metres before a vending machine flew past his head. He turned around to face the angry Heiwajima child that was behind him. Karma took off.

"This hasn't happened in a while. I thought he had given up, guess not."

"Anyway, so I've been asked to become a info gatherer for the Yellow Scarves,huh." Karma thought as he dodged the pole that was flying at him.

"Get back here you bastard!" Haru yelled dragging a pole behind him.

Karma managed to lose Haru after a few twists and turns through alleyways.

"Sorry Haru-chan but I can't play with you today." Karma thought. He was about to leave the alleyway when he heard a voice.

"Hey kid, you know you're on our turf right?!" A thug said emerging from the shadows.


"No, I didn't. But I do now so I'll leave." Karma answered smirking, acting like a smartass.

"Oh no you don't!" The thug yelled pinning Karma to a wall. "You think just cause you're a pretty boy we'll leave alone?! You want me to kill your ass?!"

"Kill?" Karma said ominously slightly frightening the thug. "Did you say kill?"

"Yeah, it's not the first time." The thug said.

Just at that moment, Karma kneed the thug in the balls causing to fall to the floor. He swiftly got off from his position, took off his ear buds and wrapped them around the thugs neck, pulling them tight, suffocating him.

"Nicely done." A voice said clapping, causing Karma to loosen the ear buds. The thug's head tilted, implying that he passed out. "I would have thought that you would have pulled your knife at him, but you seem to be very creative. I like you."

Suddenly, he held out his hand to shake.

"I'm the leader of the Slayers, nice to finally meet you Orihara. I've heard lots about your work and I truly admire you. You really are ageless aren't you?" The man says chuckling.

"Wait, does he think I'm my dad?"

"Well, gods are ageless so." Karma said with a smirk, impersonating his dad.

"You can't stay on the ground for ever Orihara." The man chuckles.

"I don't need your assistance, I can get up on my own." Karma said brushing his pants. "But, would you care to tell me your name?"

"I'm sorry but I can't tell you that."

"Why is that?"

"It is true that I admire you, but I admire the fact you are so untrustworthy yet so useful."

Karma just smirks at the man's remark.

"Anyway, may I asks you a question?"

"Go straight ahead."

"May you join us and destroy the Yellow Scarves? They're an annoying group of teens that think they can match us professional gangs in crime."

"So you want me to become an info broker for your gang, is what you're asking?"


"I wanna know what's in it for me?"

"You will be able to see the many emotions of pain on your precious humans' faces. Plus I'll pay you."

"Sounds good to me." Karma said smirking.

"Then it's a deal, hear is my information, use these to contact me."

"Understood." Karma said bowing. "Until next time, boss."

The Slayers' leader smiled and walked away. Karma held his chest in relief.

"I pulled it off, maybe." He thought and started to walk out aswell. "And to think that this great force of betrayal is my dad."


"Damn, where is he?!" Haru mumbled still searching for his enemy.

He walked around for a bit, then gave up and ditched the sign, leaving it on the ground. He heard screams coming from an alleyway.

"God damn it." He said heading into the alleyway.

He saw people trying to kidnap a girl.

"Yo." He said turning everyone's attention to him.

"Who the hell are you?!" A thug said.

"Who cares, let her go."

"Well, sorry but we need to kill your ass!" A thug said running up to him with a knife.

Haru just dodged the slow attack and karate chopped the thug's arm, breaking it.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" The thug screamed.

"I swear this has happened before!" Another screamed as they ran away.

"Are you okay?" Haru asked the now blushing girl.

"Yes thank you." She thanked. "You're so strong! Like Saitama from One Punch Man! You could be a superhero!"

The girl walked away.

"A superhero huh? Has I doubt it."
