Chapter 15

"What?!" Kai thought staring at her friend. "Come again?"

"How can I join the Yellow Scarves?" Sakura repeated.

"If your close with the chief then you can join." One of the members said.

"And you're already wearing yellow." Another pointed out.

Kai looked at Sakura, who was indeed wearing yellow on her wrist as o piece of cloth that acted as a bracelet.

"No." Kai said receiving a look from Sakura.

"Why not?"

"I can't let you get involved in this. It's too dangerous."

"Kai," Sakura started. "I'm the daughter of the strongest man in town and the sister of the strongest teen in town by far, you think I can't handle myself?"

"No it's not that! It's just..."

"Just?" Sakura said so determinedly that it sent a few chills run down Kai's spine.


"If you want me to prove myself, I'll do it." She said in a louder tone than before.

"No you don't need to do anything! Just, why do you want to join? I mean this never seemed to be your thing and your family will kill you if they find out that you joined."

"You want to know why? I'll tell you why. I wanna join cause I don't want to stand around doing nothing! I saw the damage that the Slayers did your group! I saw them! Injured, dead, I saw it! Also, I can't sand around and wait to get kidnapped! Have you realise that Chime an Rin haven't been around in a while? Yeah, that's because they got kidnapped. I witnessed one, and predicted another."


"Yeah, they're gone! They might even die! That's why I wanna join, so I can help kick Slayers ass!" Sakura finally yelled. She noticed the rage in Kai's eyes as she said this and waited for a response.

"You're in." Kai finally said as Sakura smirked.

"What a speech! That was wonderful!" A voice said from the back.

"What do you wanna say, Soratoki?!" Kai asked a little annoyed.

"Well, speaking about new members, I meet these two people on the Dollars site, I think their names were Kanra and Kuroki."

"What about them?"

"Have you seen their posts resently? They seem to be loaded with information on the topic and whatever is happening in the city! If we get them on our side, we might even get info on the Slayers' weakness and destroy them."

"I'll think about it."

-----TIME SKIP-----------------------------------------------------------------

When Kai got home, she immediately got on her laptop and onto the Dollars' website and onto the chatroom.

-Satsume joined the chatroom-

Satsume: Hey.

Kuroki: Hey!

Kanra: Ello~

They're both on, jackpot.

(Private mode) Satsume: I got a question for both of you.

(Private mode) Kuroki: Shoot.

(Private mode) Satsume: How much do you know about the Slayers?

(Private mode) Satsume: Judging by your posts,

(Private mode) Satsume: You guys know a lot.

(Private mode) Kanra: We know quite a bit!

(Private mode) Kuroki: Why are you asking?

(Private mode) Satsume: Okay.

(Private mode) Satsume: I'm the leader of the new Yellow Scarves.

(Private mode) Satsume: And I want you two to join us as information providers.

(Private mode) Kanra: Really?!

(Private mode) Kuroki: What do we get out of it?

(Private mode) Satsume: Fun.

(Private mode) Kanra: Deal!

(Private mode) Kuroki: Wait what?!

(Private mode) Kuroki: Don't make deals so easily Kanra!

(Private mode) Kanra: What you don't want to do it?

(Private mode) Kanra: That's fine!

(Private mode) Kanra: I'll do it myself! :-P

(Private mode) Kuroki: Fine I'll do it.

(Private mode) Kuroki: And what's with the emoiji?

(Private mode) Kanra: Problem?!

(Private mode) Satsume: Anyway

(Private mode) Satsume: Thanks guys.

(Private mode) Kuroki: Np

(Private mode) Kanra: Np

(Private mode) Satsume: Bye.

(Private mode) Kuroki: Cya

(Private mode) Kanra: Bai!!!

-Satsume left the chatroom-

Kai closed her laptop and lay on her bed and smiled.


Rin got up. Her head pounding as she looked around. She noticed another figure in the poorly lit room. She crawled over to the figure.

"Hey." She said softly, shaking the person a bit.

The person turned a bit revealing her face.

"Rin?" The girl asked.

"Chime?" Rin asked." Is that you?"

"Rin!" Chime said wrapping her arms around her friend.

"Where are we?" Rin asked.

"I don't know. But I know that's it's somewhere we shouldn't be."

The two looked around.

"So you girls woke up?"

The two friends looked at where the voice came from. There was a man standing in front of the entrance of the room.

"Aw, how cute, you're scared." The man said, probably smirking but they couldn't see his face.

"Where are we?" Rin asked.

"You two are currently in the base of the Slayers, ever heard of them?" The man asked as the girls nodded.

"Good, I don't need to explain anything then. Saves time."

"Why did you bring us here?" Chime asked scared.

"Well, if you haven't realised, we're the people who were doing the kidnappings. So, don't go thinking you're special because we kidnapped others aswell." The man said. "But I'll tell you one thing, you guys are of the most important for our plan."
