31 | I'll Scream

It was 7 pm on Tuesday and I had only one more day left of my suspension. Dillon never reached out to me after what happened so I presumed our deal was off. I never wanted to hear from him anyway.

I also hadn't seen or talked to any of my friends besides Olive and Mia. They let the guys know I'm okay and didn't have my phone. I think I'll get it back before Thursday.

My parents are still furious with what happened and I still haven't told them the full story. They didn't need to know. They'd probably sue Dillon and his whole family.

As of right now, I was humming in the shower peacefully disconnected from everything that has occurred. I don't want to think about it. If it was a regular day I would just finish up my tutoring with Cal—but it's not and I canceled on him. I didn't want to see him but that doesn't mean I wasn't seeing him. I was. In my dreams.

It was driving me insane. He kept showing up and I didn't know how to make it stop. He wouldn't get out of my head. Sometimes the dreams were normal but other times we were all over each other. It felt so real and I always woke up a mess. But they were only dreams. I'd rather die than be with Cal like that.

I hope to step out of the shower and immediately take off my uncomfortable shower cap, letting my hair down. I dry myself with a towel and wrap it around me. I had left my clothes outside on my bed.

When I open my bathroom door I scream surprised to see someone sitting on my bed. He stands up immediately when he hears me

I quickly clamp a hand over my mouth when I realize it's Cal.

"Jesus Fawn," He says, "Are you trying to let the whole neighborhood hear you?"

Cal in the flesh. After dreaming about him for so long it felt strange seeing him in real life. He was here. Looking at me like he does in my dreams. Warmth gathers in my lower stomach.

I move my hand down to my racing heart. "What are you doing here?!"

"It's a Tuesday. I'm here to tutor you," he says firmly like he knows he'll be shot down.

"I canceled. Plus you always come at 5 not 7."

He just stares at me. Then his eyes swiftly look me up and down. "Do you want to put on some clothes first?"

Heat crawls up my neck and I try my best to ignore it. Without saying anything I march over to my bed and grab the clothes I left out for myself.

I take my time in the bathroom. I moisturize my body before putting on my clothes. Ten minutes pass by but he doesn't knock or anything. I was mostly figuring out what to say to make him leave. I come out in pajama pants and a tight black tank top.

I see him by my bookshelf now holding a book and flipping through it.

He looks up. His gaze took in all of me before locking in on my eyes and then putting the book away.

"You certainly took your time," he comments while moving away from the bookshelf.

I walk towards him. "I was hoping you'd take the time to leave."


I sigh. "Because I don't feel like being tutored okay? Why can't you understand that?"

He looks almost worried. "Relax. I'm not here to tutor you."

I furrow my eyebrows. "Then why are you here?"

"To check up on you, Oakley."

My eyes snap to his in surprise. Butterflies erupt in my stomach. "Oh."

"Is that okay with you?"

"No but since you're already here..." I joke and he chuckles. It catches me off guard and my stomach flips. I smile and sit up at my bay window.

He moves in front of me leaning against the end of my bed frame.

I play with the ends of my hair nervously. He came to check up on me? I don't know what to say or what to talk about. Usually, the conversation comes easily—or we argue but right now it feels different. I can feel him looking at me, studying me. When I look back up he looks serious.

"Why did you steal the test answers anyway? It's not like you needed them." By the look on his face, I can tell he knows or suspect something.

"Olive and Mia didn't tell you? I wanted it for the retake." I shrug trying to be cool.

I don't know how he knows when I'm lying but he does. "They did but everyone knows the retake isn't the same as the test."

"I didn't."

"Don't bullshit me Fawn, I know you're not that stupid."

"I think that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me," I mutter.

He ignores my comment and is smart enough to stay on topic. "We both know you're great at chemistry. "

"Two compliments in a row?" I tilt my head. "Are you feeling okay?"

He doesn't fall for it. "Fawn." He says sternly. The way my name rolls off his tongue so perfectly sends jolts down my spine.

I try to shut it down. I was tired of talking about this. "What do you want me to say? I did it, Cal. No amount of questioning is going to change that."

He looks at me and his gaze is so heavy that I have to look away. After a moment he speaks. "Does it have anything to do with Dillon?"

My eyes meet his once again and I can't bring myself to speak—to lie again. I part my lips to speak but nothing comes out. It's only a moment of hesitation but he catches it instantly.

"I knew it! That fucking asshole." He comes closer to me, his eyes dark. "What did he say to you?"

I look down not being able to look him in the eye. "He made me do it." I force out. Saying it to Cal feels like a weight off my chest and I don't know why.

I see his fits curl. "Why?"

I shrug. "He needed the answers for the test and-"

"-No, why you?"

"He blackmailed me."

"Fuck, Fawn." He growled. "You could've told me."

I scoff, looking back up at him. "You couldn't have done anything."

"I could've made him keep his mouth shut."

I shake my head. "If you touched him Cal he would've gone through with his blackmail." I get up and step closer.

"You don't know that." He glares down at me.

"Neither do you." I don't even realize how close we've become.

