Chapter 6

"Ah, the weekend, a time of rest."

Karma and Shou were walking around town just because why not.

"Yes, thank god our teacher doesn't believe in homework on the weekends." Shou said gratefully about their new teacher.

"Yes, indeed." Karma said nodding.

"It's quite peaceful today, isn't it?" Shou said looking at the sky. Just then they heard a scream and saw a vending machine fly by. "Never mind."

Karma chuckled digging his hands into the pockets of his black fur trimmed hoodie. His blue eyes sparkled in excitement as Shou's brown eyes just looked at him.

"Ah, it was too quiet of a day for my taste anyway." Karma says crossing the street to see what was going on. Shou followed close behind. 

They turned the corner and saw what was happening. It was Izaya and Shizuo battling out, again.

"They're at it again." Shou said a little worried about their safety. A pole suddenly flew by Karma's head. Surprised, he looked back and saw an enraged Haru coming their way.

"Ah shit." Karma mumbled dodging another pole. "I guess I'll see you later then Kishitani."

Karma ran off as fast as he could with Shou close behind, dodging random heavy objects in the process.

"Why did it become this way?" Karma mumbled to himself. He didn't start this battle with the younger Heiwajima, well, at least he thought he didn't. He quickly ran across the street with Haru yelling at him.

"Get back you bast-" his words were cut off by a truck crashing into him.

"He'll survive that." Karma thought and ran away before things got worse.

Karma finally reached a good distance away from him and tried to find a way to get back to Shou. Those thoughts were immediately cut off by a vending machine.


"Hope he didn't go too far, probably did though." Shou thought to himself looking for any sign of Karma. Giving up, he started to walk around.

He walked around aimlessly for a bit looking around, listening to screams coming from the other side of the buildings, enjoying the average Ikebukuro day. Someone ran into him while he was still in his trance and they both fell over.

"Ouch, oh are you okay? Wait, Hi Shou."

Shou looked up to see Rin on the floor in front of him.

"Oh hey Rin, what's up? And are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine and nothing much." Rin answered as both of them got up.

"You know," Rin starts, "I never see you alone very often. This is one of the few times I've seen you alone."

"Really? Well, I guess I am always with Karma, but today he ran off, you get what happened." Shou replied getting a nod from Rin.

"You wanna talk then?"


They started walking and talking about their lives, school, interests, the usual. Then Rin said something that caught Shou off guard.

"So, when are you going to confess?"


"You know, confess your love."

"To who?"

"Who else? Karma!" This response nearly makes Shou lose his balance.


"Oh come on, you know you love him." Rin teased, laughing as Shou's face grew red.

"I do, but not in that way!"

"In what way then?"

"In a best friend way."

"Oh please! You're being a tsundere Shou."

"Am not!"

"Are too."

"Would you stop it with your shipping!"

"Oh, that kuudere would be perfect for you. But not unless Haru-chan makes his move first!"

"What are you talking about?! Rin you're starting to scare me with your yaoi fangirl stuff!"

"One, there's a name for it, fujuoshi(not sure that's how you spell it), and two, it isn't my fantasy, it's real, and I'll prove it." Rin said smirking skipping away. "I will prove you wrong!"

"Good luck with that." Shou yelled. "Report back to me alive if you can!"

He sighed at the girl's craziness, which obviously came from her parents, started to walk away.

"That girl reads too much doujinshi."


Karma woke up on the floor, his head pounding from the impact. He sat back up holding his head with his hand.

"Damn. Probably this is why my dad ended up like that, he got too many of these in the face." Karma mumbled. He suddenly heard yelling and then more yelling. As his hearing came back, he identified the yelling.

"Shizu-chan what the hell! You just knocked my kid out!"

"Well, your kid got mine run over by a car!"

He opened his eyes to see who it was, not that he needed to. He could easily in identified the voices. Karma got up slowly and tried to walk away from the scene until someone embraced him.

"Karma, are you okay? Did big bad Shizu-chan hurt you badly?"

"Dad stop it, I'm not five, I'm fine." Karma answered taking his dad's off him and started to walk away.

To many, people thought that Izaya's actions towards his son were sarcastic and he actually couldn't careless. But Karma knew that it wasn't sarcastic. Izaya genuinely cared for his son and his wife. If anything horrible happened to them, well, we won't go there. Let's just say he's over-protective. Karma smiled and stood up right. He turned around and saw Izaya looking as if you could see the flames of rage burning in his eyes. He chuckled and walked away. In these kinds of scenarios, maybe it wasn't so bad having a psychotic dad. Wait, never mind. Karma turned around again and quickly put his dad in a head lock, saluted to Shizuo, and left the scene with Izaya. This was a typical weekend for Karma.