Neither of us backed away. For a moment I don't think he will say anything else but he does.

"What's he got on you?" He asks.

I bite my tongue. That I was not going to tell him. "It's not important."

"It clearly fucking is."

"I don't want to talk about it."

He clenched his jaw. How did this turn heated so fast? But most importantly why was Cal mad at me for getting blackmailed?

He sighs. "I could've helped you, Fawn. I can still help you. If that dick is still bothering you-"

"He's not. Right now you are." I shove a finger at his chest. I try to ignore how rock-hard it feels under my finger.

He definitely looks mad now. "Oh really?" He asks bitterly.

"If this is your idea of 'checking up on me' then you can leave." I walk towards the door but he catches my wrist and pulls me back. I clash into him pressed up against him. I suddenly feel hot.

"What are you going to do when you get back and he asks you to do it again?." He asks lowly and gently. "Or worse?"

"I can figure that out on my own."

"Yeah, you handled it perfectly the first time."

I glare at him but the way he's looking at me it's different. His eyes are burning but not with rage.

I point to the door behind me. "Get out."

He scoffs. "Seriously?"


He doesn't move.

I've slowly inched away from him since he's pulled me closer, not being able to think properly.

There's a moment of silence where neither of us budge. I wouldn't change my mind. I wanted him gone. He was pissing me off. When he came I expected solace not to be scolded at.

"I'll scream."

A small grin breaks out on his face after hearing my silly and empty threat.

His smile only encourages and angers me more. Why was he smiling right now? "My family's downstairs. They'll hear."

"I'm aware. They're the ones that let me in."

Right. I forgot about that.

Glaring at him I knew he was waiting for me to do it or either admit defeat. Fuck, now I have to go through with it. My lips part and I take a breath in but it all happens so fast that I barely see it happening.

My scream never comes because one second Cal is in front of me smirking and the other he has me by the waist pressed against his body with his lips fast on mine.

It's so quick that I can't process what's going on and all I know is I feel like I'm on fire. Cal is kissing me with a desperation that I've never seen from him before. When I realize what's happening, something sets ablaze inside me and I kiss him back with equal force and ferocity.

Once he gets his confirmation from me his hands tighten more around my waist me pressing even harder against him. I stand on my tip toes and lose my hands in his hair. The kiss is messy as well as aggressive. I've never felt more wanted in my life.

He backs me up against a wall while never taking his lips off mine. He bites my bottom lip slightly and I let out a whimper. The sound only encourages him more as I hear a low guttural sound from him. His hands explore my body and I can feel him growing hard in his pants every moment this kiss continues.

His hands go under my thighs and I understand his silent command. He lifts my thighs and I wrap my legs around his waist.

I feel hot and flushed as the core between my legs gets hotter by the moment. My nipples harden under the thin material of my tank top and I wonder if he can feel them. I wonder if he can feel how turned on I was right now. I can certainly feel him. His hard cock pushes up against my center. It feels so good that I can't help but grind my hips against his.

He growls, kissing down my neck and it's not long before he marks me. It's all so fucking hot and I wish his lips would never leave me.

"Cal," I breathe out desperately when his hand fondles my breast.

I couldn't believe we were doing this—even worse I couldn't believe I craved more. This is Cal I'm kissing. He should repulse me. But he doesn't. I'm still angry at him but I can't get enough. Everywhere his fingers pass by on my skin feels like it's been set on fire. Why does kissing him feel this good?

I grind my hips against his and he lets out a moan against my skin.

There was some undeniable tension for weeks and he had finally broken the barrier. It feels better than in my dreams.

Then all of it comes crashing down a knock comes at my door.

"Guys?" Preston's voice comes from the opposite end of the door.

It snaps me out of whatever fairy tale I was in.

We freeze and the door comes flying open. We're off each other in less than a second.

My lips are swollen and I know Cal's hair is messy. We're both breathing hard and I hope Preston doesn't notice anything.

Both of us don't utter a word.

"Cal, our parents invited you to stay over dinner if you want," Preston says and I'm relieved. If he'd noticed anything he'd have said it immediately.

I can't bring myself to look at Cal but I can feel his eyes on me until he speaks to Preston.

"I would love to but I really have to get going," he says.

My eyes snap towards him. I somehow feel hurt. "You're leaving?"

"But you just got here, man." Preston reminds him.

"I know, I couldn't stay for long anyway." He looks over at me, and his eyes soften. "I just wanted to check on Fawn."

His gaze warms my heart and for a moment I forget Preston is there.

But of course, he reminds us again. "Uh, okay," he says awkwardly. "See you later."

Cal and I look away from each other immediately. Cal flashes a small grin before he says bye and leaves us in the room.

Preston thankfully not noticing anything just walks out with him.

Finally, alone with my thoughts I walk to the door and shut it. A million thoughts are coming to my head and I can't process any of them. I can't wrap my head around the fact that I just made out Cal and it felt amazing.

And then he left.


THEY FINALLY KISSED💓😋i have been waiting for this since I've started writing this story. I hope u guys liked the way it happened idk😭😭 I tried my best.
But thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Bye💕
